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teaPagination: Display pagination for database queries using PDO

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teapagination 1.0.0BSD License3.0HTML, PHP 5, Data types
Description Author

This class can display pagination for database queries using PDO.

It can take an array with data to display or the SQL of a query to retrieve results to display.

The class can calculate the range of data records to display for the current page given the number of the current page and the limit of records to display per page.

It can generate HTML links to browse to other pages of the listing, as well iterate over the data records to display on the Web page using a given callback function.

Picture of Basilio
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teaPagination is a script that allows you to paginate a sql statement or an array of data, is powerful and flexible as it has all the functionality to page any data you want.
![Alt text](assets/img/datatable.png)
![Alt text](assets/img/listdata.png)

<li>Unzip the file on the server root</li>
<li>Included in their projects teaPagination.php file. 
<pre>&lt;?php require('your/path/teaPagination.php'); ?&gt;</pre>
<li>Open in folder examples setting/setting.php and write your data connection to the database</li>
<li>Execute countries.sql in your database.</li>
<li>If you use the ajax page should include jquery plugin that is disposed within the header labels html document.
<pre>&lt;script src="your/path/teaPaginate.js" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>

<li>Easy to use, with a few lines of code get great results</li>
<li>Url and Ajax Pagination</li>
<li>Allows friendly url</li>
<li>The list is customizable</li>
<li>It is very extensible</li>
<li>has added a jquery plugin to interact with the server in the most simple</li>

How to use

<p>Before initializing the object must have prepared the data, which can be an array or sql query already formed.</p>
<pre>$data = 'Select * from countries'; /*or*/ $data = array('a','b','c','d');</pre>
<p>Set options for pagination</p>
<pre>$options = array();</pre>
<table><tr><td style="width:20%">Option</td><td style="width:50%">Description</td><td>Default Value</td></tr>
    <tr><td>maxButtons (integer)</td><td>Sets the number of buttons to display</td><td>5</td></tr>
    <tr><td>itemsPage (integer)</td><td>Number of rows to display</td><td>5</td></tr>
    <tr><td>beginLoop (string)</td><td>Sets string to the begin of the loop</td><td>NONE</td></tr>
    <tr><td>endLoop (string)</td><td>Sets string to the end of the loop</td><td>NONE</td></tr>
    <tr><td>beginTagItem (string)</td><td>Sets a string at the beginning of the iteration</td><td>NONE</td></tr>
    <tr><td>endTagItem (string)</td><td>Sets a string at the end of the iteration</td><td>NONE</td></tr>
    <tr><td>ajax (boolean)</td><td>It does not show the button link page</td><td>false</td></tr>
    <tr><td>nameVar (string)</td><td>Parameter name containing the page number</td><td>page</td></tr>
    <tr><td>urlPage (string)</td><td>Allows you to customize the output url</td><td>NONE</td></tr>
    <tr><td>textNotFound (string)</td><td>Text to be displayed when the data list is empty</td><td>Not found Record.</td></tr>
    <tr><td>connect_db (array)</td><td>This option sets the connection parameters to the database:<ol><li>user: name user</li><li>database: name database</li><li>password</li></ol></td><td>array('user' =&gt; '','database' =&gt; '','password' =&gt; '')</td></tr>
    <tr><td>buttons (array)</td><td>Customize output buttons:
                <li>btNext(boolean): Display the next button</li>
                <li>btNextTitle(string): Set button text</li>
                <li>btPrevious(boolean): Display the previous button</li>
                <li>btPreviousTitle(string): Set button text</li>
                <li>btFirst (boolean): Display first button</li>
                <li>btFirstTitle(string): Set button text</li>
                <li>btLast(boolean): Display last button</li>
                <li>btLastTitle(string): Set button text</li>
                <li>class(string): Define button styles</li>
            </ol></td><td>array('btNext' =&gt; true,'btNextTitle' =&gt; 'Next »','btPreviousTitle' =&gt; '« Previous','btPrevious' =&gt; true,'btLastTitle' =&gt; 'Last','btLast' =&gt; true,'btFirstTitle' =&gt; 'First','btFirst' =&gt; true,'class' =&gt; '')</td></tr>
<p>Create an instance of the class</p>
<pre>$pagination = new teaPagination($data, $options);</pre>
<p>Create the list using the loop method</p>
<pre>$pagination-&gt;loop($item_design, $callback=null, $callArgs=array());</pre>
<p><b>$item_design</b> is a string that replaces a word key by the value obtained from the data source. For example, if you have a field named 'lastName' that it replaced by its value chain adding the word {lastName}.
    <b>$callback</b> is a name function for display a more complete list, so calling an external function that will be called for each iteration of data. For example, to obtain a list of active users from the data source:
<pre>function create_list($data){if($data['user'] == 'active')return '&lt;div&gt;'.$data['name'].'&lt;/div&gt;';}</pre>
<p>And finally display the list and buttons</p>
<pre>echo $pagination-&gt;render(); /* list */ echo $pagination-&gt;buttons(); /* buttons */</pre>
<h3>Public variables:</h3>
    <li><b>currentPage</b>: returns the current page number</li>
    <li><b>TotalPage</b>: returns total pages of the list</li>
    <li><b>TotalRecord</b>: returns total records of the list</li>

<p>For ajax paging to use the plugin for jquery teaPaginate.js, add the following line of code between the head tags in html document:</p>
<pre>&lt;script src="your/path/teaPaginate.js" type="text/javascript"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
<p>Now create the object for manipulation</p>
<pre>var element = document.getElementById('example');
var paginateExample = new teaPaginate(element,{    
    url : server.php,
    buttonsContainer : 'nameElement',
    OnLoad : handlePagerSuccess,
    OnBefore: handlePagerBefore,
    textLoading: 'Loading...',
    <li><b>url</b>: url server</li>
    <li><b>buttonsContainer</b>: element that contains the buttons</li>
    <li><b>OnLoad</b>: processed function call after loading the list</li>
    <li><b>OnBefore</b>: processed function call before loading the list</li>
    <li><b>textLoading</b>: alternative text during the loading process</li>
    <li><b>data</b>: data sent to the server for processing (POST request)</li>
    <li><b>update({data{options}})</b>: update the current page number (making a call to the server), data is sent (POST) to the server for processing.</li>
    <li><b>currentPage()</b>: return current page</li>
  • listdata.png
  • datatable
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageassets (1 directory)
Files folder imageexamples (12 files, 4 directories)
Files folder imagejs (1 file)
Files folder imageteaPagination (2 files, 3 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file index.html Data Example Application
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Auxiliary data
Plain text file teaPagination.php Class Class source

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