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PHP Sorting Algorithms Benchmarker: Benchmark sorting arrays with different algorithms

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sorter 1.1.3GNU General Publi...7Algorithms, PHP 5, Data types


This package can benchmark sorting arrays with different algorithms.

It provides several classes that can sort arrays using several different algorithms like for instance: PHP native sort, bubble, comb, gnome, heap, MatosGoulart, quick and shell.

An additional class can also measure the time each algorithm take sort the arrays and stores the results in a class variable that can be inspected and displayed to compare the results.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2021
Number 6
There are many ways to sort arrays, so they can present the data inside them in a way that is more convenient for the kind of processing that applications need to perform.

This package can help developers determining what can be the best method to sort arrays by testing each of the supported method by the package.

Then it can return information about the speed of processing of each of the methods to help developers deciding which is the best method for their purposes.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Carlos Artur Curvelo da Matos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 14x

Winner: 2x




Collection of sorting algorithms implemented in PHP classes. Also, a benchmarking class for doing performance tests using any array and passing it through all available sorting algorithms. At this moment, this library can sort arrays in the following sorting algorithms:

  • PHP sort()
  • Quick Sorting
  • Bubble Sorting
  • Heap Sorting
  • Gnome Sorting
  • Shell Sorting
  • Comb Sorting
  • Insertion Sorting
  • Merge Sorting
  • Selection Sorting
  • Matos-Goulart Simple Sorting (recently created by myself)

Matos-Goulart Simple Sorting Algorithm © 2021 by Carlos Artur C. S. Matos is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International .

All sorting algorithms can be applied to any array of integers using the respective static method. Also, using the class Benchmark() the developer can perform all sorting methods at once, and get a var_dump() of the benchmark times in seconds. Also, we compare all sort methods in the becnhmark with PHP's native sort() function, as reference.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$matos = \Sorter\MatosGoulart::sort([2, 6, 78, 11, 23, 1, 4, 1902, 192]);

Results in:

array(9) {


Obviously, all other sorting methods will result in the same response array - as the main objective of this library is to realize benchmarking tests amongst all possible algorithms, rather than sorting numbers itself. All details on the algorithms and some pseudocode for implementations in other programming languages can be found on each class' docblock comments.


Also, this library has a Benchmark class, which can be used to subject an array to all sorting methods, and then return benchmark times for each of the sorting algorithms. As simple as follows:

use Sorter\Benchmark;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$ro = new Benchmark([2, 4, 1, 23, 32, 11, 45, 67, 5, 233455, 344 , 7, 24, 67, 1111111, 111, 34, 2344]);


array(8) {
  string(14) "0.127814000000"
  string(14) "0.033583000000"
  string(14) "0.035445000000"
  string(14) "0.015428000000"
  string(14) "0.012064000000"
  string(14) "0.000609000000"
  string(14) "0.015089000000"
  string(14) "0.011882000000"

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