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File: adodb/
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Description: Auxiliary script
Class: PHP MySQL JSON Manager
Build and Execute SQL queries with results in JSON
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Date: 9 years ago
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<?php /* @version V5.06 29 Sept 2008 (c) 2000-2012 John Lim ( All rights reserved. Latest version is available at Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, the BSD license will take precedence. Active Record implementation. Superset of Zend Framework's. This is "Active Record eXtended" to support JOIN, WORK and LAZY mode by Chris Ravenscroft Version 0.9 See for info on Ruby on Rails Active Record implementation */ // CFR: Active Records Definitions define('ADODB_JOIN_AR', 0x01); define('ADODB_WORK_AR', 0x02); define('ADODB_LAZY_AR', 0x03); global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; global $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS; // set to true to enable caching of metadata such as field info global $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY; // set to false to disable safety checks global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS; // use default values of table definition when creating new active record. // array of ADODB_Active_DB's, indexed by ADODB_Active_Record->_dbat $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array(); $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY = true; // CFR: disabled while playing with relations $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = false; class ADODB_Active_DB { var $db; // ADOConnection var $tables; // assoc array of ADODB_Active_Table objects, indexed by tablename } class ADODB_Active_Table { var $name; // table name var $flds; // assoc array of adofieldobjs, indexed by fieldname var $keys; // assoc array of primary keys, indexed by fieldname var $_created; // only used when stored as a cached file var $_belongsTo = array(); var $_hasMany = array(); var $_colsCount; // total columns count, including relations function updateColsCount() { $this->_colsCount = sizeof($this->flds); foreach($this->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) $this->_colsCount += sizeof($foreignTable->TableInfo()->flds); foreach($this->_hasMany as $foreignTable) $this->_colsCount += sizeof($foreignTable->TableInfo()->flds); } } // returns index into $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS function ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter(&$db) { global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; foreach($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS as $k => $d) { if (PHP_VERSION >= 5) { if ($d->db === $db) return $k; } else { if ($d->db->_connectionID === $db->_connectionID && $db->database == $d->db->database) return $k; } } $obj = new ADODB_Active_DB(); $obj->db = $db; $obj->tables = array(); $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[] = $obj; return sizeof($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)-1; } class ADODB_Active_Record { static $_changeNames = true; // dynamically pluralize table names static $_foreignSuffix = '_id'; // var $_dbat; // associative index pointing to ADODB_Active_DB eg. $ADODB_Active_DBS[_dbat] var $_table; // tablename, if set in class definition then use it as table name var $_sTable; // singularized table name var $_pTable; // pluralized table name var $_tableat; // associative index pointing to ADODB_Active_Table, eg $ADODB_Active_DBS[_dbat]->tables[$this->_tableat] var $_where; // where clause set in Load() var $_saved = false; // indicates whether data is already inserted. var $_lasterr = false; // last error message var $_original = false; // the original values loaded or inserted, refreshed on update var $foreignName; // CFR: class name when in a relationship static function UseDefaultValues($bool=null) { global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS; if (isset($bool)) $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = $bool; return $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS; } // should be static static function SetDatabaseAdapter(&$db) { return ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter($db); } public function __set($name, $value) { $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $name); $this->$name = $value; } // php5 constructor // Note: if $table is defined, then we will use it as our table name // Otherwise we will use our classname... // In our database, table