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Maricuto PHP Flat File Database: Manage a database storing the data in files

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maricutodb 2.0Custom (specified...5PHP 5, Databases, Files and Folders
Description Author

This package can manage a database storing the data in files.

It implements several types of operations that can create and manage a database using files inside directories to store and retrieve the database table data. Currently it can:

- Create a database
- Use passwords to protect the stored data
- Read, update and delete database, tables rows and columns
- Sort the retrieved data
- Create backups of the database
- Delete a database from the backup storage

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<h1 align="center" class="vicinity rich-diff-level-zero"> MaricutoDB | PHP Flat File Database Manager. </h1>

<p align="center"> <img src="" title="MaricutoDB php flat file database manager" style="width: 200px" alt="MaricutoDB php flat file database manager"> </p>

<p align="center"> <img src="" alt=" "> <img src="" alt=" "> <img src="" alt=" "> <img src="" alt=" "> <img src="" alt=" "> <img src="" alt=" "> </p>

<p align="center"> Copyright (c) | Yorman Maricuto 2018 | <a href="">

</a> <br> <a href="">author website of the project</a> </p>

Table of contents

1) <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a><br> 2) <a href="#maricutodb--features">Features</a><br> 3) <a href="#how-to-use">How to use | create data</a><br> 4) <a href="#insert-more-data-in-a-created-table">Insert data</a><br> 5) <a href="#getting-created-data">Getting created data</a><br> 6) <a href="#getting-a-common-item-from-many-tables">Getting a common item from many tables</a><br> 7) <a href="#getting-a-common-item-from-many-tables">Getting a unknown table id</a><br> 8) <a href="#getting-an-unknow-item-id">Getting a unknown table id</a><br> 9) <a href="#verifying-data-and-passwords">Verifying data and passwords</a><br> 10) <a href="#paginator">Paginator</a><br> 11) <a href="#search-engine">Search Engine</a><br> 12) <a href="#update-database">Update Database</a><br> 13) <a href="#backups">Backups</a><br> 14) <a href="#delete-data">Delete data</a><br> 15) <a href="#restore-a-backup">Restore a backup</a><br> 16) <a href="#license">License</a><br>

MaricutoDB it's a lightweight database manager with flexibility and easy to use. allow create, read, update and delete: database, tables, columns and rows that are saved as a JSON file (CRUD).

Getting Started

To start using the Database only require:

  require_once "init.php"; # in MaricutoDB folder

You can download the latest and clean version here: >

MaricutoDB | Features

Create a Database Easily.

  • Have a strong system security for stored passwords.
  • It is hard to overload the server with MaricutoDB.
  • Read the databases dinamically and with flexibility.
  • Update Content Easily: DB, Tables, Rows (ItemNames) and Colums (ItemContent).
  • Update passwords Easily.
  • Verify data in login panel as passwords and usernames.
  • Sort the data from new to old and old to new.
  • Make backups of your DBs.
  • Have a paginator system to load tables dinamically.
  • Can Delete Database with BackUp System.

New Feataures | added at 2018/09/30

Now MaricutoDB has a simple search engine.

> This can overload the server if there are many tables

The paginator function eliminate the reading of all files to get contents and only read that will appear per page. This make MaricutoDB a good database manager for many projects like blogs, portfolios, gallery images webpage and more.

How to use

Creating a Database

You only need one line to create a database and insert data to it, setting four variables.

> MaricutoDB::Create( $db_name, $table_id, $item_name, $item_content );

> This method can create new data but it's not to update content tables.

| Variable | description | |---------------|--------------| | $db_name | to create DB or if exist point to it. | | $table_id | to create an table_id or if exist point to it. | | $item_name | to create a item name in the table named above. | | $item_content | insert content in the named item name above. |

  # Let's create a table with a user data, in a DB called 'UsersDB'
  MaricutoDB::Create('UsersDB', 'user_n_1', 'name', 'Yorman');  

Insert more data in a created table

you can add more data to the same table, you only need to be secure to point to the same ID. in this case (above) 'user_n_1' and in the same DB ('UsersDB').

