PHP Classes

Create a logger to an application: I need a logger class to insert in file or database.

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Create a logger to an application


Picture of Romdhan Romeo KH by Romdhan Romeo KH - 1 year ago (2023-05-03)

I need a logger class to insert in file or database.

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I need a logger class to insert in file or database.With this class we can detail of actions of application and what can be wrong.

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4 Recommendations

SLogger: Log messages following the PSR-3 specification

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Picture of Eric AGNEL by Eric AGNEL package author package author Reputation 30 - 1 year ago (2023-09-29) Comment

SLogger is PSR3 compliant. Simple to use, php 8.1 required.

Support file logging for now, but you can easily create a database manager for your needs.

XLogger PHP PSR Logger: Log events to browser console, text and XML files

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Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler package author package author Reputation 375 - 1 year ago (2023-05-03) Comment

This package contains classes to log to different targets in various formats. In addition here is an interesting artvle about logging in an application:

Log Delta Time: Log the time difference between PHP statements

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Picture of Alessandro Quintiliani by Alessandro Quintiliani package author package author Reputation 110 - 1 year ago (2023-05-03) Comment

try this class: you instantiate it with three input parameters which are, in the order:

  • absolute or relative path to a directory where logfile is created inside
  • the name of the logfile created inside the directory
  • an integer, whose values are 0, 1, 2 where: 0 -> disable writing messages into logfile (usually this value is set when debugging is over) 1 -> enable writing messages into logfile in overwriting mode 2 -> enable writing messages into logfile in appending mode

ITE Logger: Log messages to different storage PSR-3 compliant

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This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 24035 - 1 year ago (2023-05-03) Comment

Using PDO, this stylish package can log application messages to different containers, including files and database tables.

It provides interfaces compliant with the PHP Standards Recommendation 3 (PSR-3). So you can switch between different storage containers according to your application needs.

Recommend package