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How Can PHP Run Multiple Functions in Parallel Using the Package Generic Executor Service in PHP: Execute multiple functions in parallel

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This package can execute multiple functions in parallel asynchronously.

It can take one or more callback PHP functions and execute the functions' code in parallel asynchronously using the pcntl extension.

It limits the number of concurrent workers (processes) executing the tasks, resulting in better resource management. The number of worker processes can also be limited to avoid using too much memory and CPU.

The package can wait for all functions to be executed in parallel to finish their execution.

Picture of Nitesh Apte
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Winner: 1x



Follow example code provided in example.php file.


include 'GenericExecutorService.php';
// List of URLs to call
$urls = [

// Instantiate the service with a max of 3 workers
$executor = new GenericExecutorService(3);

foreach (
$urls as $url) {
$executor->submit(function() use ($url) {
// Each task fetches the URL content
$content = file_get_contents($url);
"Fetched from $url: " . substr($content, 0, 100) . "\n"; // Display a snippet of the response

// Wait for all workers to complete


Generic Executor Service in PHP

A Generic Executor Service in PHP for asynchronous calls. This repository demonstrates a basic implementation of a Generic Executor Service in PHP 8 using the `pcntl` extension to handle concurrency. It mimics the behavior of Java's ExecutorService by managing a pool of "workers" (processes) that execute tasks asynchronously.

generic-executor-service-php a language port from Java to PHP from the repository which I created a while ago called generic-executor-service-java (


  • Task Submission: Submit tasks (callables) to be executed asynchronously by the worker pool.
  • Worker Pool Management: Limit the number of concurrent workers (processes) executing tasks.
  • Graceful Shutdown: Waits for all tasks to complete before shutting down.


  • PHP 8.0+


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd generic-executor-service-php

Ensure you have `pcntl` enabled in your PHP environment.

Run the script using the PHP CLI:

php executor.php

Handling Concurrency with `pcntl`

The `GenericExecutorService` relies on the `pcntl_fork()` function to create separate processes for each task. This provides concurrency in environments where PHP doesn't natively support multi-threading. However, `pcntl` is only available in CLI and POSIX-compliant environments (Linux/macOS).


## Customization
You can modify the following aspects of the service:
- Max Workers: Control the maximum number of concurrent workers by passing an integer to the GenericExecutorService constructor.
- Task Length: Simulate longer or shorter tasks by adjusting the sleep duration inside the tasks.

## Contribution
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve this project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.

### Steps to Contribute:
1. Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button at the top right.
2. Clone your fork locally:

git clone

3. Create a new branch for your feature or fix:

git checkout -b feature-branch

4. Make your changes and commit them:

git commit -m "Description of your changes"

5. Push to your fork:

git push origin feature-branch

6. Open a pull request on the original repository.

Feel free to suggest improvements, refactorings, or new features! All contributions, no matter how small, are greatly appreciated.

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