PHP Seed Spring: Generate 128 bit pseudo-random numbers

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Version License PHP version Categories
seedspring 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...7Cryptography, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can generate 128 bit pseudo-random numbers.

It can take a seed string of data and generates 128 bit random numbers.

The generated numbers may be returned as strings of bytes or integers that can be restricted to be withing a range of numbers given the initial and the end integer values of that range.

Picture of Scott Arciszewski
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 21x

Winner: 1x



Build Status

Seeded, Deterministic PRNG (based on AES-CTR instead of LCG) (Requires PHP 7 or random_compat)

Security Warning

This is not meant to replace random_bytes(). Think of this as an improvement to srand() + rand(). Do not use this for security purposes.


composer require paragonie/seedspring


use \ParagonIE\SeedSpring\SeedSpring;

// For example
$sharedSeed = str_repeat("\x80", 16);

$rng = new SeedSpring($sharedSeed);

$data = $rng->getBytes(1024);
$int = $rng->getInt(1, 100);


A cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator, such as random_int(), is wonderful for security purposes. However, there are situations where you need to generate a deterministic, pseudorandom byte stream on two devices from a shared seed. (e.g. something like Minecraft's world generator).

PHP's native seedable (and insecure) RNGs, rand() and mt_rand(), only support a 32-bit integer seed, which severely limits the possible outputs. Our deterministic RNG supports up to 2^128 possible outputs, since it's based on a 128-bit block cipher.

Our implementation uses AES-128-CTR to turn a finite, 128-bit key into an practically endless stream of random bytes. (It will repeat after 2^132 bytes of output. You should consider rekeying after 2^66 bytes.)

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