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File: Command/pm.php

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   aSQL CLI   Command/pm.php   Download  
File: Command/pm.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: aSQL CLI
Parse and extract a command line arguments string
Author: By
Last change: Update composer.json
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 12,025 bytes



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<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2015, Till Wehowski * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of frdl/webfan nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY frdl/webfan ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL frdl/webfan BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @role example/test * * @cmd "frdl test -b -d" * */ namespace frdl\ApplicationComposer\Command; class pm extends CMD { protected $data; protected $file; protected $packagefullname = null; protected $vendor = null; protected $package = null; protected $scmd = null; protected $F; //fetcher protected $db; function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); } protected function isErrorDB(&$errorInfo, $out = true){ $errorInfo = \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db()->errorInfo(); if(0 !== intval($errorInfo[0])){ if(true === $out)$this->result->erroinfo = $errorInfo; $this->result->out = 'Database error'; \webdof\wResponse::status(500); return true; } return false; } protected function wrongArgumentCount(){ $this->result->out = 'Invalid arguments count'; return; } public function process() { $args = func_get_args(); if(true!== $this->loadConfigFromFile(true)){ $this->result->out = 'set config ERROR: cannot read config file'; return; } if((!isset($this->aSess['isAdmin']) || true !== $this->aSess['isAdmin']) && true !== $this->data['config']['PUBLIC_PROXY'] ){ $this->result->out = 'set config ERROR: You are not logged in as Admin'; return; } $this->db = \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db(); if(count($this->argtoks['arguments']) < 1 ){ $this->wrongArgumentCount(); return; } $o = array(); if(!isset($this->argtoks['flags']['c']))$o['cache_time'] = 0; $o['debug'] = (isset($this->argtoks['flags']['d'])); if(true === $o['debug']){ ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); } $o = array_merge($this->data['config'], $o); if('find' === strtolower($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['cmd']) && intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['pos']) === 1){ return $this->find($o); } if('select' === strtolower($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['cmd']) && intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['pos']) === 1){ return $this->select($o); } if('get' === strtolower($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['cmd']) && intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['pos']) === 1){ return $this->package($o); } if('stats' === strtolower($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['cmd']) && intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['pos']) === 1){ return $this->stats($o); } if('download' === strtolower($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['cmd']) && intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][0]['pos']) === 1){ return $this->stats($o); } \webdof\wResponse::status(404); $this->result->out = '(Sub-)Command not found.'; } public function download($o){ if(true !== $this->aSess['isAdmin']){ $this->result->stats[0] = '<span class="webfan-red">You are not logged in</span>'; $this->result->out = 'OK'; return; } $this->packagefullname = $this->getRequestOption('package'); $url = $this->getRequestOption('url'); $version = $this->getRequestOption('version'); $checksum = $this->getRequestOption('checksum'); $e = explode('/', $this->packagefullname); if(2 !== count($e)){ $this->result->out = 'Invalid packagename'; return; } $this->vendor = $e[0]; $this->package = $e[1]; if(!is_array(($u = parse_url($url)))){ $this->result->out = 'Invalid url'; return; } $this->result->response = new \stdclass; $this->result->response->errors = array(); $p = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Package(array(), \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db()->settings(), $this->db); if(true !== $p->find( $this->vendor, $this->package )){ $p->vendor = $this->vendor; $p->package = $this->package; $p->time_last_fetch_info = time(); $p->create(); } if($this->isErrorDB($errorInfo, true)){ $this->result->response->errors[] = $errorInfo; } $R = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Repository( array(), $this->db->settings(), $this->db ); $this->repos = $R->search(array('_use' => 1, 'host' => $u['host'])); $this->result->response->repos = $this->repos; $D = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Download( array(), $this->db->settings(), $this->db ); $D->host = $u['host']; $D->repos = $this->repos['name']; $D->success = 0; $D->unpacked = 0; $D->lid = 0; $D->protocoll = $u['scheme']; $D->vendor = $this->vendor; $D->package = $this->package; $D->version = $version; $D->checksum = $checksum; $D->time = time(); $e = explode('/', $u['path']); $filename = $e[(count($e)-1)]; $D->dir = $this->data['config']['DIRS']['packages'] . $this->vendor . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->package . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->repos['name'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $version . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'downloads' .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; $D->file = $D->dir . $filename; $D->create(); $this->result->out = 'OK'; } public function stats($o){ if(true !== $this->aSess['isAdmin']){ $this->result->stats[0] = '<span class="webfan-red">You are not logged in</span>'; $this->result->out = 'OK'; return; } $this->result->stats = array(); if(0 === count($this->argtoks['options'])){ }elseif(null !== ($package = $this->getRequestOption('package'))){ $this->packagefullname = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('',''), $package); $e = explode('/', $this->packagefullname); if(2 !== count($e)){ $this->result->out = 'Invalid packagename'; return; } $this->vendor = $e[0]; $this->package = $e[1]; $this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname] = new \stdclass; $this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname]->name = $this->packagefullname; $p = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Package(array(), \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db()->settings(), $this->db); if(true === $p->find( $this->vendor, $this->package )){ $data = $p->variables; $data['infotime'] = $data['time_last_fetch_info']; unset($data['time_last_fetch_info']); //$this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname] = array_merge($this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname], $data); //$this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname]['info'] = $data; foreach($data as $name => $value){ $this->result->stats[$this->packagefullname]->{$name} = $value; } } if($this->isErrorDB($errorInfo, true))return; } $this->result->out = 'OK'; } public function select($o){ $start = $this->getRequestOption('start'); $limit = $this->getRequestOption('limit'); if(null === $start)$start = 0; if(null === $limit)$limit = 25; $p = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Package(array(), \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db()->settings(), $this->db); $packages = $p->select( $start, $limit, array('vendor' => 'ASC', 'package' => 'ASC')); $this->result->packages = $packages; $this->result->packages = array_unique($this->result->packages); $this->result->out = 'OK'; } public function package($o){ if(!isset($this->argtoks['arguments'][1]) || intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][1]['pos']) !== 2)return $this->wrongArgumentCount(); $this->packagefullname = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('',''), $this->argtoks['arguments'][1]['cmd']); $e = explode('/', $this->packagefullname); if(2 !== count($e)){ $this->result->out = 'Invalid packagename'; return; } $this->vendor = $e[0]; $this->package = $e[1]; try{ $this->F = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Repos\Fetch($o); $this->result->searchresults = $this->F->package($this->vendor, $this->package ); //$this->result->searchresults = array_unique($this->result->searchresults); }catch(\Exception $e){ \webdof\wResponse::status(409); $this->result->out = $e->getMessage(); return; } $this->result->out = 'OK'; } public function find($o){ if(!isset($this->argtoks['arguments'][1]) || intval($this->argtoks['arguments'][1]['pos']) !== 2)return $this->wrongArgumentCount(); $this->packagefullname = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('',''), $this->argtoks['arguments'][1]['cmd']); try{ $this->F = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Repos\Fetch($o); $this->result->searchresults = $this->F->search($this->packagefullname); $this->result->searchresults = array_unique($this->result->searchresults); }catch(\Exception $e){ \webdof\wResponse::status(409); $this->result->out = $e->getMessage(); return; } if(isset($this->argtoks['flags']['s']) && true === $this->aSess['isAdmin']){ $p = new \frdl\ApplicationComposer\Package(array(), \frdl\xGlobal\webfan::db()->settings(), $this->db); $p->db()->begin(); foreach($this->result->searchresults as $num => $s){ if(is_array($s)){ foreach($s as $num2 => $s2){ $v = explode('/', $s2->name); if(2 === count($v) && !$p->find($v[0], $v[1])){ $p->vendor = $v[0]; $p->package = $v[1]; $p->url = $s2->url; $p->description = $s2->description; $p->time_last_fetch_info = time(); $p->create(); } } }else{ $v = explode('/', $s->name); if(2 === count($v) && !$p->find($v[0], $v[1])){ $p->vendor = $v[0]; $p->package = $v[1]; $p->url = $s->url; $p->description = $s->description; $p->time_last_fetch_info = time(); $p->create(); } } } $p->db()->commit(); } $this->result->out = 'OK'; } public function required() { $args = func_get_args(); } }