names are pluralized (because there can be // more than one row!) // Similarly, if $table is defined here, it has to be plural form. // // $options is an array that allows us to tweak the constructor's behaviour // if $options['refresh'] is true, we re-scan our metadata information // if $options['new'] is true, we forget all relations function __construct($table = false, $pkeyarr=false, $db=false, $options=array()) { global $ADODB_ASSOC_CASE,$_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; if ($db == false && is_object($pkeyarr)) { $db = $pkeyarr; $pkeyarr = false; } if($table) { // table argument exists. It is expected to be // already plural form. $this->_pTable = $table; $this->_sTable = $this->_singularize($this->_pTable); } else { // We will use current classname as table name. // We need to pluralize it for the real table name. $this->_sTable = strtolower(get_class($this)); $this->_pTable = $this->_pluralize($this->_sTable); } $this->_table = &$this->_pTable; $this->foreignName = $this->_sTable; // CFR: default foreign name (singular) if ($db) { $this->_dbat = ADODB_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdapter($db); } else $this->_dbat = sizeof($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)-1; if ($this->_dbat < 0) $this->Error("No database connection set; use ADOdb_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdapter(\$db)",'ADODB_Active_Record::__constructor'); $this->_tableat = $this->_table; # reserved for setting the assoc value to a non-table name, eg. the sql string in future // CFR: Just added this option because UpdateActiveTable() can refresh its information // but there was no way to ask it to do that. $forceUpdate = (isset($options['refresh']) && true === $options['refresh']); $this->UpdateActiveTable($pkeyarr, $forceUpdate); if(isset($options['new']) && true === $options['new']) { $table =& $this->TableInfo(); unset($table->_hasMany); unset($table->_belongsTo); $table->_hasMany = array(); $table->_belongsTo = array(); } } function __wakeup() { $class = get_class($this); new $class; } // CFR: Constants found in Rails static $IrregularP = array( 'PERSON' => 'people', 'MAN' => 'men', 'WOMAN' => 'women', 'CHILD' => 'children', 'COW' => 'kine', ); static $IrregularS = array( 'PEOPLE' => 'PERSON', 'MEN' => 'man', 'WOMEN' => 'woman', 'CHILDREN' => 'child', 'KINE' => 'cow', ); static $WeIsI = array( 'EQUIPMENT' => true, 'INFORMATION' => true, 'RICE' => true, 'MONEY' => true, 'SPECIES' => true, 'SERIES' => true, 'FISH' => true, 'SHEEP' => true, ); function _pluralize($table) { if (!ADODB_Active_Record::$_changeNames) return $table; $ut = strtoupper($table); if(isset(self::$WeIsI[$ut])) { return $table; } if(isset(self::$IrregularP[$ut])) { return self::$IrregularP[$ut]; } $len = strlen($table); $lastc = $ut[$len-1]; $lastc2 = substr($ut,$len-2); switch ($lastc) { case 'S': return $table.'es'; case 'Y': return substr($table,0,$len-1).'ies'; case 'X': return $table.'es'; case 'H': if ($lastc2 == 'CH' || $lastc2 == 'SH') return $table.'es'; default: return $table.'s'; } } // CFR Lamest singular inflector ever - @todo Make it real! // Note: There is an assumption here...and it is that the argument's length >= 4 function _singularize($table) { if (!ADODB_Active_Record::$_changeNames) return $table; $ut = strtoupper($table); if(isset(self::$WeIsI[$ut])) { return $table; } if(isset(self::$IrregularS[$ut])) { return self::$IrregularS[$ut]; } $len = strlen($table); if($ut[$len-1] != 'S') return $table; // I know...forget oxen if($ut[$len-2] != 'E') return substr($table, 0, $len-1); switch($ut[$len-3]) { case 'S': case 'X': return substr($table, 0, $len-2); case 'I': return substr($table, 0, $len-3) . 'y'; case 'H'; if($ut[$len-4] == 'C' || $ut[$len-4] == 'S') return substr($table, 0, $len-2); default: return substr($table, 0, $len-1); // ? } } /* * ar->foreignName will contain the name of the tables associated with this table because * these other tables' rows may also be referenced by this table using theirname_id or the provided * foreign keys (this index name is stored in ar->foreignKey) * * = other-table-#1.this-table_id * = other-table-#2.this-table_id */ function hasMany($foreignRef,$foreignKey=false) { $ar = new ADODB_Active_Record($foreignRef); $ar->foreignName = $foreignRef; $ar->UpdateActiveTable(); $ar->foreignKey = ($foreignKey) ? $foreignKey : strtolower(get_class($this)) . self::$_foreignSuffix; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); if(!isset($table->_hasMany[$foreignRef])) { $table->_hasMany[$foreignRef] = $ar; $table->updateColsCount(); } # @todo