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File: docs/mmsdecoder_api

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File: docs/mmsdecoder_api
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: API documentation of MMS Decoder
Class: MMS Decoder
Recieve, decode and display MMS messages.
Author: By
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Date: 20 years ago
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MMS Decoder API Copyright (c) 2004 Jonatan Heyman Released under the Affero General Public License. ------------------------------------------------- Public Methods: =============== - Constructor: void MMSDecoder(String) Called when a new MMS shall be decoded, with the MMS data (for example $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) as an argument. - void parse() Called when the MMS data shall be parsed. The MMS fields/values are saved in member variables and the MMS parts are saved as Part objects in the member array PARTS. - void confirm() Prints a binnary encoded confirmation message, which will be interpreted as a successful transaction by the MMS client. Member variables: ================= - PARTS In this array, the MMS parts (images, texts, audio, etc.) are stored as Part objects. The part objects has the following Public Methods: save(String) Save the data of the part into a file on the server. The filename is given as an argument to this method. and the following member variables DATALEN Length of the data CONTENTTYPE Content-type of the part DATA The data of the part - BCC - CC - CONTENTLOCATION - CONTENTTYPE - DATE - DELIVERYREPORT - DELIVERYTIME - EXPIRY - FROM - MESSAGECLASS - MESSAGEID - MESSAGETYPE - MMSVERSIONMAJOR - MMSVERSIONMINOR - MESSAGESIZE - PRIORITY - READREPLY - REPORTALLOWED - RESPONSESTATUS - RESPONSETEXT - SENDERVISIBILITY - STATUS - SUBJECT - TO - TRANSACTIONID - MMSVERSIONRAW The encoded byte data of the MMS version. - CONTENTTYPE_PARAMS This array is not used, since the cotnent-type parameters isn't parsed yet.