  # let's add a lastname to our firts user:
  MaricutoDB::Create('UsersDB', 'user_n_1', 'lastname', 'Maricuto');
  # Now let's add a NickName
  MaricutoDB::Create('UsersDB', 'user_n_1', 'nick', 'yerikmiller');

Insert and secured a passwords

To make it, you only need to set a fifth argument to TRUE

  # let's add a password
  # MaricutoDB encrypt passwords with "password_hash()"
  MaricutoDB::Create('UsersDB', 'user_n_1', 'password', 'mypass1234', TRUE);
  # this is the most recently method for PHP to encrypt passwords.

Getting created data

To simply get a table and show an item of it, just use:

> $Get = Database::Table( $db_name, $table_id );

| Variable | description | |---------------|--------------| | $db_name | a existing or created DB to point | | $table_id | an existing table in the named DB above. |

	$Get = Database::Table('UsersDB', 'user_n_1');

  # At this point the '$Get' variable will give us a StdClass Object with the content created. We can show each one like this:

  echo 'This is my name: '.$Get->name.'<br>';
  echo 'This is my lastname: '.$Get->lastname.'<br>';

  # You can add whatever layout you want and insert data to it.

Getting a common item from many tables

This function can be useful when we try to get a common item from each DB table. If we have something like 10 products in a DB called 'books', each book represent a _Database Table_ and we can get the data tables without calling one by one and without knowledge of each id table.

> This method only need one argument, the _db_name_.

> $GetData = Database::GetData( $existing_db_name );

  # in the example/list-books.php

  # example: if we have a DB called books
  # you can get all tables just like this:
  $GetData = Database::GetData( 'books' );

  # Now we need to Sorting the data.
  # There are two options 'new' and 'old'
  # The firts argument it's the $GetData variable above
  $GetData = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

Now you can give a layout and style to all data that we are getting from the DB

> The Database will give us a stdClass Object so, we need to make a foreach to output the data.

> for each row we need to use the method _Generate::Row( $GetData, $ItemName, $error = 'N/A' );_

| Variable | description | |---------------|--------------| | $GetData | the variable we have obtained with the method GetData above | | $ItemName | an existing ItemName in the table. | | $error | if the item name don't exists the method will output "N/A" by default you can set whatever string you want |

> _Generate::Row_ method will works like the $GetData->ItemName to show specific items. But this method can verify and ouput personalized errors if the item don't exist.

  in the example/list-books.php

  Let's make a HTML table.
  each tr will make a new row.
  each td will make a new cell data.

    foreach( $GetData as $GetData )
      # The 'Output' method will open each json. 

      $GetData = Database::Output($GetData);

      # layout
       $rows  = '<tr>';
       $rows .= '<td>';
       $rows .= Generate::Row( $GetData, "name_book" ); # it's the same if we use $GetData->name_book
       $rows .= '</td>';
       $rows .= '<td>';
       $rows .= Generate::Row( $GetData, "author" );# it's the same if we use $GetData->author
       $rows .= '</td>';
       $rows .= '</tr>';
       echo   $rows;

If we have a Database with three books and their authors the code above will ouput:

| Book | Author | | ------------- | ------------- | | The Breathing Method | Stephen King | | Hickory Dickory Dock | Agatha Christie | | The Hound of the Baskervilles | Conan Doyle |

Getting an unknow item id

MaricutoDB has the method to generate 'RandomString' and use like a RANDOMID to create tables. This is to make the table creations easily, also we don't need to know the TABLE ID to Get the Data.

> $RandomString = Generate::RandomString();

Let's create a database table with a random id.

# This will output a unique random ID for our next table to create
$RandomString = Generate::RandomString();

# Create the table
MaricutoDB::Create( 'UsersDB', $RandomString, 'nick', 'carlos_medina1995' );
MaricutoDB::Create( 'UsersDB', $RandomString, 'name', 'Carlos' );
MaricutoDB::Create( 'UsersDB', $RandomString, 'lastname', 'Medina' );
MaricutoDB::Create( 'UsersDB', $RandomString, 'password', 'medinacarlos-1234', TRUE );

Getting the random ID

The code above will create a new table into the database called 'UsersDB' with a random id. We can get the id from another known unique data like a nickname (username), using the OutputId method.

