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File: example.php

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  Classes of Pablo DallOglio   SQL2TXT   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: example file
Class: SQL2TXT
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 989 bytes



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<html> <? require("sql2txt.php"); ?> <? // this is an array with column lenghts-alignment of TXT file $myarray = array("10-left", "40-left", "20-left", "20-right"); // SQL instruction that will select data to write into TXT file $sql = "select id, name, phone, income from customer where income>10000"; $header = "HEADER OF TXT FILE"; // HEADER $trailer = "TRAILER OF TXT FILE"; // FOOTER // the class is inhearited $conversao = new sql2txt; // 1 - DBase name // 2 - port // 3 - DbUser // 4 - PassWord $ok = $conversao->openSQL("dbname", "5432", "username", "password"); echo($ok); // Open the SQL file for write $ok = $conversao->opentxt("destination.txt"); echo($ok); // Get the Columns and write it into a SQL file // 1 - SQL instructions // 2 - array with lenghts/alignments // 3 - header // 4 - trailer $conversao->InsertColumnsIntoTXT( $sql, $myarray, $header, $trailer ); // Close TXT and SQL files $conversao->Closeall(); ?> </html>