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Classes of Bruno Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira | PHP Post-it Notes | | Download |
![]() ?=============Web Post-it for PHP============= Introduction.This php class takes a given string and writes it on bitmaps bmp images using the bin to hex methods. -Each post-it can be saved as bmp; -The Bitmaps images are generated in public/posted/user.application/[Section chosen]/[color chosen-string data].bmp; -Append post-it on any of sections; -Supports [a-z] pattern; -Arial 48 font and english characters are supported. -It may fill until 3 lines with text; -You may choose a color for the post-it. Requirements.-PHP 5.3; Usage.-Adding post-it is easy, only click on the color button -Click on post-it body to bring it up while have many post-it in front of. -You can decide what section you will post it changing box then press Postit to commit. -The page will reload and you will see the post-it appended on the section chosen. -You can delete the post-it just dragging it; To do.-Fix few white borders in some words. -Add support for numbers and symbols. -Save all sections as zip or image. -Maybe I will add more fonts and characters of portuguese, spanish, chinese or russian; License-In the custom license file. |