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File: example.php

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   PHP Database Variable Store   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP Database Variable Store
Store variable names and values in MySQL database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 8,688 bytes



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// Modify your own mysql connection parameters here
$mysql_host = 'localhost' ;
$mysql_user = 'root' ;
$mysql_password = '' ;
$mysql_database = 'test' ;

// Include the variable store class
include ( 'DbVariableStore.class.php' ) ;

// Helper functions
function toboolean ( $value )
       { return ( (
$value ) ? ' yes' : ' no' ) ; } ;

toverdict ( $value )
       { return ( (
$value ) ? ' ok' : 'failed' ) ; } ;

formatted_printr ( $value )
        if (
is_array ( $value ) )
            return (
str_replace ( [ "\r", "\n" ], [ '', "\n\t\t" ], print_r ( $value, true ) ) ) ;
            return (
$value ) ;

// Variables specific for running the tests either in Apache or CLI mode
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) == 'cli' )
$nl = "\n" ;
$tab = "\t" ;
$nl = "<br/>" ;
$tab = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ;

// Step 1 : Create a variable store named 'testvariables'
echo ( "****** Step 1 : Create the variable store :$nl" ) ;

$connection = mysqli_connect ( $mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password, $mysql_database ) ;
mysqli_query ( $connection, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testvariables" ) ;

$store = new DbVariableStore ( 'testvariables', $connection ) ;
    echo (
$tab . toverdict ( $store ) ) ;
    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Step 2 : Test variable definition/retrieval,with all the possible conversion cases.
    // Loop through the following definitions array to :
    // 2.1 - Create a variable (given by the 'name' element) with a value of 'value' and a type of 'type'
    // The result should always be 'ok', except if the variable already exists, which should not be the
    // case in this run
    // 2.2 - Check if the variable is defined (true of false). The result should always be 'ok'.
    // 2.3 - Retrieve its value and compare it with the 'expected' value. For example, an initial value of
    // " 3.14159" for a TYPE_INTEGER variable will be stored as "3".
    // The result should always be 'ok'.
    // 2.4 - Undefine it and display the status. The result should always be 'ok'.
    // 2.5 - Check if it still defined. The result should always be 'no', since the variable has been deleted.
$test_definitions =
'name' => 'string.null',
'value' => null,
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_STRING,
'expected' => ''
'name' => 'string.value',
'value' => 'Hello World',
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_STRING,
'expected' => 'Hello World'
'name' => 'integer.value',
'value' => 1,
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_INTEGER,
'expected' => 1
'name' => 'integer.strvalue',
'value' => " 1",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_INTEGER,
'expected' => 1
'name' => 'integer.dblvalue',
'value' => " 3.14159",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_INTEGER,
'expected' => 3
'name' => 'integer.truevalue',
'value' => true,
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_INTEGER,
'expected' => 1
'name' => 'integer.falsevalue',
'value' => false,
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_INTEGER,
'expected' => 0
'name' => 'dblvalue',
'value' => " 3.14159",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_DOUBLE,
'expected' => 3.14159
'name' => 'boolean.truevalue',
'value' => "1",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_BOOLEAN,
'expected' => true
'name' => 'boolean.falsevalue',
'value' => "0",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_BOOLEAN,
'expected' => false
'name' => 'datetime.1',
'value' => "2014/01/01 13:40:00",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_DATETIME,
'expected' => "2014/01/01 13:40:00"
'name' => 'datetime.2',
'value' => "now",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_DATETIME,
'expected' => strtotime ( "now" ) // Failure is ok here when checking the expected string
'name' => 'datetime.3',
'value' => 0,
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_DATETIME,
'expected' => "1970/01/01 00:00:00" // Failure is ok here if different GMT offset
'name' => 'date.1',
'value' => "2014/01/01",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_DATE,
'expected' => "2014/01/01"
'name' => 'time.1',
'value' => "17:40:17",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_TIME,
'expected' => "17:40:17"
'name' => 'timestamp',
'value' => "1970/01/01 00:00:00",
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
'expected' => 0 // Comparison will fail since the original timestamp is a date string
'name' => 'array', // This test will generate a notice : "array to string conversion"
'value' => [ 1, 2 ], // when displaying the results
'type' => DbVariableStore::TYPE_SERIALIZED,
'expected' => [ 1, 2 ]
        ] ;

