PHP Classes

Laravel VTU: Buy pre-paid products from VTU providers

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Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
Not yet rated by the usersTotal: 72 All time: 10,250 This week: 455Up
Version License PHP version Categories
laravel-vtu 1.0.0The PHP License5PHP 5, Wireless and Mobile, E-Commerce


This package can be used to buy pre-paid products from VTU (Virtual Top Up) providers.

It provide a base VTU class that can be extended to implement the details for buying pre-paid products from different companies that sell them like for instance airtime providers or mobile phone companies that sell data plances.

The applications need to provide a phone number of a customer, the amount to be paid and the provider of the prepaid products, and a callback URL.

The package sends HTTP requests to the Web server of the APIs of the VTU providers to issue a payment to buy credits for delivering a given prepaid product.

The VTU provider will can a given callback function when the product credits are delivered to the customer with the given phone number.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2020
Number 11
VTU (Virtual Top Up) are platforms that can take payment credits to allow customers to buy certain types of products or services later.

This package can integrate with several VTU platforms, so Web sites can take payments for products or services sold via these VTU platforms.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Zacchaeus Bolaji
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 12x

Winner: 1x



Laravel SMS

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Laravel VTU allows you to buy airtime and data plan, as well as pay for utility bill from your Laravel application using one of over 3 vtu providers, or your own vtu provider.


Step 1

You can install the package via composer:

composer require djunehor/laravel-vtu

Laravel 5.5 and above

The package will automatically register itself, so you can start using it immediately.

Laravel 5.4 and older

In Laravel version 5.4 and older, you have to add the service provider in config/app.php file manually:

'providers' => [
    // ...


After installing the package, you will have to register it in bootstrap/app.php file manually:

// Register Service Providers
    // ...

Env Keys







Step 2 - Publishing files

Run: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-vtu This will move the migration file, seeder file and config file to your app. You can set your sms details in the config file or via env

Step 3 - Adding SMS credentials

  • Add the env keys to your `.env` file
  • Or edit the config/laravel-vtu.php file


//using VoiceAndText
use Djunehor\Vtu\Concrete\VoiceAndText;

$vtu = new VoiceAndText();
$amount = 100;
$mobileNumber = '08149659347';
$mobileNetwork = '01';
$callBackUrl = '';
$send = $vtu->buyAirtime($amount, $mobileNumber, $mobileNetwork, $callBackUrl);

Using Helper function

$send = buy_airtime($amount, $mobileNumber, $mobileNetwork, $callBackUrl, $token = 121231112, \Djunehor\Vtu\Concrete\VoiceAndText::class);

The default VTU provider is VoiceAndText. You can set the default SMS provider in config/laravel-vtu.php e.g 'default' => \Djunehor\Vtu\Concrete\VoiceAndText::class,, so you can use the helper function like this:

$send = buy_airtime($amount, $mobileNumber, $mobileNetwork);
//$token, $callbackUrl and $class are optional and better set in the config

Available VTU Providers

|Provider|URL|Tested| |:--------- | :-----------------: | :------: | |VoiceAndText||Yes| |CowrieSys||No| |FpeVtu||No| |MobileAirtimeNig||No| |UnikMobileNig||No| |VTPass||No|

Creating custom SMS Provider

  • Create a class that extends `Djunehor\Vtu\Concrete\Vtu` class
  • Implement the required methods (buyAirtime, buyData, PayUtility) which makes the request and return bool
  • (Optional) You can add the provider keys to the config/laravel-vtu.php


  • Fork this project
  • Clone your forked repo
  • Run `composer install`
  • Make your changes and run tests `composer test`
  • Push and create Pull request

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Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
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The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:10,250
This week:455Up