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File: tests/QuoteThenExecThenLastInsertIdTest.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   EasyDB   tests/QuoteThenExecThenLastInsertIdTest.php   Download  
File: tests/QuoteThenExecThenLastInsertIdTest.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: EasyDB
Simple Database Abstraction Layer around PDO
Author: By
Last change: manually changing to squish "method name is not in camel caps format" style error
single-lining test classes after composer run fix-style
running composer run fix-style
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,901 bytes



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 * Class ExecTest
 * @package ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests
class QuoteThenExecThenLastInsertIdTest extends EasyDBWriteTest

     * @dataProvider goodFactoryCreateArgument2EasyDBInsertManyProvider
     * @depends ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests\QuoteTest::testQuote
     * @depends ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests\EscapeIdentifierTest::testEscapeIdentifier
     * @depends ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests\EscapeIdentifierTest::testEscapeIdentifierThrowsSomething
     * @depends ParagonIE\EasyDB\Tests\QuoteThenExecTest::testExec
     * @param callable $cb
     * @param array $maps
public function testLastInsertId(callable $cb, array $maps)
$db = $this->easyDBExpectedFromCallable($cb);
$table = 'irrelevant_but_valid_tablename';

$first = $maps[0];

// Let's make sure our keys are escaped.
$keys = \array_keys($first);
        foreach (
$keys as $i => $v) {
$keys[$i] = $db->escapeIdentifier($v);

        foreach (
$maps as $params) {
$queryString = "INSERT INTO " . $db->escapeIdentifier($table) . " (";

// Now let's append a list of our columns.
$queryString .= \implode(', ', $keys);

// This is the middle piece.
$queryString .= ") VALUES (";

// Now let's concatenate the ? placeholders
$queryString .= \implode(
', ',
                    function (
$val) use ($db) {

// Necessary to close the open ( above
$queryString .= ");";


$this->assertSame($db->lastInsertId(), current($params));