    echo (
"****** Step 2 : Variable create/check/retrieve/undefine/check :$nl" ) ;
    echo (
"$tab" . sprintf ( "%-20s", 'Variable' ) . " Created? IsDefined? IsExpected? Deleted? StillDefined?$nl" ) ;
    echo (
"$tab--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$nl" ) ;

    foreach (
$test_definitions as $def )
$creation_status = $store -> Define ( $def [ 'name' ], $def [ 'value' ], $def [ 'type' ] ) ;
$is_defined = $store -> IsDefined ( $def [ 'name' ] ) ;
$value = $store -> ValueOf ( $def [ 'name' ] ) ;
$is_expected = ( $value == $def [ 'expected' ] ) ;
$deletion_status = $store -> Undefine ( $def [ 'name' ] ) ;
$is_still_defined = $store -> IsDefined ( $def [ 'name' ] ) ;

        echo (
"$tab" . sprintf ( "%-20s", $def [ 'name' ] ) . " " .
" " . toverdict ( $creation_status ) . " " .
" " . toboolean ( $is_defined ) . " " .
" " . toverdict ( $is_expected ) . " " .
" " . toverdict ( $deletion_status ) . " " .
" " . toboolean ( $is_still_defined ) .
$nl ) ;

$dvalue = formatted_printr ( $def [ 'value' ] ) ;
$rvalue = formatted_printr ( $value ) ;
        echo (
"$tab$tab Defined value : [$dvalue]$nl" ) ;
        echo (
"$tab$tab Retrieved value : [$rvalue]$nl" ) ;

    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Now just recreate the variables that have been created then undefined during step 2),
    // just to have a data set for further testing
foreach ( $test_definitions as $def )
$store -> Define ( $def [ 'name' ], $def [ 'value' ], $def [ 'type' ] ) ;

// Step 3 -
    // Display variable count and variable list
echo ( "****** Step 3 : Display variable count and variable list :$nl" ) ;
    echo (
"{$tab}Number of variables defined in step 2) : " . count ( $store ) . $nl ) ;
    echo (
"{$tab}Variable list : " . implode ( ', ', $store -> GetNames ( ) ) . $nl ) ;
    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Step 4 : display the list of defined variables together with their value.
    // You will see a warning because the variable named 'array' is... an array
echo ( "****** Step 4 : Display variable names and values :$nl" ) ;

    foreach (
$store as $name => $value )
$value = formatted_printr ( $value ) ;
        echo (
$tab . sprintf ( "%-20s", $name ) . " : $value$nl" ) ;
    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Step 5 -
    // Loop through variables by their integer index.
echo ( "****** Step 5 : Loop through variables using their integer index :$nl" ) ;
$count = count ( $store ) ;
$vnames = $store -> GetNames ( ) ;

    for (
$i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i ++ )
$value = formatted_printr ( $store [$i] ) ;
        echo (
$tab . sprintf ( "%-20s", $vnames [$i] ) . " : $value$nl" ) ;
    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Step 6 -
    // Loop through variables by their variable name.
echo ( "****** Step 6 : Loop through variables using their name :$nl" ) ;

    foreach (
$vnames as $vname )
$value = formatted_printr ( $store [ $vname ] ) ;
        echo (
$tab . sprintf ( "%-20s", $vname ) . " : $value$nl" ) ;
    echo (
$nl ) ;

// Step 7 :
    // Create the variable named 'zz' accessing it as a property
echo ( "****** Step 7 : Create a variable named 'zz' by accessing it as a property :$nl" ) ;
$store [ 'zz' ] = 'the zz value' ;
$vnames = $store -> GetNames ( ) ;

    foreach (
$vnames as $vname )
$value = formatted_printr ( $store [ $vname ] ) ;
        echo (
$tab . sprintf ( "%-20s", $vname ) . " : $value$nl" ) ;