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File: test_print.php

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  Classes of Jeff Redding   GenPDF   test_print.php   Download  
File: test_print.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Simple example of using GenPDF
Class: GenPDF
Generate block oriented PDF documents
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 2,064 bytes



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// GenPDF example
// Copyright Jeff Redding, 2004, All Rights Reserved.
// This is a simple example of how to use GenPDF. The code below defines
// the layout of a block, and then displays items into their named fields.
// GenPDF keeps blocks from splitting across pages, while making it much
// easier to create a printable output.
// GenPDF requires FreePDF which can be found at:
include "../include/";

// Create a new PDF object
$pdf = new PDF('L', 'mm', 'Letter');

// Add a couple of fonts
$pdf->addFont('bold', 'Arial', 'B', 10);
$pdf->addFont('bigbold', 'Arial', 'B', 12);

// Begin defining our fields
$pdf->addField('A', 0, 0, 100);
$pdf->addField('F', 0, 5, 100);
$pdf->addField('E', 0, 10, 100);

$pdf->addField('B', 100, 0, 50);
$pdf->addField('C', 100, 5, 50);
$pdf->addField('D', 100, 10, 50);

$pdf->addField('G', 150, 0, 50);
$pdf->addField('I', 150, 5, 50);
$pdf->addField('J', 150, 10, 50);

$pdf->addField('H', 15, 20, 200);

// Define a title and subtitle
$pdf->setTitle("Here is My Main Title");
$pdf->setSubTitle("This is the sub-title");

// Create our first page

$i=0; $i<10; $i++)
// Begin a new block
$pdf->beginBlock("Block #$i", 'bigbold');

// Display the fields
$pdf->printField('Field1: datadatadatadatadatadatadatadata', 'A');
$pdf->printField('Field2', 'B', 'bold');
$pdf->printField('Field3', 'C');
$pdf->printField('Field4', 'D');
$pdf->printField('Field5: 1234567890', 'E');
$pdf->printField('Field6: 12345678901234567890', 'F');
$pdf->printField('Field7', 'G');
$pdf->printField('Field8: Here is some more random text. This is intentionally quite long'.
' in order to demonstrate how text gets truncated based on field length', 'H');
$pdf->printField('Field9', 'I');
$pdf->printField('Field10', 'J', 'bigbold');

// Output the finished product
