PHP Classes

On Time Data Dictionary and Record Trait: Store and validate values in a data dictionary

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2021-04-27 (7 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 38 All time: 10,285 This week: 259Up
Version License PHP version Categories
dyr 1.0.1Public Domain5PHP 5, Databases, Data types, Traits
Description Author

This package can store and validate values in a data dictionary.

It provides traits that can create named fields to store values of a given types, like string, integer, array, date, time, key, etc..

The package can also validate the stored values according to the types of the fields.

Picture of Mario Carrocera
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Winner: 1x



Trait DDD & Record for ontime

The OnTime framework is designed to be modular, scalable and comprehensive, so that each new feature integrates without difficulty and maintains a unique class definition (OnTime) and all "additional classes" are "trait" that enrich it, in such a way that an integrated system is obtained, not separate programs which do not necessarily have to behave correctly together. This trait will be need if you wan have advanced and complex tables

Installation in test environment:

1.- Copy all the files in the directory where was instaled ontrime core

2.- With the browser of your preference, locate the directory and enter it

3.- Execute the OntimeInstallerDyR.php file

4.- When executing the file, the files where moved and the required environment was created


If you know how to create a subdomain that points to the "demo" directory, it is more comfortable and realistic.

After install

When installing, the necessary environment is defined to define access security, I create a User called "Admin" and that his password is "OT2021Free", this environment left the class prepared for definitions of the data dictionary and records.

Also include basic validation, like the existence of a field in a basic content feature, field tYpe and field empty, when you define a record validate that just have a key field, but someone is included, validate that all the fields includes in the data suply exist on the record, and if a field in the record, is missing in the data suply have empty option.

The data supply must satisfy the validation in the record and datadictonaty definition

+++++++++++ Data dictionary & record Demo +++++++++++

Create Class

basic content exist +++++++++++ Conecting like admin +++++++++++

Connect('admin','OT2021Free') Connected!!!

+++++++++++ Data Dictionary +++++++++++

Show Field Types

Create Basic container for data dictionari

CrtFtrBsc('ddd')) Created!!!

Create Field Type Container for data dictionari

AddCntIn('type','Field Type','ddd') Created!!!

Make Field Type Container public

PblBscInAdd('type','ddd') Asigned!!!

Adding Field Type array in data dictionary

InsCntIn('A','Array','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type string in data dictionary

InsCntIn('S','String','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type integer in data dictionary

InsCntIn('I','Integer','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type float in data dictionary

InsCntIn('F','Float','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type date time in data dictionary

InsCntIn('D','Date Time','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type key in data dictionary

InsCntIn('K','Key Field','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Time Stamp in data dictionary

InsCntIn('T','TimeStamp','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Time in data dictionary

InsCntIn('t','Time','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Date in data dictionary

InsCntIn('d','Date','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Bool in data dictionary

InsCntIn('B','Logic Value','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Related to in data dictionary

InsCntIn('R','Relate','type','ddd') Created!!!

Adding Field Type Varius types to in data dictionary

InsCntIn('V','Not defined','type','ddd') Created!!!

Show Field Types

ShwCntIn('type','ddd') 1D.- A=>Array 1D.- S=>String 1D.- I=>Integer 1D.- F=>Float 1D.- D=>Date Time 1D.- K=>Key Field 1D.- T=>TimeStamp 1D.- t=>Time 1D.- d=>Date 1D.- B=>Logic Value 1D.- R=>Relate 1D.- V=>Not defined Stop record validation to can modify ddd record

VldStp() Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldNme', array('FldTpe'=>'K','FldDsc'=>'Field name')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldDsc', array('FldTpe'=>'S','FldDsc'=>'Field description')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldTpe', array('FldTpe'=>'R','FldDsc'=>'Field type','FldVld'=>array('Name'=>'lookin','content'=>'type', 'in'=>'ddd'))) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldVld', array('FldTpe'=>'A','FldDsc'=>'Field validation')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldLen', array('FldTpe'=>'I','FldDsc'=>'Field length')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldEmp', array('FldTpe'=>'B','FldDsc'=>'Field bool')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

ShwCntIn('type','ddd') Created!!!

Crete field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldCap', array('FldTpe'=>'S','FldDsc'=>'Field caption')) Created!!!

Crete field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldTtt', array('FldTpe'=>'S','FldDsc'=>'Field tool tip text')) Created!!!

