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File: adodb/drivers/

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File: adodb/drivers/
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP MySQL JSON Manager
Build and Execute SQL queries with results in JSON
Author: By
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Date: 9 years ago
Size: 17,486 bytes



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<?php /* V5.18 3 Sep 2012 (c) 2000-2012 John Lim ( All rights reserved. Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, the BSD license will take precedence. Set tabs to 4 for best viewing. Latest version is available at Microsoft ADO data driver. Requires ADO. Works only on MS Windows. PHP5 compat version. */ // security - hide paths if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die(); define("_ADODB_ADO_LAYER", 1 ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class ADODB_ado extends ADOConnection { var $databaseType = "ado"; var $_bindInputArray = false; var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'"; var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d, h:i:sA'"; var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes var $dataProvider = "ado"; var $hasAffectedRows = true; var $adoParameterType = 201; // 201 = long varchar, 203=long wide varchar, 205 = long varbinary var $_affectedRows = false; var $_thisTransactions; var $_cursor_type = 3; // 3=adOpenStatic,0=adOpenForwardOnly,1=adOpenKeyset,2=adOpenDynamic var $_cursor_location = 3; // 2=adUseServer, 3 = adUseClient; var $_lock_type = -1; var $_execute_option = -1; var $poorAffectedRows = true; var $charPage; function ADODB_ado() { $this->_affectedRows = new VARIANT; } function ServerInfo() { if (!empty($this->_connectionID)) $desc = $this->_connectionID->provider; return array('description' => $desc, 'version' => ''); } function _affectedrows() { if (PHP_VERSION >= 5) return $this->_affectedRows; return $this->_affectedRows->value; } // you can also pass a connection string like this: // // $DB->Connect('USER ID=sa;PASSWORD=pwd;SERVER=mangrove;DATABASE=ai',false,false,'SQLOLEDB'); function _connect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword,$argDBorProvider, $argProvider= '') { // two modes // - if $argProvider is empty, we assume that $argDBorProvider holds provider -- this is for backward compat // - if $argProvider is not empty, then $argDBorProvider holds db if ($argProvider) { $argDatabasename = $argDBorProvider; } else { $argDatabasename = ''; if ($argDBorProvider) $argProvider = $argDBorProvider; else if (stripos($argHostname,'PROVIDER') === false) /* full conn string is not in $argHostname */ $argProvider = 'MSDASQL'; } try { $u = 'UID'; $p = 'PWD'; if (!empty($this->charPage)) $dbc = new COM('ADODB.Connection',null,$this->charPage); else $dbc = new COM('ADODB.Connection'); if (! $dbc) return false; /* special support if provider is mssql or access */ if ($argProvider=='mssql') { $u = 'User Id'; //User parameter name for OLEDB $p = 'Password'; $argProvider = "SQLOLEDB"; // SQL Server Provider // not yet //if ($argDatabasename) $argHostname .= ";Initial Catalog=$argDatabasename"; //use trusted conection for SQL if username not specified if (!$argUsername) $argHostname .= ";Trusted_Connection=Yes"; } else if ($argProvider=='access') $argProvider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; // Microsoft Jet Provider if ($argProvider) $dbc->Provider = $argProvider; if ($argProvider) $argHostname = "PROVIDER=$argProvider;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=$argHostname"; if ($argDatabasename) $argHostname .= ";DATABASE=$argDatabasename"; if ($argUsername) $argHostname .= ";$u=$argUsername"; if ($argPassword)$argHostname .= ";$p=$argPassword"; if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp( "Host=".$argHostname."