> $id = Database::OutputId( $db_name, $item_name, $content );

| Variable | description | |---------------|--------------| | $db_name | An existing DB | | $ItemName | an existing ItemName in each table. | | $content | a unique content like username, nickname, ID, or something like that |

# This will output the unknown table id generated above.
$id = Database::OutputId( "UsersDB", "nick", "carlos_medina1995" );

# Now we can use the id to get the table data.

$Get = Database::Table('UsersDB', $id);
echo 'This is my name: '.$Get->name.'<br>';

// this will print 'Carlos' because that was the name created above.

Verifying data and passwords

If we have a panel to login and we need to verify the data that a user send through form with method POST. MaricutoDB has a method for it. First we need to make a PHP code that will be excuted only when users submit a form.

# in:

// $_POST["UserLogin"] is the input name for the username
// $_POST["PassLogin"] is the input name for the password

if ( isset( $_POST['UserLogin']) && isset( $_POST['PassLogin']) )
  $_POST["UserLogin"] = $User;
  $_POST["PassLogin"] = $Pass;

  # First We need to use the OuputId Method to search if a user exist
  $id = Database::OutputId( "UsersDB", "nick", $User );
  # If the user don't exist will ouput FALSE.

  # Now we need to verify if the username and passwords match for the same table ID.
  function Login( $id, $User, $Pass )
    if ( $id == FALSE ){return NULL;}

    # Method to verify Data 
    $User = Database::VerifyData( "UsersDB", $id, "nick", $User );

    # Method to verify encrypted Data (like passwords) 
    $Pass = Database::VerifyEncryptedData( "UsersDB", $id, "password", $Pass );

    # Now Using the next method we can get a FALSE if the user and pass don't match and TRUE if they match
    $Login = Database::Login( $User, $Pass );
    if ( $Login == TRUE )
      # Start a Session 

      # Getting the table from the user when all it's correct
      $Get = Database::Table( "UsersDB", $id );
      # Creating a SessionID
      $_SESSION["SessionUserID"] = md5( $id );
# executing function
Login( $id, $User, $Pass );
} # close the "if" sentence. 


MaricutoDB has a simple paginator to slice data by pages:

# Options
$Pagination = TRUE;         # Set for Start the pagination
$sortby = "new";            # sortby new or old
$PaginatorName = "page";    # a simple name
$GLOBALS['PerPage'] = "10"; # Items for each page 
$NextText = "Next";         # text for next button
$PreviusText = "Previus";   # text for previues button
$NavigationNumbers = "5";   # Total of itemNumbers to appear

# Get paths from a DB
$GetData = Database::GetData('UsersDB'); # Write the DB you want to parse his data
$GetData = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

# Execute the paginator
# Just copy and page this
$GLOBALS['CountData'] = count($GetData);
$limit     = Database::SliceData( $GLOBALS['PerPage'], $GLOBALS['CountData'] );
$Paginator = Generate::Paginator( $PaginatorName );
$GetData   = Database::Paginate( $GetData, $GLOBALS['PerPage'], $limit, $Paginator  );

# at this point MaricutoDB will show and parse only 10 tables ( see $GLOBALS['PerPage'] )
# the foreach will process only ten JSON files.
echo '<h6>name</h6>';
foreach ($GetData as $GetData) 
  # at this point MaricutoDB will work like i explained before
  $GetData = Database::Output($GetData);
  $Output  = Generate::Row($GetData, 'name', 'unknown').'<br>';
  echo $Output;

# If the number of tables from a DB is less than '$GLOBALS['PerPage']'
# the PaginatorButtons will not appear.

# This will build the navigation buttons -> ( Previus 1 2 3 .. 10 Next ) etc...
# just copy and paste.
Write::PaginatorButtons( $limit, $PaginatorName, $NavigationNumbers, $Paginator, $PreviusText, $NextText );

Search Engine

MaricutoDB has a simple search engine that can be use to search coincidences when a input is submitted to search something. This can overload the server if we are trying to search in many tables, also we can search something without overload the system in 3000-6000 tables about depending on the JSON table file size too.

