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File: SourceLoader.php

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File: SourceLoader.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: frdl Autoloader
Autoload classes with PSR-0, PSR-4, mapping, etc.
Author: By
Last change: Update SourceLoader.php
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 37,385 bytes



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<?php /** * * Copyright (c) 2015, Till Wehowski * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the frdl/webfan. * 4. Neither the name of frdl/webfan nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY frdl/webfan ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL frdl/webfan BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * @author Till Wehowski <> * @package frdl\webfan\Autoloading\SourceLoader * @uri /v1/public/software/class/webfan/frdl.webfan.Autoloading.SourceLoader/source.php * @file frdl\webfan\Autoloading\SourceLoader.php * @role Autoloader * @copyright 2015 Copyright (c) Till Wehowski * @license bsd-License * @license webdof-license * @link * @OID webfan-software * @requires PHP_VERSION 5.3 >= * @requires webfan://frdl.webfan.App.code * @api * @reference * @implements StreamWrapper * */ namespace frdl\webfan\Autoloading; use frdl\common; class SourceLoader extends Loader { const NS = __NAMESPACE__; const DS = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; const SESSKEY = __CLASS__; /** * PKI */ const DISABLED = 0; const OPENSSL = 1; const PHPSECLIB = 2; const E_NORSA = 'No RSA library selected or supported'; const E_NOTIMPLEMENTED = 'Sorry thisd is not implemented yet'; const B_SIGNATURE = "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\r\n"; const E_SIGNATURE = "-----END SIGNATURE-----"; const B_CERTIFICATE = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"; const E_CERTIFICATE = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; const B_PUBLIC_KEY = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n"; const E_PUBLIC_KEY = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; const B_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"; const E_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"; const B_KEY = "-----BEGIN KEY-----\r\n"; const E_KEY = "-----END KEY-----"; const B_LICENSEKEY = "-----BEGIN LICENSEKEY-----\r\n"; const E_LICENSEKEY = "-----END LICENSEKEY-----"; public $sid; protected $lib; /** * Stream Properties */ protected $Client; public $context = array(); protected $data; protected $chunk; public $buflen; protected $pos = 0; protected $read = 0; public static $id_repositroy; public static $id_interface; public static $api_user; public static $api_pass; protected $eof = false; protected $mode; protected $dir_autoload; protected static $config_source = array( 'install' => false, 'dir_lib' => false, 'session' => false, 'zip_stream' => false, 'append_eval_to_file' => false, ); protected $autoloaders = array(); protected $autoloadersPsr0 = array(); protected $classmap = array(); protected $isAutoloadersRegistered = false; protected $interface; /** * "Run Time Cache" / Buffer */ protected static $rtc; protected static $instances = array(); protected $buf = array( 'config' => array(), 'opt' => array(), 'sources' => array(), ); function __construct($pass = null) { $this->sid = count(self::$instances); self::$instances[$this->sid] = &$this; $this->interface = null; $this->dir_autoload = ''; self::repository(((!isset($_SESSION[self::SESSKEY]['id_repository']))?'frdl':$_SESSION[self::SESSKEY]['id_repository'])); self::$id_interface = 'public'; self::$api_user = ''; self::$api_pass = ''; $this->Defaults(true); $this->set_pass($pass); } public function j(){ return \webfan\App::God(); } public static function top(){ if(0 === count(self::$instances))return new self; return self::getStream(0); } public static function getStream($sid){ return (isset(self::$instances[$sid])) ? self::$instances[$sid] : null; } public static function repository($id = null){ if($id !