<BR>\n version=$dbc->version"); // @ added below for php 4.0.1 and earlier @$dbc->Open((string) $argHostname); $this->_connectionID = $dbc; $dbc->CursorLocation = $this->_cursor_location; return $dbc->State > 0; } catch (exception $e) { if ($this->debug) echo "<pre>",$argHostname,"\n",$e,"</pre>\n"; } return false; } // returns true or false function _pconnect($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argProvider='MSDASQL') { return $this->_connect($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword,$argProvider); } /* adSchemaCatalogs = 1, adSchemaCharacterSets = 2, adSchemaCollations = 3, adSchemaColumns = 4, adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5, adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6, adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7, adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8, adSchemaReferentialContraints = 9, adSchemaTableConstraints = 10, adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11, adSchemaIndexes = 12, adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13, adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14, adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15, adSchemaProcedures = 16, adSchemaSchemata = 17, adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18, adSchemaStatistics = 19, adSchemaTables = 20, adSchemaTranslations = 21, adSchemaProviderTypes = 22, adSchemaViews = 23, adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24, adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25, adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26, adSchemaForeignKeys = 27, adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28, adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29, adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30, adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31, adSchemaCubes = 32, adSchemaDimensions = 33, adSchemaHierarchies = 34, adSchemaLevels = 35, adSchemaMeasures = 36, adSchemaProperties = 37, adSchemaMembers = 38 */ function MetaTables() { $arr= array(); $dbc = $this->_connectionID; $adors=@$dbc->OpenSchema(20);//tables if ($adors){ $f = $adors->Fields(2);//table/view name $t = $adors->Fields(3);//table type while (!$adors->EOF){ $tt=substr($t->value,0,6); if ($tt!='SYSTEM' && $tt !='ACCESS') $arr[]=$f->value; //print $f->value . ' ' . $t->value.'<br>'; $adors->MoveNext(); } $adors->Close(); } return $arr; } function MetaColumns($table, $normalize=true) { $table = strtoupper($table); $arr= array(); $dbc = $this->_connectionID; $adors=@$dbc->OpenSchema(4);//tables if ($adors){ $t = $adors->Fields(2);//table/view name while (!$adors->EOF){ if (strtoupper($t->Value) == $table) { $fld = new ADOFieldObject(); $c = $adors->Fields(3); $fld->name = $c->Value; $fld->type = 'CHAR'; // cannot discover type in ADO! $fld->max_length = -1; $arr[strtoupper($fld->name)]=$fld; } $adors->MoveNext(); } $adors->Close(); } return $arr; } /* returns queryID or false */ function _query($sql,$inputarr=false) { try { // In PHP5, all COM errors are exceptions, so to maintain old behaviour... $dbc = $this->_connectionID; // return rs $false = false; if ($inputarr) { if (!empty($this->charPage)) $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command',null,$this->charPage); else $oCmd = new COM('ADODB.Command'); $oCmd->ActiveConnection = $dbc; $oCmd->CommandText = $sql; $oCmd->CommandType = 1; while(list(, $val) = each($inputarr)) { $type = gettype($val); $len=strlen($val); if ($type == 'boolean') $this->adoParameterType = 11; else if ($type == 'integer') $this->adoParameterType = 3; else if ($type == 'double') $this->adoParameterType = 5; elseif ($type == 'string') $this->adoParameterType = 202; else if (($val === null) || (!defined($val))) $len=1; else $this->adoParameterType = 130; // name, type, direction 1 = input, len, $p = $oCmd->CreateParameter('name',$this->adoParameterType,1,$len,$val); $oCmd->Parameters->Append($p); } $p = false; $rs = $oCmd->Execute(); $e = $dbc->Errors; if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; return $rs; } $rs = @$dbc->Execute($sql,$this->_affectedRows, $this->_execute_option); if ($dbc->Errors->Count > 0) return $false; if (! $rs) return $false; if ($rs->State == 0) { $true = true; return $true; // 0 = adStateClosed means no records returned } return $rs; } catch (exception $e) { } return $false; } function BeginTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; if (isset($this->_thisTransactions)) if (!$this->_thisTransactions) return false; else { $o = $this->_connectionID->Properties("Transaction DDL"); $this->_thisTransactions = $o ? true : false; if (!