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File: docs/quickstart.rst

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File: docs/quickstart.rst
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Wunderlist API
Manage user lists using the Wunderlist API
Author: By
Last change: Updated quickstart docs
Added many new features
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 2,623 bytes



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========== Quickstart ========== This page provides a quick introduction to Wunderlist PHP SDK and introductory examples. If you have not already installed, Wunderlist PHP SDK, head over to the :ref:`installation` page. The SDK is pretty simple to use, here is an example of how we can access all lists: .. code-block:: ph <?php use Wunderlist\Entity\WList; use Wunderlist\ClientBuilder; // Instanciate wunderlist API manager $builder = new ClientBuilder(); $wunderlist = $builder->build('yourClientId', 'yourClientSecret', ''); //Here we get all lists for the authenticated user $lists = $wunderlist->getService(WList::class)->all(); //For each list on the lists $lists->map(function($list) { echo $list->getTitle(); }); What about all taks for a list? .. code-block:: ph <?php use Wunderlist\Entity\Task; use Wunderlist\Entity\WList; //Here we get all lists for the authenticated user $lists = $wunderlist->getService(WList::class)->all(); //For each list on the lists $lists->map(function($list) { $tasks = wunderlist->getService(Task::class)->forList($list); $tasks->map(function($task){ echo $task->getTitle(); }); }); Ok, now lets create a task for a list .. code-block:: php <?php use Wunderlist\Entity\WList; use Wunderlist\Entity\Task; //Here we get all lists for the authenticated user $lists = $wunderlist->getService(WList::class)->all(); //We get the first list $list = $lists->first(); $task = new Task(); $task->setListID($list->getId()) ->setTitle('Test Hello'); $wunderlist->save($task); This is just some simple things you can do with the SDK. Whant more? please just read our [documentation]( Requests ======== By default all requests made to the API are syncronous, this is because we use the *GuzzleAdapter*. But if you want to make asyncronous request you need to change the adapter *AsyncGuzzleAdapter*, this will allow to make calls like this: .. code-block:: php $service = $wunderlist->getService(WList::class); $service->all()->done(function($lists){ $lists->map(function($list){ echo $list->getTitle(); }); }); To change the default HttpClient adapter just change on *ClientBuilder*: .. code-block:: php $builder = new Wunderlist\ClientBuilder(); $wunderlist = $builder->setHttpClient(Wunderlist\Http\AsyncGuzzleAdapter::class) ->build();