This package can be used to implement a site about movies using TMDB API using the Laravel framework.
It sends HTTP requests to the TMDB API Web servers to perform several types of operations about movies.
Currently, it can:
- Retrieve and display a list of famous movie actors with the URL of individual actors' profile pages, names, and movies the actors are better known for their participation
- Retrieve and display details of specific actors like birthday, age, link to the actor's site, links to the actor's social network profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and IMDB, details of movies that the actor participated, like the movie title, popularity, and poster image, movie release date, first air date, a character played by the actor.
- Retrieve and display information about a list of movies with titles, overview the URL of the poster image, average votes, release date, and genres
- Retrieve and display individual movie details like the poster image URL, average votes, release date, genres, crew, cast, available images, credits, available videos