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File: coco.html.php4

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  Classes of Matthias Richter   phpMyCoCo   coco.html.php4   Download  
File: coco.html.php4
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: html rendering class
Class: phpMyCoCo
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Date: 23 years ago
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<?php // this class *requires* conf.vars.php class cocoHTML { function showErrorMessage($error) { if(!empty($error)) { echo "<div class=\"error\"><p>$error</p></div>\n<br>"; } } function showPageDescInput($cocodb,$pgid) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; // Check if there is a description in the db if(!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[description])) { $query = "SELECT description FROM $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOUNTER]"; $query.= " WHERE id='$pgid';"; $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); if($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { $description = $result[description]; } } ?> <h1><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DESC_INPUT_TITLE]; ?></h1> <form action="<?php echo $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]; ?>?action=addesc&pgid=<?php echo $pgid; ?>" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td><p><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DESC_PWPLEASE]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="password" name="password" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[password]; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><p><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DESC_TEXT]; ?></p></td> <td><textarea name="description" rows=15 cols=50><?php if (isset($description) && !empty($description)) { echo $description; } else { echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[description]; } ?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DESC_SUBMIT_BUTTON]; ?>"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } function showPageDescription($cocodb,$pgid) { global $COCO_STRINGS; global $COCO_CONF_VARS; $query = "SELECT description,name FROM $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOUNTER]"; $query.= " WHERE id='$pgid';"; $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); $result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer); $description = $result[description]; $this -> pageref = $name = $result[name]; $refp = $COCO_STRINGS[REFP]; if(empty($description)) { $description = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_NODESCRIPTION]; $desctext = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_E_DESCRIPTION]; $description = ereg_replace("<--DESCRIPTION-->", "<a href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=addesc&" . "pgid=$pgid\">$desctext</a>",$description); $description = ereg_replace("<--REFP-->", "<a href=\"$name\">$refp</a>",$description); $description = "<div class=\"commenttext\">" . $description . "</div>"; } else { $desc0 = $COCO_STRINGS[DESCRIPTION]; $desc0 = ereg_replace("<--REFP-->", "<a href=\"$name\">$refp</a>",$desc0); $desc1 = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_DESCRIPTION]; $desctext = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_E_CHANGE]; $desc1 = ereg_replace("<--CHANGE-->", "<a href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=addesc&" . "pgid=$pgid\">$desctext</a>",$desc1); $description = nl2br($description); $description = "<div class=\"deschead\">" . $desc0 . "</div>\n<div class=\"commenttext\">" . $description . "</div>\n<div class=\"descfoot\">" . $desc1 . "</div>"; } echo "$description\n<br>"; } function showInclude ($pageid, $numbercomments, $hits, $author, $date, $title, $email, $url) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; $author = rawurldecode($author); $title = rawurldecode($title); $email = rawurldecode($email); $views = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_VIEWS]; $comments = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_COMMENTS]; $lastcomment = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_LAST_COMMENT]; $read = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_READ]; $write = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_WRITE]; // Open Links in blank window? if($COCO_CONF_VARS[TARGETBLANK]=="yes") { $target="target=_blank";} else { $target=""; } // Automagically insert variables into the output-text $views = ereg_replace("<--HITS-->","$hits", $views); $comments = ereg_replace("<--COMMENTS-->","$numbercomments",$comments); $comments = ereg_replace ( "<--READ-->", "<a $target href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=read&pgid=$pageid\">$read</a>", $comments); $comments = ereg_replace ("<--WRITE-->", "<a $target href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=write&pgid=$pageid\">$write</a>", $comments); if($numbercomments>0) { $lastcomment = ereg_replace("<--TITLE-->","$title",$lastcomment); $lastcomment = ereg_replace("<--AUTHOR-->", "<a href='mailto:$email'>$author</a>", $lastcomment); $lastcomment = ereg_replace("<--DATE-->","$date",$lastcomment); } else { $lastcomment = ""; } $homelink = $COCO_STRINGS[HOMELINK]; // Output ... echo "<div class=\"footer\">" .$views . $comments . "\n<br>" . $lastcomment . $homelink ."</div>\n"; } function showCommentInput($pageid,$parentid) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; if(empty($parentid)) {$parentid=0;} ?> <form action="<?php echo $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]; ?>?pgid=<?php echo $pageid; ?>&action=input&paid=<?php echo $parentid; ?>" method="post"> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[NAME]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[name]?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[EMAIL]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[email]?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[URL]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[url]?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[TITLE]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[title]?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="replies"></td> <td><p class="input">&nbsp;<?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[REPLIES]; ?></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[TEXT]; ?></p></td> <td><textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="15" wrap=virtual><?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[text]; ?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[INPUT]?>"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } // Show only one comment $paid function showComment ($cocodb, $id) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; // Show all comments with pageid=$pageid and parentid=0 // ordered by time $query = "SELECT,name,title,email,url,text,replies,a.lasttime "; $query.= "as time FROM $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] as c,"; $query.= " $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBACCESS] as a WHERE "; $query .