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PHP Validation One Library: Fetch and validate forms and request values

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2020-03-28 (20 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 100 This week: 8All time: 9,319 This week: 41Up
Version License PHP version Categories
validationone 1.0.1GNU Lesser Genera...5HTTP, PHP 5, Validation
Description Author

This package can fetch and validate forms and request values.

It can take rules and other types of details using a chained interface for defining the values to be validated that can have been submitted to the server via forms or parameters of links that were clicked by the users.

The parameters for each submitted value can for instance the identifier of the value, type of value, conditions to compare the submitted value with accepted values, if the default value will be restored in case the submitted value is invalid, etc..

A separate class handles the validation error message lists for each submitted value.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 8x

Winner: 1x




It's a PHP library for fetch and validate fields and store messages in different containers(including error, warning, info, and success) depending on the conditions.

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Tutorial Form and Table with PHP

diagram example It is an example of functionality. A normal example is more complex, even if it's only a few lines of code.


Let's say we want to validate a value an input value (get) called "id", we could do the next things:

  • the default value is the text "ERROR"
  • the type of the value is an integer, so it must returns an integer. It also could be an integer,decimal,string,date,datestring and boolean
  • we add a condition, the value must be equals (eq) to 10. If fails then it returns a message (as error)
  • we add another condition, if the value must be equals (eq) to 30. If fails then it returns an info (not an error)
  • If the operation fails then it returns the default value.
  • And finally, we obtain the "id" from $_GET (parameter url).
$val=new ValidationOne();

$r = $val->def('ERROR')
    ->condition("eq", "It's not equals to 10", 10)
    ->condition("eq", "It's not equals to 30 (info)", 30, 'info')
    ->get('id'); // <-- end of the chain

But, where is the error?. It's in messagelist

var_dump($val->messagelist->allArray()) // here we show all messages of any kind of type. 

However, we could also show a message by type (error, warning..) and only message by specific identifier.

var_dump($val->messageList->get('id')->allErrorOrWarning())) // All error or warning contained in the key "id".

Why the messages are store in some structure?. Is it not easy to simply return the error? .

The answer is a form. Le't say we have a form with 3 fields. If one of them fails, then the error must be visible for each field separately. Also the whole form could have it's own message.

condition ($condition, $message = "", $conditionValue = null, $level = 'error', $key = null)

It adds a condition that it depends on the type of the input.

  • @param string $condition

    <b>number</b>:req,eq,ne,gt,lt,gte,lte,between,null,notnull<br> <b>string</b>:req,eq,ne,minlen,maxlen,betweenlen,null,notnull,contain,notcontain ,alpha,alphanum,text,regexp,email,url,domain<br> <b>date</b>:req,eq,ne,gt,lt,gte,lte,between<br> <b>datestring</b>:req,eq,ne,gt,lt,gte,lte,between<br> <b>boolean</b>:req,eq,ne,true,false<br> <b>file</b>:minsize,maxsize,req,image,doc,compression,architecture,ext<br> <b>function:</b><br> fn.static.Class.methodstatic<br><br> fn.object.Class.method where object is a global $object<br> fn.class.Class.method<br> fn.class.\namespace\Class.method<br>

  • @param string $message

    Message could uses the next variables '%field','%realfield','%value','%comp','%first','%second'

  • @param null $conditionValue
  • @param string $level (error,warning,info,success)
  • @param string $key If key is not null then it is used for add more than one condition by key
  • @return ValidationOne


    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',50)
    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',60)

Input type x Conditions

| Input type | Condition | | |----------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|---| | number | gt,lt,gte,lte,between | | | string | minlen,maxlen,betweenlen,contain<br>,notcontain,alpha,alphanum,text,regexp,email,url,domain | | | date | gt,lt,gte,lte,between | | | datestring | gt,lt,gte,lte,between | | | boolean | true,false | | | file | minsize,maxsize,req,image,doc,compression,architecture,ext | | | * (it applies for any type) | req,eq,ne,null,notnull,empty,notempty | | | * | function | | | * | fn.static.Class.methodstatic | | | * | | | | * | fn.object.Class.method where object is a global $object | | | * | fn.class.Class.method | | | * | fn.class.\namespace\Class.method | |


| Condition | Description | Value Example | |---------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | architecture | The extension of the file must be an architecture file | | | between | The number must be between two values | [0,20] | | betweenlen | The lenght of the text must be between two values | [0,20] | | compression | The extension of the file must be an compression file | | | contain | The text must contain a value | "text" | | doc | The extension of the file must be an document file | | | eq (the value to compare could be an single value or array) | The value must be equals to | "text",["text","text2"] | | exist | The file must exists | | | ext | The extension must be in a list of extensions | ["ext1","ext2","ext3"] | | false | The value must be false (===false) | | | fn.class.\namespace\Class.method | The method of a class must returns true | | | fn.class.Class.method | The method of a class must returns true | | | | The global function must returns true | | | fn.object.Class.method where object is a global $object | The method of a global object must returns true | | | fn.static.Class.methodstatic | The static method of a class must returns true | | | function | The function must returns true | | | gt | The value must be greater than | 123 | | gte | The value must be greater or equal than | 123 | | image | The extension of the file must be an image file | | | lt | The value must be less than | 123 | | lte | The value must be less or equal than | 123 | | maxlen | The maximum lenght of a string | 123 | | maxsize | The maximum size of a file | 123 | | minlen | The minimum lenght of a string | 123 | | minsize | The minimum size of a file | 123 | | mime (the value to compare could be an string or array) | The mime type of a file | "application/msword" or ["application/msword","image/gif"]| | mimetype | The mime type (without subtype) of a file | "application" or ["application,"image"]| | ne (the value to compare could be an single value or array) | The value must not be equals. | 123,[123,345],["aa","bb"] | | notcontain | The value must not contain a value | "text" | | notexist | The file must not exist | | | notnull | The value must not be null | | | null | The value must be null | | | empty | The value must be empty (i.e. "",0,null) | | | notempty | The value must not be empty (i.e. not equals to "",0,null)| | | req | The value must be equal | | | true | The value must be true (===true) | |