$o) return false; } @$this->_connectionID->BeginTrans(); $this->transCnt += 1; return true; } function CommitTrans($ok=true) { if (!$ok) return $this->RollbackTrans(); if ($this->transOff) return true; @$this->_connectionID->CommitTrans(); if ($this->transCnt) @$this->transCnt -= 1; return true; } function RollbackTrans() { if ($this->transOff) return true; @$this->_connectionID->RollbackTrans(); if ($this->transCnt) @$this->transCnt -= 1; return true; } /* Returns: the last error message from previous database operation */ function ErrorMsg() { if (!$this->_connectionID) return "No connection established"; $errmsg = ''; try { $errc = $this->_connectionID->Errors; if (!$errc) return "No Errors object found"; if ($errc->Count == 0) return ''; $err = $errc->Item($errc->Count-1); $errmsg = $err->Description; }catch(exception $e) { } return $errmsg; } function ErrorNo() { $errc = $this->_connectionID->Errors; if ($errc->Count == 0) return 0; $err = $errc->Item($errc->Count-1); return $err->NativeError; } // returns true or false function _close() { if ($this->_connectionID) $this->_connectionID->Close(); $this->_connectionID = false; return true; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Name: Recordset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class ADORecordSet_ado extends ADORecordSet { var $bind = false; var $databaseType = "ado"; var $dataProvider = "ado"; var $_tarr = false; // caches the types var $_flds; // and field objects var $canSeek = true; var $hideErrors = true; function ADORecordSet_ado($id,$mode=false) { if ($mode === false) { global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $mode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; } $this->fetchMode = $mode; return $this->ADORecordSet($id,$mode); } // returns the field object function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1) { $off=$fieldOffset+1; // offsets begin at 1 $o= new ADOFieldObject(); $rs = $this->_queryID; if (!$rs) return false; $f = $rs->Fields($fieldOffset); $o->name = $f->Name; $t = $f->Type; $o->type = $this->MetaType($t); $o->max_length = $f->DefinedSize; $o->ado_type = $t; //print "off=$off name=$o->name type=$o->type len=$o->max_length<br>"; return $o; } /* Use associative array to get fields array */ function Fields($colname) { if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) return $this->fields[$colname]; if (!$this->bind) { $this->bind = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) { $o = $this->FetchField($i); $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i; } } return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]]; } function _initrs() { $rs = $this->_queryID; try { $this->_numOfRows = $rs->RecordCount; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_numOfRows = -1; } $f = $rs->Fields; $this->_numOfFields = $f->Count; } // should only be used to move forward as we normally use forward-only cursors function _seek($row) { $rs = $this->_queryID; // absoluteposition doesn't work -- my maths is wrong ? // $rs->AbsolutePosition->$row-2; // return true; if ($this->_currentRow > $row) return false; @$rs->Move((integer)$row - $this->_currentRow-1); //adBookmarkFirst return true; } /* OLEDB types enum DBTYPEENUM { DBTYPE_EMPTY = 0, DBTYPE_NULL = 1, DBTYPE_I2 = 2, DBTYPE_I4 = 3, DBTYPE_R4 = 4, DBTYPE_R8 = 5, DBTYPE_CY = 6, DBTYPE_DATE = 7, DBTYPE_BSTR = 8, DBTYPE_IDISPATCH = 9, DBTYPE_ERROR = 10, DBTYPE_BOOL = 11, DBTYPE_VARIANT = 12, DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN = 13, DBTYPE_DECIMAL = 14, DBTYPE_UI1 = 17, DBTYPE_ARRAY = 0x2000, DBTYPE_BYREF = 0x4000, DBTYPE_I1 = 16, DBTYPE_UI2 = 18, DBTYPE_UI4 = 19, DBTYPE_I8 = 20, DBTYPE_UI8 = 21, DBTYPE_GUID = 72, DBTYPE_VECTOR = 0x1000, DBTYPE_RESERVED = 0x8000, DBTYPE_BYTES = 128, DBTYPE_STR = 129, DBTYPE_WSTR = 130, DBTYPE_NUMERIC = 131, DBTYPE_UDT = 132, DBTYPE_DBDATE = 133, DBTYPE_DBTIME = 134, DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP = 135 ADO Types adEmpty = 0, adTinyInt = 16, adSmallInt = 2, adInteger = 3, adBigInt = 20, adUnsignedTinyInt = 17, adUnsignedSmallInt = 18, adUnsignedInt = 19, adUnsignedBigInt = 21, adSingle = 4, adDouble = 5, adCurrency = 6, adDecimal = 14, adNumeric = 131, adBoolean = 11, adError = 10, adUserDefined = 132, adVariant = 12, adIDispatch = 9, adIUnknown = 13, adGUID = 