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  Classes of Max Derkachev   GNUPG   Download  
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Description: the GNUPG class
Class: GNUPG
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<?php /* Copyright (c) 2001 Maxim Derkachev <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, version 2, or any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation (; either under the terms of version 2.02 of the PHP license (, at your choice. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ class GNUPG { /* string $recipient : recipient's key ID. string $my_key: default originator secret key. If empty, the first in the secret keyring is used. string $gpghome: The path to directory where personal gnupg files (keyrings, etc) are stored (default: ~/.gnupg) string $gpgpath: the path to gpg executable (default: /usr/local/bin/gpg) string $tmpdir: temp dir path. Encrypted data is temporarily stored here bool $have_recipient: do we have a recipient? string $error: misc. error and status messages */ var $recipient; var $tmpdir = '/tmp/'; var $gpghome = '~/.gnupg'; var $gpgpath = '/usr/local/bin/gpg'; var $my_key; var $have_recipient = false; var $error; /* Constructor. $my_key, $gpghome, $gpgpath could be overriden here. $recipient could be provided. */ function GNUPG($recipient = '', $my_key = '', $gpghome = '', $gpgpath = '') { if($recipient = addslashes($recipient)) { $this->recipient = $recipient; $this->have_recipient = true; } if($my_key = addslashes($my_key)) { $this->my_key = $my_key; } if($gpghome) { $this->gpghome = $gpghome; } if($gpgpath = quotemeta($gpgpath)) { $this->gpgpath = $gpgpath; } } /* mixed encrypt(): string $msg: message to encrypt. bool $sign: sign the message (true) or not (false) string $recipient: may override recipient id provided with the constructor, if is set Returns false when failed, or encrypted message when (if) succeed. If failed, look at the $this->error for the reason. */ function encrypt($msg, $sign = false, $recipient ='') { if(!$this->have_recipient || $recipient) { if($recipient && ($recipient = addslashes($recipient))) { $this->recipient = $recipient; $this->have_recipient = true; } else { $this->error = 'No recipient found'; return false; } } if(!$msg) { $this->error = 'Nothing to encrypt'; return false; } $tmpfile = $this->tmpdir.md5(uniqid(microtime())).'.gpg'; $cmd = "$this->gpgpath -e -a -q --batch --no-tty --homedir '$this->gpghome' -o '$tmpfile' -r '$this->recipient' --no-secmem-warning "; $cmd .= ($sign) ? ' -s ' : ''; $cmd .= ($this->my_key) ? " --default-key '$this->my_key' " : ''; $cmd .= ' 2>&1 '; $p = @popen($cmd, 'w'); if(!$p) { $this->error = 'Could not fork a pipe'; return false; } fwrite($p, $msg); pclose($p); $f = @fopen($tmpfile, 'r'); if(!$f) { $this->error = "Could not open file $tmpfile for reading"; return false; } $tmptext = ''; while(!feof($f)) { $tmptext .= fread($f, 2048); } fclose($f); unlink($tmpfile); $matches = array(); $res = preg_match('/(-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----.+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----)/s', $tmptext, $matches); if(!$res) { $this->error = $tmptext; return false; } return $matches[0]; } } ?>