Can I make this guy be lazy? $this->$foreignRef = $table->_hasMany[$foreignRef]; // WATCHME Removed assignment by ref. to please __get() } /** * ar->foreignName will contain the name of the tables associated with this table because * this table's rows may also be referenced by those tables using thistable_id or the provided * foreign keys (this index name is stored in ar->foreignKey) * * this-table.other-table_id = */ function belongsTo($foreignRef,$foreignKey=false) { global $inflector; $ar = new ADODB_Active_Record($this->_pluralize($foreignRef)); $ar->foreignName = $foreignRef; $ar->UpdateActiveTable(); $ar->foreignKey = ($foreignKey) ? $foreignKey : $ar->foreignName . self::$_foreignSuffix; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); if(!isset($table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef])) { $table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef] = $ar; $table->updateColsCount(); } $this->$foreignRef = $table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef]; } /** * __get Access properties - used for lazy loading * * @param mixed $name * @access protected * @return void */ function __get($name) { return $this->LoadRelations($name, '', -1. -1); } function LoadRelations($name, $whereOrderBy, $offset=-1, $limit=-1) { $extras = array(); if($offset >= 0) $extras['offset'] = $offset; if($limit >= 0) $extras['limit'] = $limit; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); if (strlen($whereOrderBy)) if (!preg_match('/^[ \n\r]*AND/i',$whereOrderBy)) if (!preg_match('/^[ \n\r]*ORDER[ \n\r]/i',$whereOrderBy)) $whereOrderBy = 'AND '.$whereOrderBy; if(!empty($table->_belongsTo[$name])) { $obj = $table->_belongsTo[$name]; $columnName = $obj->foreignKey; if(empty($this->$columnName)) $this->$name = null; else { if(($k = reset($obj->TableInfo()->keys))) $belongsToId = $k; else $belongsToId = 'id'; $arrayOfOne = $obj->Find( $belongsToId.'='.$this->$columnName.' '.$whereOrderBy, false, false, $extras); $this->$name = $arrayOfOne[0]; } return $this->$name; } if(!empty($table->_hasMany[$name])) { $obj = $table->_hasMany[$name]; if(($k = reset($table->keys))) $hasManyId = $k; else $hasManyId = 'id'; $this->$name = $obj->Find( $obj->foreignKey.'='.$this->$hasManyId.' '.$whereOrderBy, false, false, $extras); return $this->$name; } } ////////////////////////////////// // update metadata function UpdateActiveTable($pkeys=false,$forceUpdate=false) { global $ADODB_ASSOC_CASE,$_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS , $ADODB_CACHE_DIR, $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS; global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS, $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat]; $table = $this->_table; $tables = $activedb->tables; $tableat = $this->_tableat; if (!$forceUpdate && !empty($tables[$tableat])) { $tobj = $tables[$tableat]; foreach($tobj->flds as $name => $fld) { if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fld->default_value)) $this->$name = $fld->default_value; else $this->$name = null; } return; } $db = $activedb->db; $fname = $ADODB_CACHE_DIR . '/adodb_' . $db->databaseType . '_active_'. $table . '.cache'; if (!$forceUpdate && $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS && $ADODB_CACHE_DIR && file_exists($fname)) { $fp = fopen($fname,'r'); @flock($fp, LOCK_SH); $acttab = unserialize(fread($fp,100000)); fclose($fp); if ($acttab->_created + $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS - (abs(rand()) % 16) > time()) { // abs(rand()) randomizes deletion, reducing contention to delete/refresh file // ideally, you should cache at least 32 secs $activedb->tables[$table] = $acttab; //if ($db->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Reading cached active record file: $fname"); return; } else if ($db->debug) { ADOConnection::outp("Refreshing cached active record file: $fname"); } } $activetab = new ADODB_Active_Table(); $activetab->name = $table; $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE; $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; if ($db->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $db->SetFetchMode(false); $cols = $db->MetaColumns($table); if (isset($savem)) $db->SetFetchMode($savem); $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save; if (!$cols) { $this->Error("Invalid table name: $table",'UpdateActiveTable'); return false; } $fld = reset($cols); if (!