= " AND$id;"; $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); if($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { $this -> beginTopComment(); $this -> printOneComment ( $result[id], rawurldecode($result[name]), rawurldecode($result[title]), rawurldecode($result[email]), rawurldecode($result[url]), rawurldecode($result[text]), $result[replies], $result[time], $pageid); $this -> endTopComment(); } } // Show the comments for pageid (threaded) function showComments ($cocodb, $pageid) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; // Show all comments with pageid=$pageid and parentid=0 // ordered by time $query = "SELECT,name,title,email,url,text,replies,a.lasttime "; $query.= "as time FROM $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] as c,"; $query.= " $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBACCESS] as a WHERE paid=0 AND "; $query .= " AND pgid=$pageid ORDER BY acid "; if($COCO_CONF_VARS[ORDER_T_COMMENTS]=="LATEST") { $query .= "DESC;"; } else{ $query .= "ASC;"; } $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); echo "<h1>$COCO_STRINGS[COM_PAGE_TITLE]</h1>"; while($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { $this -> beginTopComment(); $this -> printComment ( $result[id], rawurldecode($result[name]), rawurldecode($result[title]), rawurldecode($result[email]), rawurldecode($result[url]), rawurldecode($result[text]), $result[replies], $result[time], $pageid); $this -> showChildren($cocodb,$result[id],$pageid); $this -> endTopComment(); } } function showChildren ($cocodb,$commentid,$pageid) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; // Show all comments with pageid=$pageid and // parentid=$commentid ordered by time $query = "SELECT,name,title,email,url,text,replies,a.lasttime "; $query.= "as time FROM $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] as c,"; $query.= " $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBACCESS] as a WHERE paid=$commentid AND "; $query .= " ORDER BY acid "; if($COCO_CONF_VARS[ORDER_S_COMMENTS]=="FIRST") { $query .= "ASC;"; } else{ $query .= "DESC;"; } $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); if($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { // recusively show children... do { $this -> beginSubComment(); $this -> printComment ( $result[id], rawurldecode($result[name]), rawurldecode($result[title]), rawurldecode($result[email]), rawurldecode($result[url]), rawurldecode($result[text]), $result[replies], $result[time], $pageid); $this -> showChildren($cocodb,$result[id], $pageid); $this -> endSubComment(); } while($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)); } else { // unless there is nothing to show } } function printOneComment ($id,$name,$title,$email,$url,$text,$replies,$time,$pageid) { global $COCO_STRINGS; global $COCO_CONF_VARS; $titlestring = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_AC_FOOT]; $headstring = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_AC_HEAD]; $date = date("$COCO_CONF_VARS[TIMESTRING]",$time); $name .= " [ <a href=\"mailto:$email\">email</a> "; if(empty($url)) { $name .= "]"; } else { $name .= "| <a href=\"http://$url\">homepage</a> ]"; } $titlestring = ereg_replace("<--AUTHOR-->", "$name", $titlestring); $titlestring = ereg_replace("<--DATE-->","$date",$titlestring); $headstring = ereg_replace("<--TITLE-->", "&quot;$title&quot;", $headstring); $text = nl2br($text); echo "<div class=\"commenttitle\">$headstring</div>\n"; echo "<div class=\"commenttext\">$text</div>\n"; echo "<div class=\"commentfoot\">$titlestring</div>\n<br>"; } function printComment ($id,$name,$title,$email,$url,$text,$replies,$time,$pageid) { global $COCO_STRINGS; global $COCO_CONF_VARS; $titlestring = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_C_TITLE]; $date = date("$COCO_CONF_VARS[TIMESTRING]",$time); $name .= " [ <a href=\"mailto:$email\">email</a> "; if(empty($url)) { $name .= "]"; } else { $name .= "| <a href=\"http://$url\">homepage</a> ]"; } $titlestring = ereg_replace("<--AUTHOR-->", "$name", $titlestring); $titlestring = ereg_replace("<--DATE-->","$date",$titlestring); $titlestring = ereg_replace("<--TITLE-->", "&quot;$title&quot;", $titlestring); $text = nl2br($text); $footstring = $COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_C_FOOT]; $footstring = ereg_replace("<--ADD-->", "<a href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=write&paid=" . "$id&pgid=$pageid\">$COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_ADD]</a>", $footstring); $footstring = ereg_replace("<--EDIT-->", "<a href=\"$COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?action=edit&cid=$id" . "&pgid=$pageid\">$COCO_STRINGS[MAGIC_EDIT]</a>", $footstring); echo "<div class=\"commenttitle\">$titlestring</div>\n"; echo "<div class=\"commenttext\">$text</div>\n"; echo "<div class=\"commentfoot\">$footstring</div>\n<br>"; } function showEditCommentForm($cocodb,$cid,$pgid) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; // get comment // password has already been checked in comment.php, so // if there is a password we consider it to be correct if(!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[password])) { $query = "SELECT name,title,email,url,text FROM "; $query.= "$COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] WHERE id=$cid;"; $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); if($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { $name = rawurldecode($result[name]); $title = rawurldecode($result[title]); $email = rawurldecode($result[email]); $url = rawurldecode($result[url]); $text = rawurldecode($result[text]); } } else { $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS[name]; $title = $HTTP_POST_VARS[title]; $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email]; $url = $HTTP_POST_VARS[url]; $text = $HTTP_POST_VARS[text]; } ?> <h1><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[EDIT_COMMENT]; ?></h1> <form action="<?php echo $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]; ?>?pgid=<?php echo $pgid; ?>&action=edit&cid=<?php echo $cid; ?>" method="post"> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_NAME]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_EMAIL]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_URL]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $url;?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_TITLE]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $title;?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><p class="input"><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_TEXT]; ?></p></td> <td><textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="15" wrap=virtual><?php echo $text; ?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DESC_PWPLEASE]; ?></p></td> <td><input type="password" name="password" value="<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[password]; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="drop"></td> <td><p><?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[DROP_COMMENT]; ?></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $COCO_STRINGS[E_INPUT]?>"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } function beginTopComment() { // echo "<table><tr><td width=\"10\">&nbsp;</td><td>"; } function endTopComment(){ // echo "</td></tr></table>"; } function beginSubComment() { // echo "<table><tr><td width=\"10\">&nbsp;</td><td>"; echo "<blockquote>"; } function endSubComment() { // echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</blockquote>"; } } ?>