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File: example.php

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  Classes of Peter Molefe Ramokone   Calendar Matrix   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example
Class: Calendar Matrix
Create an array with the days of a month calendar
Author: By
Last change: my email, for any questions
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 2,568 bytes



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The dozcalendar v1.0 is a date and time functions that are used todether
to build that colums and rowsof the calendar, I.E
from sunday whih is 0, to saterday which is 6.

I am still working on version 1.2 which will be more advanced and easy to use than this one.

When you use the class, you only include the class.calendar.php and then call

$DOZCALENDAR->calendar(); OR $DOZCALENDAR->calendar(2005,7);

year and month, optional, when you need a calendar of a month/year
either than the oneyou are on.

This is the layout of the calender results
<table width=250>
The results insite php script looks like this:

Array ( array(0,0,0,0,0,1,2),

so all you do, is that you manipilate the arrays to draw your calendar.

Here is one of my example script.

        foreach($calenderval as $array)
            echo '<tr>';
            foreach($array as $rows=>$days)
                echo '<td>';
                echo $data.'</td>';
            echo "</tr>\n";

                            Good Luck!!!
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