$pkeys) { if (isset($fld->primary_key)) { $pkeys = array(); foreach($cols as $name => $fld) { if (!empty($fld->primary_key)) $pkeys[] = $name; } } else $pkeys = $this->GetPrimaryKeys($db, $table); } if (empty($pkeys)) { $this->Error("No primary key found for table $table",'UpdateActiveTable'); return false; } $attr = array(); $keys = array(); switch($ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) { case 0: foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) { $name = strtolower($name); if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value; else $this->$name = null; $attr[$name] = $fldobj; } foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) { $keys[strtolower($name)] = strtolower($name); } break; case 1: foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) { $name = strtoupper($name); if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value; else $this->$name = null; $attr[$name] = $fldobj; } foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) { $keys[strtoupper($name)] = strtoupper($name); } break; default: foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) { $name = ($fldobj->name); if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value; else $this->$name = null; $attr[$name] = $fldobj; } foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) { $keys[$name] = $cols[$name]->name; } break; } $activetab->keys = $keys; $activetab->flds = $attr; $activetab->updateColsCount(); if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS && $ADODB_CACHE_DIR) { $activetab->_created = time(); $s = serialize($activetab); if (!function_exists('adodb_write_file')) include(ADODB_DIR.'/'); adodb_write_file($fname,$s); } if (isset($activedb->tables[$table])) { $oldtab = $activedb->tables[$table]; if ($oldtab) $activetab->_belongsTo = $oldtab->_belongsTo; if ($oldtab) $activetab->_hasMany = $oldtab->_hasMany; } $activedb->tables[$table] = $activetab; } function GetPrimaryKeys(&$db, $table) { return $db->MetaPrimaryKeys($table); } // error handler for both PHP4+5. function Error($err,$fn) { global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; $fn = get_class($this).'::'.$fn; $this->_lasterr = $fn.': '.$err; if ($this->_dbat < 0) $db = false; else { $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat]; $db = $activedb->db; } if (function_exists('adodb_throw')) { if (!$db) adodb_throw('ADOdb_Active_Record', $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, false); else adodb_throw($db->databaseType, $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, $db); } else if (!$db || $db->debug) ADOConnection::outp($this->_lasterr); } // return last error message function ErrorMsg() { if (!function_exists('adodb_throw')) { if ($this->_dbat < 0) $db = false; else $db = $this->DB(); // last error could be database error too if ($db && $db->ErrorMsg()) return $db->ErrorMsg(); } return $this->_lasterr; } function ErrorNo() { if ($this->_dbat < 0) return -9999; // no database connection... $db = $this->DB(); return (int) $db->ErrorNo(); } // retrieve ADOConnection from _ADODB_Active_DBs function DB() { global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; if ($this->_dbat < 0) { $false = false; $this->Error("No database connection set: use ADOdb_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdaptor(\$db)", "DB"); return $false; } $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat]; $db = $activedb->db; return $db; } // retrieve ADODB_Active_Table function &TableInfo() { global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat]; $table = $activedb->tables[$this->_tableat]; return $table; } // I have an ON INSERT trigger on a table that sets other columns in the table. // So, I find that for myTable, I want to reload an active record after saving it. -- Malcolm Cook function Reload() { $db =& $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); $where = $this->GenWhere($db, $table); return($this->Load($where)); } // set a numeric array (using natural table field ordering) as object properties function Set(&$row) { global $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY; $db = $this->DB(); if (!