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File: src/Installer/symlinks.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   CMS Airship   src/Installer/symlinks.php   Download  
File: src/Installer/symlinks.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: CMS Airship
Content management system with security features
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,200 bytes



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foreach (\
glob(ROOT . '/Cabin/*') as $dir) {
    if (\
is_dir($dir)) {
$name = \Airship\path_to_filename($dir);
        if (!\
is_link(ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name)) {
            if (\
is_dir(ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name)) {
rmdir(ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name);
            } elseif (\
file_exists(ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name)) {
unlink(ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name);
ROOT . '/Cabin/' . $name . '/public',
ROOT . '/public/static/' . $name

// Editor templates.
if (!\is_link(ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name)) {
            if (\
is_dir(ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name)) {
rmdir(ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name);
            } elseif (\
file_exists(ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name)) {
unlink(ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name);
ROOT . '/Cabin/' . $name . '/config/editor_templates',
ROOT . '/Installer/skins/cabin_links/' . $name

// Any Motifs we ship with are suitable for all of the Cabins we ship with.
        // Less configuration headaches.
foreach (\glob(ROOT . '/Motifs/*') as $motifDir) {
            if (\
is_dir($motifDir)) {
$supplier = \Airship\path_to_filename($motifDir);

                foreach (\
glob($motifDir . '/*') as $sub) {
$motif = \Airship\path_to_filename($sub);
$linkFrom = $dir . '/public/motif/' . $motif;
$n = 1;
                    while (\
is_link($linkFrom)) {
                        if (\
realpath($linkFrom) !== \realpath($sub)) {
$linkFrom = $dir . '/public/motif/' . $motif . '-' . $n;
                        } else {
symlink($sub . '/public', $linkFrom);