> This is in development now, but also can be useful.

How to implement the search engine.

First we need to create a new page called 'searching' or whatever you want, this is the page where MaricutoDB will make the queries and show the results. (

We need to use the Method 'GetData'. You have some searching database types. You need to select one of them.

> 1) If you want to search in all DBs just leave GetData method without setting any variable

  # In the searching.php file
  $GetData   = Database::GetData(); # to search in all DBs
  $GetData   = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

> 2) If you want to search in a specific DB, set the firts argument to that DB name

  # In the searching.php file
  $GetData   = Database::GetData('UsersDB'); # Search in a specific DB
  $GetData   = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

> 3) If you want to search in two or more DBs set an array into the argument.

  # In the searching.php file
  $GetData   = Database::GetData( array('UsersDB', 'AnotherDB') ); # Search in some DBs
  $GetData   = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

> 4) If you want to search in all DBs but excluding some of them:

  # In the searching.php file
  $db_names  = Database::names();
  $db_names  = Database::exclude( $db_names, $exclude = 'one_db, another_db' );
  $GetData   = Database::GetData( $db_names ); # search in all dbs, excluding some of them.
  $GetData   = Generate::SortingFiles( $GetData, 'new' );

Now we need to show the data with a foreach sentence like above codes when we were trying to show many tables with the method GetData (Getting a common item from many tables).

The difference here is that only will appear when a '$_GET' variable is set, for example '$_GET['query']'. This variable will be set when the user request something in the search engine.

MaricutoDB will search something in each table, if there is a coincidence with the words sent, it will execute with the layout and style that you need to output to the user.

      # this code will need to be in the same .php file, like above.
      # In the searching.php file

      if ( isset($_GET['query']) )
          # written words by user convert as array to search in the DB
          $QueryArray = Generate::query( $_GET['query'] );
          $error = 'Nothing found.';
          foreach ($GetData as $Get ) 
              # Decode and output data json.
              $Get = Database::Output( $Get );
              # Searching for coincidences
              foreach ($Get as $search) 
                  $ParseQuerie = Database::SearchingFor( $QueryArray, $search );
                  if ( $ParseQuerie == TRUE ){break;}                  
              if ( $ParseQuerie == TRUE )
                # Error to false and will not show.
                # because they are a coincidence
                $error = FALSE;

                # ParseQuerie is TRUE so, show this.
                # Layout: here you can set your HTML
                echo 'Hi, my name is '.Generate::Row($Get, 'name', $error = 'unknown').'and my Lastname is '.Generate::Row($Get, 'lastname', $error = 'unknown').'<br>';
          if ( $error !== FALSE )
            # if there are not coicidences show error.
            echo $error;

Let's create the input form for the search engine. This can be place whatever you want. You need to place where the form will make the searching in the action attr, in this case in 'searching' page.

<!-- This can be place where you want the search engine for your users. -->

<form action="" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="query" placeholder="Search">

Update Database

# To update the DB_NAME
Database::UpdateDBName( "old_db_name", "new_db_name");

# To update the table_name (ID_TABLE)
Database::UpdateTableName( "db_name", "old_table_id", "new_table_id");

# To Update an Item_name
Database::UpdateItemName( "db_name", "table_id", "old_item_name", "new_item_name");

# To Update the content
Database::UpdateContent( "db_name", "table_id", "item_name", "New_Content_Here");


Simply use this method:

Backup::DB( "db_name" );

Delete data

# eliminate DB without backup
DELETE::DB( "db_to_eliminate" );

# eliminate DB with backup
DELETE::DB( "db_to_eliminate", TRUE );

# Eliminate table
DELETE::Table( "db_name", "Table_ID" );

# Eliminate item and his content.
# for example to eliminate a name, address or whatever you want.
DELETE::Item( "db_name","Table_ID","ItemName" );

Restore a backup

Restore::DB( "db_name" );


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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