Crete field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('FldDfl', array('FldTpe'=>'V','FldDsc'=>'Default Value','FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Star record validation after modify ddd record

VldStr() Show Data Dictionary

ShwDdd() 1.- FldNme :

2D.- FldTpe=>K 2D.- FldDsc=>Field name 1.- FldDsc :

2D.- FldTpe=>S 2D.- FldDsc=>Field description 1.- FldTpe :

2D.- FldTpe=>R 2D.- FldDsc=>Field type 2.- FldVld :

3D.- Name=>lookin 3D.- content=>type 3D.- in=>ddd 1.- FldVld :

2D.- FldTpe=>A 2D.- FldDsc=>Field validation 1.- FldLen :

2D.- FldTpe=>I 2D.- FldDsc=>Field length 1.- FldEmp :

2D.- FldTpe=>B 2D.- FldDsc=>Field bool 1.- FldFmt :

2D.- FldTpe=>S 2D.- FldDsc=>Field format 1.- FldCap :

2D.- FldTpe=>S 2D.- FldDsc=>Field caption 1.- FldTtt :

2D.- FldTpe=>S 2D.- FldDsc=>Field tool tip text 1.- FldDfl :

2D.- FldTpe=>V 2D.- FldDsc=>Default Value 2D.- FldEmp=> Show Field

ShwFld('FldTpe') Create record

CrtRcd('ddd','Data Dictionary') Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldNme', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldDsc', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldTpe', array('FldLen'=>1,'FldEmp'=>FALSE) Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldVld', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldLen', array('FldLen'=>10,'FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('ddd','FldEmp', array('FldLen'=>10,'FldEmp'=>TRUE) Created!!!

Show record list

ShwRecLst() 1D.- ddd=>Data Dictionary Show record

ShwRec('FldTpe') 1.- definition :

1.- in :

Get record information

ShwRec('FldTpe') 1.- definition :

1.- in :

Create field sample with validation record Active

DddAddFld('sample', array('FldTpe'=>'V','FldDsc'=>'Default Value','FldEmp'=>FALSE))

C0010M008.-Error not defined

change field sample with validation record Active

DddChgFld('sample', array('FldTpe'=>'V','FldDsc'=>'Default Value','FldEmp'=>FALSE))

C0010M008.-Error not defined

Delete field sample with validation record Active


C0010M008.-Error not defined

Create sample record

CrtRcd('sample','Record Sample') Created!!!

change sample record

ChgRcd('sample','New Desc') Created!!!

Add Field to record

RcdAddIn('sample','FldNme', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

change Field to record

RcdChgIn('sample','FldNme', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

delete Field to record


C0010M008.-Error not defined

delete sample record

RmvRcd('sample','Record Sample') Created!!!

+++++++++++ Demo Finish +++++++++++

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file DemoDyR.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file licencia Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file license Lic. License text
Plain text file OnTime.php Class Class source
Plain text file OnTimeAllways.php Class Class source
Plain text file OnTimeDDD.php Class Class source
Plain text file OnTimeDebug.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file OntimeInstallerDyR.php Example Example script
Plain text file OnTimeRecord.php Class Class source
Plain text file OnTimetmp.php Class Class source
Plain text file OnTimeValid.php Class Class source
Plain text file OTiDyR.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Install with ComposerInstall with Composer
Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
HTML LayOut using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implement Layout Optional
OnTime Debugger Backend Trait Download .zip .tar.gz Debuger tool Optional
HTML Include Images and Text using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implement image & text Optional
HTML Nav bar using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implements a Nav Bar Optional
HTML CSS Styles using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implements Css Html Optional
HTML Google Fonts using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Implement Google Font on HTML Optional
HTML Metatags using PHP on Time Download .zip .tar.gz Html Meta Tag pacakage Optional
OnTime PHP Multi Language trait Download .zip .tar.gz Add Multilenguage to the database Optional
Easy PHP SOAP Server Web Service Download .zip .tar.gz Add soap webservice server Optional
OnTime Table Trait Download .zip .tar.gz Add table feature with myltiple fields validatied Optional
OnTime Group Backend Download .zip .tar.gz This package add group feature Recommended
OnTime Timezones and Formats Trait Download .zip .tar.gz Trait for Date Time Required
OnTime Basic Content Trait Backend Download .zip .tar.gz Trait od basic content Required
OnTime Core Backend Download .zip .tar.gz This package is the usr and features controler Required
 Version Control Reuses Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:10,285
This week:259Up

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