$row) { $this->_saved = false; return false; } $this->_saved = true; $table = $this->TableInfo(); $sizeofFlds = sizeof($table->flds); $sizeofRow = sizeof($row); if ($ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY && $table->_colsCount != $sizeofRow && $sizeofFlds != $sizeofRow) { # <AP> $bad_size = TRUE; if($sizeofRow == 2 * $table->_colsCount || $sizeofRow == 2 * $sizeofFlds) { // Only keep string keys $keys = array_filter(array_keys($row), 'is_string'); if (sizeof($keys) == sizeof($table->flds)) $bad_size = FALSE; } if ($bad_size) { $this->Error("Table structure of $this->_table has changed","Load"); return false; } # </AP> } else $keys = array_keys($row); # <AP> reset($keys); $this->_original = array(); foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) { $value = $row[current($keys)]; $this->$name = $value; $this->_original[] = $value; if(!next($keys)) break; } $table =& $this->TableInfo(); foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) { $ft = $foreignTable->TableInfo(); $propertyName = $ft->name; foreach($ft->flds as $name=>$fld) { $value = $row[current($keys)]; $foreignTable->$name = $value; $foreignTable->_original[] = $value; if(!next($keys)) break; } } foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable) { $ft = $foreignTable->TableInfo(); foreach($ft->flds as $name=>$fld) { $value = $row[current($keys)]; $foreignTable->$name = $value; $foreignTable->_original[] = $value; if(!next($keys)) break; } } # </AP> return true; } // get last inserted id for INSERT function LastInsertID(&$db,$fieldname) { if ($db->hasInsertID) $val = $db->Insert_ID($this->_table,$fieldname); else $val = false; if (is_null($val) || $val === false) { // this might not work reliably in multi-user environment return $db->GetOne("select max(".$fieldname.") from ".$this->_table); } return $val; } // quote data in where clause function doquote(&$db, $val,$t) { switch($t) { case 'D': case 'T': if (empty($val)) return 'null'; case 'C': case 'X': if (is_null($val)) return 'null'; if (strlen($val)>0 && (strncmp($val,"'",1) != 0 || substr($val,strlen($val)-1,1) != "'")) { return $db->qstr($val); break; } default: return $val; break; } } // generate where clause for an UPDATE/SELECT function GenWhere(&$db, &$table) { $keys = $table->keys; $parr = array(); foreach($keys as $k) { $f = $table->flds[$k]; if ($f) { $parr[] = $k.' = '.$this->doquote($db,$this->$k,$db->MetaType($f->type)); } } return implode(' and ', $parr); } //------------------------------------------------------------ Public functions below function Load($where=null,$bindarr=false) { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $this->_where = $where; $save = $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); $qry = "select * from ".$this->_table; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); if(($k = reset($table->keys))) $hasManyId = $k; else $hasManyId = 'id'; foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) { if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) { $belongsToId = $k; } else { $belongsToId = 'id'; } $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '. $this->_table.'.'.$foreignTable->foreignKey.'='. $foreignTable->_table.'.'.$belongsToId; } foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable) { $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '. $this->_table.'.'.$hasManyId.'='. $foreignTable->_table.'.'.$foreignTable->foreignKey; } if($where) $qry .= ' WHERE '.$where; // Simple case: no relations. Load row and return. if((count($table->_hasMany) + count($table->_belongsTo)) < 1) { $row = $db->GetRow($qry,$bindarr); if(!$row) return false; $db->SetFetchMode($save); return $this->Set($row); } // More complex case when relations have to be collated $rows = $db->GetAll($qry,$bindarr); if(!$rows) return false; $db->SetFetchMode($save); if(count($rows) < 1) return false; $class = get_class($this); $isFirstRow = true; if(($k = reset($this->TableInfo()->keys))) $myId = $k; else $myId = 'id'; $index = 0; $found = false; /** @todo Improve by storing once and for all in table metadata */ /** @todo Also re-use info for hasManyId */ foreach($this->TableInfo()->flds as $fld) { if($fld->name == $myId) { $found = true; break; } $index++; } if(!$found) $this->outp_throw("Unable to locate key $myId for $class in Load()",'Load'); foreach($rows as $row) { $rowId = intval($row[$index]); if($rowId > 0) { if($isFirstRow) { $isFirstRow = false; if(!$this->Set($row)) return false; } $obj = new $class($table,false,$db); $obj->Set($row); // TODO Copy/paste code below: bad! if(count($table->_hasMany) > 0) { foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { if(!is_array($this->$foreignName)) { $foreignObj = $this->$foreignName; $this->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj)); } else { $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName; array_push($this->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj)); } } } } if(count($table->_belongsTo) > 0) { foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { if(!is_array($this->$foreignName)) { $foreignObj = $this->$foreignName; $this->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj)); } else { $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName; array_push($this->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj)); } } } } } } return true; } // false on error function Save() { if ($this->_saved) $ok = $this->Update(); else $ok = $this->Insert(); return $ok; } // CFR: Sometimes we may wish to consider that an object is not to be replaced but inserted. // Sample use case: an 'undo' command object (after a delete()) function Dirty() { $this->_saved = false; } // false on error function Insert() { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $cnt = 0; $table = $this->TableInfo(); $valarr = array(); $names = array(); $valstr = array(); foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) { $val = $this->$name; if(!is_null($val) || !array_key_exists($name, $table->keys)) { $valarr[] = $val; $names[] = $name; $valstr[] = $db->Param($cnt); $cnt += 1; } } if (empty($names)){ foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) { $valarr[] = null; $names[] = $name; $valstr[] = $db->Param($cnt); $cnt += 1; } } $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->_table."(".implode(',',$names).') VALUES ('.implode(',',$valstr).')'; $ok = $db->Execute($sql,$valarr); if ($ok) { $this->_saved = true; $autoinc = false; foreach($table->keys as $k) { if (is_null($this->$k)) { $autoinc = true; break; } } if ($autoinc && sizeof($table->keys) == 1) { $k = reset($table->keys); $this->$k = $this->LastInsertID($db,$k); } } $this->_original = $valarr; return !empty($ok); } function Delete() { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $table = $this->TableInfo(); $where = $this->GenWhere($db,$table); $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->_table.' WHERE '.$where; $ok = $db->Execute($sql); return $ok ? true : false; } // returns an array of active record objects function Find($whereOrderBy,$bindarr=false,$pkeysArr=false,$extra=array()) { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db || empty($this->_table)) return false; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); $arr = $db->GetActiveRecordsClass(get_class($this),$this, $whereOrderBy,$bindarr,$pkeysArr,$extra, array('foreignName'=>$this->foreignName, 'belongsTo'=>$table->_belongsTo, 'hasMany'=>$table->_hasMany)); return $arr; } // CFR: In introduced this method to ensure that inner workings are not disturbed by // subclasses...for instance when GetActiveRecordsClass invokes Find() // Why am I not invoking parent::Find? // Shockingly because I want to preserve PHP4 compatibility. function packageFind($whereOrderBy,$bindarr=false,$pkeysArr=false,$extra=array()) { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db || empty($this->_table)) return false; $table =& $this->TableInfo(); $arr = $db->GetActiveRecordsClass(get_class($this),$this, $whereOrderBy,$bindarr,$pkeysArr,$extra, array('foreignName'=>$this->foreignName, 'belongsTo'=>$table->_belongsTo, 'hasMany'=>$table->_hasMany)); return $arr; } // returns 0 on error, 1 on update, 2 on insert function Replace() { global $ADODB_ASSOC_CASE; $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $table = $this->TableInfo(); $pkey = $table->keys; foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) { $val = $this->$name; /* if (is_null($val)) { if (isset($fld->not_null) && $fld->not_null) { if (isset($fld->default_value) && strlen($fld->default_value)) continue; else { $this->Error("Cannot update null into $name","Replace"); return false; } } }*/ if (is_null($val) && !empty($fld->auto_increment)) { continue; } $t = $db->MetaType($fld->type); $arr[$name] = $this->doquote($db,$val,$t); $valarr[] = $val; } if (!is_array($pkey)) $pkey = array($pkey); if ($ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0) foreach($pkey as $k => $v) $pkey[$k] = strtolower($v); elseif ($ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 1) foreach($pkey as $k => $v) $pkey[$k] = strtoupper($v); $ok = $db->Replace($this->_table,$arr,$pkey); if ($ok) { $this->_saved = true; // 1= update 2=insert if ($ok == 2) { $autoinc = false; foreach($table->keys as $k) { if (is_null($this->$k)) { $autoinc = true; break; } } if ($autoinc && sizeof($table->keys) == 1) { $k = reset($table->keys); $this->$k = $this->LastInsertID($db,$k); } } $this->_original = $valarr; } return $ok; } // returns 0 on error, 1 on update, -1 if no change in data (no update) function Update() { $db = $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false; $table = $this->TableInfo(); $where = $this->GenWhere($db, $table); if (!