PHP Classes

Tor connects through chains of servers, which means that it ...

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Subject: Tor connects through chains of...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:SyntaxWEB ?6stPROD? WowSuite
Date:2022-07-19 06:27:37


  1. Tor connects through chains of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of SyntaxWEB ?6stPROD? WowSuite SyntaxWEB ?6stPROD? WowSuite - 2022-07-19 06:27:37

Tor connects through chains of servers, which means that it is impossible to determine the real ip with this script. You can block the IP range for as long as you want, but by doing so, you will make it worse for yourself when no one can connect to your site. And the user just needs to restart the connection and log in from another country. Useless script! It's easier to write a single iptables command than to use this script

  2. Re: Tor connects through chains of...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2022-08-01 21:01:55 - In reply to message 3 from SyntaxWEB ?6stPROD? WowSuite
Hello "SyntaxWEB",

Thank you for your comment.

Maybe it is not clear to you the purpose of this package. In that case, we wish to apologize.

To clarify, this package just uses a tool supplied by the Tor project to find the IP range of a given IP address.

Then it can generate shell script commands to use with the Linux iptables command to block the IP range associated with a given IP address.

The determination of the user country based on the user IP address uses a data file provided with this package that was generated by the geoip-db-tool from the Tor project.

You can look at that file here: ...

Is this explanation of what this class does better for you?