== null)$_SESSION[self::SESSKEY]['id_repository'] = $id; self::$id_repositroy = &$_SESSION[self::SESSKEY]['id_repository']; return self::$id_repositroy; } public function set_interface(Array &$interface = null){ $this->interface = (is_array($interface)) ? $interface : null; return $this; } public function config_source($key = null, $value = null){ if(!is_string($key))return self::$config_source; if(!isset(self::$config_source[$key]))return false; self::$config_source[$key]=$value; if(null===$value)unset(self::$config_source[$key]); $this->config['source'] = &self::$config_source; $this->top()->config['source'] = &self::$config_source; return true; } public function Defaults($set = false){ $config = array( 'host' => null, 'IP' => null, 'uid' => 0, 'encrypted' => true, 'e_method' => 2, 'c_method' => 1, 'source' => $this->config_source(), 'ERROR' => E_USER_WARNING, 'ini' => array( 'display_errors_details' => false, 'pev' => array( 'CUSTOM' => null, 'REQUEST' => true, 'HOST' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], // 'IPs' => $App->getServerIp(), 'PATH' => null, ), ), ); if($set === true){ $this->set_config($config); } return array( 'config' => $config, ); } protected function set_pass($pass = null){ $this->pass = (is_string($pass)) ? $pass : mt_rand(10000,9999999).sha1($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']).'faldsghdfshfdshjfdhjr5nq7q78bg2nda jgf jtrfun56m8rtjgfjtfjtzurtnmrt tr765 $bbg r57skgmhmh'; } public function mkp(){ $this->set_pass(null); return $this; } public function set_config(&$config){ $this->config = (is_array($config)) ? $config : $this->buf['config']; if(isset($this->config['source']) && is_array($this->config['source']))self::$config_source = &$this->config['source']; return $this; } public function installSource($class,&$code, &$error ='', &$config_source = null){ if($config_source === null)$config_source = &self::$config_source; // if($config_source === null)$config_source = $this->config['source']; if($config_source['install'] !== true)return null; if(!isset($code['php']))return false; if(isset($code['installed']) && $code['installed'] === true)return true; if($class !== '\frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin' && class_exists('\frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin')){ $bs = new \frdl\webfan\Serialize\Binary\bin(); $code['doc'] = $bs->unserialize($this->unpack_license($code['d'])); } $error = ''; $r = false; if(isset($config_source['dir_lib']) && is_string($config_source['dir_lib']) && is_dir($config_source['dir_lib'])){ $dir = rtrim($config_source['dir_lib'], self::DS . ' '). self::DS ; $filename = $dir.str_replace('\\', self::DS, $class).'.php'; $filename = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$filename); $dir = dirname($filename).self::DS; if(!is_dir($dir)){ if(!mkdir($dir, 0755, true)){ $error = 'Cannot create directory '.$dir.' and cannot save class '.$class.' in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__; trigger_error($error,E_USER_WARNING); } } if($error === ''){ $file_header = "/**\n* File generated by frdl Application Composer : class : ".__CLASS__."\n**/\n"; $php = '<?php '."\n".$file_header."\n/*\$filemtime = ".time().";\n\$class_documentation = ".var_export($code['doc'], true).";*/\n".$code['php']."\n"; $fp = fopen($filename, 'wb+'); fwrite($fp,$php); fclose($fp); if(file_exists($filename)){ $code['installed'] = true; $r = true; }else{ $error = 'Cannot create file '.$filename.' and cannot save class '.$class.' in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__; trigger_error($error,E_USER_WARNING); } } } return $r; } public function patch_autoload_function($class){ if(function_exists('__autoload'))return __autoload($class); } public function autoload_register(){ if(false !