$where) { $this->error("Where missing for table $table", "Update"); return false; } $valarr = array(); $neworig = array(); $pairs = array(); $i = -1; $cnt = 0; foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) { $i += 1; $val = $this->$name; $neworig[] = $val; if (isset($table->keys[$name])) { continue; } if (is_null($val)) { if (isset($fld->not_null) && $fld->not_null) { if (isset($fld->default_value) && strlen($fld->default_value)) continue; else { $this->Error("Cannot set field $name to NULL","Update"); return false; } } } if (isset($this->_original[$i]) && $val == $this->_original[$i]) { continue; } $valarr[] = $val; $pairs[] = $name.'='.$db->Param($cnt); $cnt += 1; } if (!$cnt) return -1; $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->_table." SET ".implode(",",$pairs)." WHERE ".$where; $ok = $db->Execute($sql,$valarr); if ($ok) { $this->_original = $neworig; return 1; } return 0; } function GetAttributeNames() { $table = $this->TableInfo(); if (!$table) return false; return array_keys($table->flds); } }; function adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass(&$db, $class, $tableObj,$whereOrderBy,$bindarr, $primkeyArr, $extra, $relations) { global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS; if (empty($extra['loading'])) $extra['loading'] = ADODB_LAZY_AR; $save = $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); $table = &$tableObj->_table; $tableInfo =& $tableObj->TableInfo(); if(($k = reset($tableInfo->keys))) $myId = $k; else $myId = 'id'; $index = 0; $found = false; /** @todo Improve by storing once and for all in table metadata */ /** @todo Also re-use info for hasManyId */ foreach($tableInfo->flds as $fld) { if($fld->name == $myId) { $found = true; break; } $index++; } if(!$found) $db->outp_throw("Unable to locate key $myId for $class in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass'); $qry = "select * from ".$table; if(ADODB_JOIN_AR == $extra['loading']) { if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) { foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) { if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) { $belongsToId = $k; } else { $belongsToId = 'id'; } $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '. $table.'.'.$foreignTable->foreignKey.'='. $foreignTable->_table.'.'.$belongsToId; } } if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) { if(empty($relations['foreignName'])) $db->outp_throw("Missing foreignName is relation specification in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass'); if(($k = reset($tableInfo->keys))) $hasManyId = $k; else $hasManyId = 'id'; foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) { $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '. $table.'.'.$hasManyId.'='. $foreignTable->_table.'.'.$foreignTable->foreignKey; } } } if (!empty($whereOrderBy)) $qry .= ' WHERE '.$whereOrderBy; if(isset($extra['limit'])) { $rows = false; if(isset($extra['offset'])) { $rs = $db->SelectLimit($qry, $extra['limit'], $extra['offset']); } else { $rs = $db->SelectLimit($qry, $extra['limit']); } if ($rs) { while (!$rs->EOF) { $rows[] = $rs->fields; $rs->MoveNext(); } } } else $rows = $db->GetAll($qry,$bindarr); $db->SetFetchMode($save); $false = false; if ($rows === false) { return $false; } if (!isset($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)) { include(ADODB_DIR.'/'); } if (!class_exists($class)) { $db->outp_throw("Unknown class $class in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass'); return $false; } $uniqArr = array(); // CFR Keep track of records for relations $arr = array(); // arrRef will be the structure that knows about our objects. // It is an associative array. // We will, however, return arr, preserving regular 0.. order so that // obj[0] can be used by app developpers. $arrRef = array(); $bTos = array(); // Will store belongTo's indices if any foreach($rows as $row) { $obj = new $class($table,$primkeyArr,$db); if ($obj->ErrorNo()){ $db->_errorMsg = $obj->ErrorMsg(); return $false; } $obj->Set($row); // CFR: FIXME: Insane assumption here: // If the first column returned is an integer, then it's a 'id' field // And to make things a bit worse, I use intval() rather than is_int() because, in fact, // $row[0] is not an integer. // // So, what does this whole block do? // When relationships are found, we perform JOINs. This is fast. But not accurate: // instead of returning n objects with their n' associated cousins, // we get n*n' objects. This code fixes this. // Note: to-many relationships mess around with the 'limit' parameter $rowId = intval($row[$index]); if(ADODB_WORK_AR == $extra['loading']) { $arrRef[$rowId] = $obj; $arr[] = &$arrRef[$rowId]; if(!isset($indices)) $indices = $rowId; else $indices .