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How to Use a PHP WhatsApp Message Reader Script to Save WhatsApp Messages to a File Using the Package Web WhatsApp Messages Reader: Read messages from a WhatsApp user in the console

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2024-11-17 (2 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 1 This week: 1All time: 11,490 This week: 56Up
Version License PHP version Categories
web_whatsapp_message 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Console, Chat, Global


This package can read messages from a WhatsApp user in the console.

It provides a PHP script that uses the Facebook Selenium Web driver to load the WhatsApp Web version in the test browser and extract WhatsApp user messages from the Web pages loaded by the test browser.

The extracted messages are saved to a text file.

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With this script, you can retrieve messages from the Web Whatsapp. You only need to scan the QR code to log in.After scanning the QR code, run the script again. It will start fetching messages then.It saves the messages to a file named wp_messages.txt.


1) Copy the link and download the file "selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar".

2) Copy the link and download the "". Alternatively, download the chromedriver.exe file that corresponds to the version of Google Chrome you are using. The chromedriver.exe file downloaded via the link above was tested with Google Chrome version 131.0.6778.70.

3) After entering the "web_whatsapp_messages_reader" folder, run the "composer require facebook/webdriver" command.

4) Java must be installed on your computer.It has been tested on Windows with the latest version of Chrome.

5) "selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar" and "chromedriver.exe" files should be inside the web_whatsapp_messages_reader folder.

How to use:

Use command prompt to run "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar".

Use command prompt to run:

You can enter the desired username or group name instead of "username"

1.Example: php web_whatsapp_messages_reader.php -n "username" -l (fetches the latest message for the user "username" or the group "username".)

2.Example: php web_whatsapp_messages_reader.php "username" -l7(fetches the last 7 messages for the user "username" or the group "username".)

3.Example: php web_whatsapp_messages_reader.php -n "username" -d d.m.y (retrieves messages for the user "username" or the group "username" from the specified date and onwards. The date format can be in d.m.y or d/m/y.)

4.Example: php web_whatsapp_messages_reader.php -n "username" (retrieves as many messages as it can synchronize.)

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Accessible without login Plain text file web_whatsapp_messages_reader.php Example Example script

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