PHP Classes

Subclassing to implement customized Validation Rules?

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Subject:Subclassing to implement customized...
Summary:Subclassing to implement customized Validation Rules?
Author:Anon Ymous
Date:2012-09-13 12:52:54
Update:2012-09-13 15:24:25


  1. Subclassing to implement customized...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Anon Ymous Anon Ymous - 2012-09-13 15:04:48

Nice class, but I have one suggestion:

Wouldn't it be better to implement custom validation by means of Delegation than Subclassing?

I suggest to use the Strategy-Pattern.
Maybe different strategies should then be chainable.

Kind regards

  2. Re: Subclassing to implement customized...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2012-09-13 15:24:25 - In reply to message 1 from Anon Ymous
I guess it depends on personal preferences.

Personally I would rather not be passing yet another parameter to the class just to make it call a separate class for custom validation. Calling a function of the same class avoids the need for that extra parameter.

In any case, if you prefer to delegate to a separate object for some reason I do not envision now, you can always call it from the sub-class.