    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',50)
    ->condition('between','%field %value must be between 1 and 50 ',[1,50])
    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',60)
    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',[60,200]) // eq allows a single or array
    ->condition('fn.static.Example.customval','la funcion no funciona')
    ->condition('lt',"es muy grande",2000,'warning')
    ->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp',50)
    ->condition('fn.static.Example.fnstatic','la funcion estatica no funciona')
    ->condition('','la funcion global no funciona')
    ->condition('fn.object.example.fnnostatic','la funcion object no funciona')
    ->condition('fn.class.\somespace\Someclass.method','la funcion someclass no funciona')
    ->condition('fn.class.Example.fnnostatic','la funcion class no funciona');

// ->condition('fn.static.Example.customval','la funcion no funciona') 
function customval($value,$compareValue) {
    return true;


MessageList is a list of containers of messages. It's aimed for convenience, so it features many methods to access of the information in different ways.

Messages are cataloged as follow

| id | Description | Example | |---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------| | error | The message is an error and it must be solved. It is a show stopper. | Database is down | | warning | The message is a warning that maybe it could be ignored. | The registry was stored but with warnings | | info | The message is an information | Log is stored | | success | The message is a succesful operation | Order Accepted | |

Sometimes, both errors are warning are considered as equals. So the system allows to read an error or warning.

Error has always the priority, then warning, info and success. If you want to read the first message, then it starts searching for errors.

You can obtain a message as an array of objects of the type MessageItem, as an array of string, or as an a single string (first message)


  • Input value, it could come from set()/post()/get()/request()/getFile()
  • What if the value doesn't exist?
  • *

version list

  • 2020-02-01 1.23 * Solved a problem in endConversion() when the default value is "" or null (or not a DateTime object), the type is "datetimestring" and the value is missing. * Practically all methods were tested. * resetValidation() now allows to delete all messages. * Fixed the validation "ne"
  • 2020-01-04 1.22 * New conditions 'mime','minetype','exist','notexist',etc. * Condition 'eq' and 'ne' allows a simple or an array of values.
  • 2020-01-03 1.21 * ValidationOne::runConditions() now allows (for file type), conditions architecture and compression * ValidationOne::getFileExtension() now could return the extension as mime * ValidationOne::getFileMime() new method that returns the mime type of a file.
  • 2019-11-27 1.20 * Fixed name countErrorOrWaring->countErrorOrWarning
  • 2019-11-27 1.19 * Added new field MessageList.errorOrWarning * Added new method MessageItem.countErrorOrWaring()
  • 2019-10.01 1.18 Added compatibility for phpunit/phpunit 5.7 and 6.5
  • 2019-10-01 1.17 Fixed a bug. If the input is zero, then it is considered as null.
  • 2019-08-10 1.16 Solved a problem with the datestring/datetimestring.
  • 2019-08-07 1.15
  • * Added the type datestring and datetimestring. It reads a string and it converts into another string (as date or datetime)
  • * Code formatted
  • 2019-03-08 1.14 Added getFile() to upload a file.
  • 2018-12-15 1.13 Added phpunit and travis.
  • 2018-10-29 1.12 getFile now it's available via ValidationOne()
  • 2018-10-22 1.11 Some fixes. Now isEmpty is called isMissing
  • 2018-10-22 1.10 New Features
  • * Added ValidationInputOne, now the fetchs are done by this class (SRP principle)
  • * Added a fix with the input, when the value expected is an array but it's returned a single value
  • 2018-10-15 1.9 Added some extra features
  • 2018-10-15 1.8 Some fixes and phpdocs, a new example
  • 2018-10-15 1.7 Added method addMessage() in ValidationOne. Now ErrorItem/ErrorList is called MessageItem and MessageList
  • 2018-10-06 1.5 added method first() in MessageItem
  • 2018-10-03 1.4 added defaultNatural()
  • 2018-10-02 1.3 basicvalidation() was deleted. It was restored.
  • 2018-10-02 1.2 array() is now isArray()
  • 2018-09-30 1.1 Some fixes
  • 2018-09-29 1.0 first version


  • More examples
  • Documentation


It's distributed as dual license, as lgpl-v3 and commercial.

You can use freely in your close source project. However, if you change this library, then the changes must be disclosed.

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