== $this->isAutoloadersRegistered){ trigger_error('Autoloadermapping is already registered.',E_USER_NOTICE); return $this; } $this->addLoader(array($this,'Psr4'), true, true); $this->addLoader(array($this,'Psr0'), true, false); $this->addLoader(array($this,'classMapping'), true, false); $this->addLoader(array($this,'patch_autoload_function'), true, false); $this->addLoader(array($this,'autoloadClassFromServer'), true, false); $this->isAutoloadersRegistered = true; return $this; } public function addLoader($Autoloader, $throw = true, $prepend = false){ spl_autoload_register($Autoloader, $throw, $prepend); return $this; } public function unregister( $Autoloader) { spl_autoload_unregister($Autoloader); return $this; } /** * Psr-0 */ public function addPsr0($prefix, $base_dir, $prepend = false) { $prefix = trim($prefix, '\\') . '\\'; $base_dir = rtrim($base_dir, self::DS) . self::DS; if(isset($this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix]) === false) { $this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix] = array(); } if($prepend) { array_unshift($this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix], $base_dir); } else { array_push($this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix], $base_dir); } return $this; } /** * Psr-4 */ public function addNamespace($prefix, $base_dir, $prepend = false) { return $this->addPsr4($prefix, $base_dir, $prepend); } public function addPsr4($prefix, $base_dir, $prepend = false) { $prefix = trim($prefix, '\\') . '\\'; $base_dir = rtrim($base_dir, self::DS) . self::DS; if(isset($this->autoloaders[$prefix]) === false) { $this->autoloaders[$prefix] = array(); } if($prepend) { array_unshift($this->autoloaders[$prefix], $base_dir); } else { array_push($this->autoloaders[$prefix], $base_dir); } return $this; } public function Psr4($class) { $prefix = $class; while (false !== $pos = strrpos($prefix, '\\')) { $prefix = substr($class, 0, $pos + 1); $relative_class = substr($class, $pos + 1); $file = $this->routeLoaders($prefix, $relative_class); if ($file) { return $file; } $prefix = rtrim($prefix, '\\'); } return false; } public function loadClass($class) { return $this->Psr4($class); } public function Psr0($class) { $prefix = $class; while (false !== $pos = strrpos($prefix, '\\')) { $prefix = substr($class, 0, $pos + 1); $relative_class = substr($class, $pos + 1); $file = $this->routeLoadersPsr0($prefix, $relative_class); if ($file) { return $file; } $prefix = rtrim($prefix, '\\'); } return false; } public function routeLoadersPsr0($prefix, $relative_class) { if (!isset($this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix])) { return false; } foreach ($this->autoloadersPsr0[$prefix] as $base_dir) { if (null === $prefix || $prefix.'\\' === substr($relative_class, 0, strlen($prefix.'\\'))) { $fileName = ''; $namespace = ''; if (false !== ($lastNsPos = strripos($relative_class, '\\'))) { $namespace = substr($relative_class, 0, $lastNsPos); $relative_class = substr($relative_class, $lastNsPos + 1); $fileName = str_replace('\\', self::DS, $namespace) . self::DS; } $fileName .= str_replace('_', self::DS, $relative_class) /* . '.php' */; $file = ($base_dir !== null ? $base_dir . self::DS : '') . $fileName; if ($this->inc($file)) { return $file; } } } return false; } public function setAutloadDirectory($dir){ if(!is_dir($dir))return false; $this->dir_autoload = $dir; if(substr($this->dir_autoload,-1,1) !== self::DS)$this->dir_autoload.=self::DS; return true; } public function routeLoaders($prefix, $relative_class) { if (!isset($this->autoloaders[$prefix])) { return false; } foreach ($this->autoloaders[$prefix] as $base_dir) { $file = $base_dir . str_replace('\\', self::DS, $relative_class) /* . '.php' */ ; if ($this->inc($file)) { return $file; } } return false; } protected function inc($file) { if(substr($file,-4,4) === '.php'){ $file = $file; }else{ $file.= '.php'; } $file2= substr($file,0,-4).'.inc'; if(file_exists($file)) { require $file; return true; }elseif(file_exists($file2)) { require $file2; return true; } return false; } public function classMapping($class){ if(isset($this->classmap[$class])){ if ($this->inc($this->classmap[$class])) { return $this->classmap[$class]; } } return false; } public function class_mapping_add($class, $file, &$success = null){ if(file_exists($file)){ $this->classmap[$class] = $file; $success = true; }else{ $success = false; } return $this; } public function class_mapping_remove($class){ if(isset($this->classmap[$class]))unset($this->classmap[$class]); return $this; } protected function source_check($str){ $start = 'array'; $badwords = array('$',';', '?', '_', 'function ', 'class '); foreach($badwords as $num => $s){ if(strpos($str, $s)!