72, adDate = 7, adDBDate = 133, adDBTime = 134, adDBTimeStamp = 135, adBSTR = 8, adChar = 129, adVarChar = 200, adLongVarChar = 201, adWChar = 130, adVarWChar = 202, adLongVarWChar = 203, adBinary = 128, adVarBinary = 204, adLongVarBinary = 205, adChapter = 136, adFileTime = 64, adDBFileTime = 137, adPropVariant = 138, adVarNumeric = 139 */ function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false) { if (is_object($t)) { $fieldobj = $t; $t = $fieldobj->type; $len = $fieldobj->max_length; } if (!is_numeric($t)) return $t; switch ($t) { case 0: case 12: // variant case 8: // bstr case 129: //char case 130: //wc case 200: // varc case 202:// varWC case 128: // bin case 204: // varBin case 72: // guid if ($len <= $this->blobSize) return 'C'; case 201: case 203: return 'X'; case 128: case 204: case 205: return 'B'; case 7: case 133: return 'D'; case 134: case 135: return 'T'; case 11: return 'L'; case 16:// adTinyInt = 16, case 2://adSmallInt = 2, case 3://adInteger = 3, case 4://adBigInt = 20, case 17://adUnsignedTinyInt = 17, case 18://adUnsignedSmallInt = 18, case 19://adUnsignedInt = 19, case 20://adUnsignedBigInt = 21, return 'I'; default: return 'N'; } } // time stamp not supported yet function _fetch() { $rs = $this->_queryID; if (!$rs or $rs->EOF) { $this->fields = false; return false; } $this->fields = array(); if (!$this->_tarr) { $tarr = array(); $flds = array(); for ($i=0,$max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { $f = $rs->Fields($i); $flds[] = $f; $tarr[] = $f->Type; } // bind types and flds only once $this->_tarr = $tarr; $this->_flds = $flds; } $t = reset($this->_tarr); $f = reset($this->_flds); if ($this->hideErrors) $olde = error_reporting(E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR);// sometimes $f->value be null for ($i=0,$max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) { //echo "<p>",$t,' ';var_dump($f->value); echo '</p>'; switch($t) { case 135: // timestamp if (!strlen((string)$f->value)) $this->fields[] = false; else { if (!is_numeric($f->value)) # $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value); // VT_DATE stores dates as (float) fractional days since 1899/12/30 00:00:00 $val= (float) variant_cast($f->value,VT_R8)*3600*24-2209161600; else $val = $f->value; $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val); } break; case 133:// A date value (yyyymmdd) if ($val = $f->value) { $this->fields[] = substr($val,0,4).'-'.substr($val,4,2).'-'.substr($val,6,2); } else $this->fields[] = false; break; case 7: // adDate if (!strlen((string)$f->value)) $this->fields[] = false; else { if (!is_numeric($f->value)) $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value); else $val = $f->value; if (($val % 86400) == 0) $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d',$val); else $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$val); } break; case 1: // null $this->fields[] = false; break; case 20: case 21: // bigint (64 bit) $this->fields[] = (float) $f->value; // if 64 bit PHP, could use (int) break; case 6: // currency is not supported properly; ADOConnection::outp( '<b>'.$f->Name.': currency type not supported by PHP</b>'); $this->fields[] = (float) $f->value; break; case 11: //BIT; $val = ""; if(is_bool($f->value)) { if($f->value==true) $val = 1; else $val = 0; } if(is_null($f->value)) $val = null; $this->fields[] = $val; break; default: $this->fields[] = $f->value; break; } //print " $f->value $t, "; $f = next($this->_flds); $t = next($this->_tarr); } // for if ($this->hideErrors) error_reporting($olde); @$rs->MoveNext(); // @ needed for some versions of PHP! if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) { $this->fields = $this->GetRowAssoc(ADODB_ASSOC_CASE); } return true; } function NextRecordSet() { $rs = $this->_queryID; $this->_queryID = $rs->NextRecordSet(); //$this->_queryID = $this->_QueryId->NextRecordSet(); if ($this->_queryID == null) return false; $this->_currentRow = -1; $this->_currentPage = -1; $this->bind = false; $this->fields = false; $this->_flds = false; $this->_tarr = false; $this->_inited = false; $this->Init(); return true; } function _close() { $this->_flds = false; try { @$this->_queryID->Close();// by Pete Dishman ( } catch (Exception $e) { } $this->_queryID = false; } } ?>