= ','.$rowId; if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) { foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignTableRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey; // First array: list of foreign ids we are looking for if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef])) $bTos[$foreignTableRef] = array(); // Second array: list of ids found if(empty($obj->$foreignTableRef)) continue; if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef])) $bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef] = array(); $bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef][] = $obj; } } continue; } if($rowId>0) { if(ADODB_JOIN_AR == $extra['loading']) { $isNewObj = !isset($uniqArr['_'.$row[0]]); if($isNewObj) $uniqArr['_'.$row[0]] = $obj; // TODO Copy/paste code below: bad! if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) { foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { $masterObj = &$uniqArr['_'.$row[0]]; // Assumption: this property exists in every object since they are instances of the same class if(!is_array($masterObj->$foreignName)) { // Pluck! $foreignObj = $masterObj->$foreignName; $masterObj->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj)); } else { // Pluck pluck! $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName; array_push($masterObj->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj)); } } } } if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) { foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { $masterObj = &$uniqArr['_'.$row[0]]; // Assumption: this property exists in every object since they are instances of the same class if(!is_array($masterObj->$foreignName)) { // Pluck! $foreignObj = $masterObj->$foreignName; $masterObj->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj)); } else { // Pluck pluck! $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName; array_push($masterObj->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj)); } } } } if(!$isNewObj) unset($obj); // We do not need this object itself anymore and do not want it re-added to the main array } else if(ADODB_LAZY_AR == $extra['loading']) { // Lazy loading: we need to give AdoDb a hint that we have not really loaded // anything, all the while keeping enough information on what we wish to load. // Let's do this by keeping the relevant info in our relationship arrays // but get rid of the actual properties. // We will then use PHP's __get to load these properties on-demand. if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) { foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { unset($obj->$foreignName); } } } if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) { foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) { unset($obj->$foreignName); } } } } } if(isset($obj)) $arr[] = $obj; } if(ADODB_WORK_AR == $extra['loading']) { // The best of both worlds? // Here, the number of queries is constant: 1 + n*relationship. // The second query will allow us to perform a good join // while preserving LIMIT etc. if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) { foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; $className = ucfirst($foreignTable->_singularize($foreignName)); $obj = new $className(); $dbClassRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey; $objs = $obj->packageFind($dbClassRef.' IN ('.$indices.')'); foreach($objs as $obj) { if(!is_array($arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName)) $arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName = array(); array_push($arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName, $obj); } } } if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) { foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) { $foreignTableRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey; if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef])) continue; if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) { $belongsToId = $k; } else { $belongsToId = 'id'; } $origObjsArr = $bTos[$foreignTableRef]; $bTosString = implode(',', array_keys($bTos[$foreignTableRef])); $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName; $className = ucfirst($foreignTable->_singularize($foreignName)); $obj = new $className(); $objs = $obj->packageFind($belongsToId.' IN ('.$bTosString.')'); foreach($objs as $obj) { foreach($origObjsArr[$obj->$belongsToId] as $idx=>$origObj) { $origObj->$foreignName = $obj; } } } } } return $arr; } ?>