== false)return false; } if(substr($str,0,strlen($start)) !== $start)return false; if(!preg_match('/[a-f0-9]{40}/', $str))return false; return true; } public function autoloadClassFromServer($className){ $classNameOrig = $className; if(class_exists($className))return; if (!in_array('webfan', stream_get_wrappers())){ trigger_error('Streamwrapper webfan is not registered. Call to webfan\App::init() required.', E_USER_ERROR); return; } $className = str_replace('\\', '.', $className); $className = ltrim($className, ' .'); $RessourceFileName = 'webfan://'.$className.'.code'; $fp = fopen($RessourceFileName, 'r'); $source = ''; if($fp){ clearstatcache(); clearstatcache(true,$RessourceFileName); $stat = fstat($fp); $bufsize = ($stat['size'] <= 8192) ? $stat['size'] : 8192; while(!feof($fp) ){ $source .= fread($fp, $bufsize); } fclose($fp); }else{ return false; } if($source ===false || $source ==='' ){ trigger_error('Cannot get source from the webfan code server ('.$RessourceFileName.')! '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $scheck = $this->source_check($source); if($scheck !== true){ trigger_error('The source loaded from the code server looks malicious ('.$scheck.' '.$RessourceFileName.')! '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if(eval('$data = '.$source.';')===false){ trigger_error('Cannot process the request to the source server by APIDClient ('.$RessourceFileName.')! '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $_defaults = $this->Defaults(); $config = $_defaults["config"]; $opt = (isset($data['opt'])) ? $data['opt'] : $this->getOpt(); $code = $data['source']; $sources = array(); $sources[$classNameOrig] = $code; if(is_array($this->interface)){ $opt['pass'] = $this->interface['API_SECRET']; $opt['rot1'] = $this->interface['rot1']; $opt['rot2'] = $this->interface['rot2']; } if($this->loadSources($sources,$opt, $config )===false){ trigger_error('Cannot process the request to the source server by APIDClient ('.$className.')! '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return $RessourceFileName; } public function make_pass_3(&$opt){ if(isset($opt['pwdstate']) && $opt['pwdstate'] === 'decrypted')return true; if(isset($opt['pwdstate']) && $opt['pwdstate'] === 'error')return false; if(!isset(self::$rtc['CERTS']))self::$rtc['CERTS'] = array(); $hash = sha1($opt['CERT']); $u = parse_url($opt['CERT']); $url = $opt['CERT']; if(!isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$hash]) && ($u === false || !isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$url]))) { if($u !== false && count($u) >1 && !preg_match("/CERTIFICATE/", $opt['CERT']) ){ if(isset($u['scheme']) && isset($u['host'])){ $h = explode('.',$u['host']); $h = array_reverse($h); if($h[0] === 'de' && ($h[1] === 'webfan' || $h[1] === 'frdl' )){ if(class_exists('\webdof\Http\Client')){ $Http = new \webdof\Http\Client(); $post = array(); $send_cookies = array(); $r = $Http->request($opt['CERT'], 'GET', $post, $send_cookies, E_USER_WARNING); }else{ $c = file_get_contents($opt['CERT']); $r = array(); $r['status'] = (preg_match("/CERTIFICATE/",$c)) ? 200 : 400; $r['body'] = $c; } if(intval($r['status'])===200){ $CERT = trim($r['body']); }else{ $opt['pwdstate'] = '404'; return false; } } }else{ $CERT = trim(file_get_contents($opt['CERT'])); } $key = $url; if(!isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]))self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key] = array(); self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['crt'] = $CERT; }elseif(preg_match("/CERTIFICATE/", $opt['CERT'])){ $key = $hash; if(!isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]))self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key] = array(); $CERT = utf8_encode($opt['CERT']); $CERT=$this->loadPK($CERT); if($CERT===false){ trigger_error('Cannot procces certificate info in '.__METHOD__.' line '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $CERT=$this->save($CERT, self::B_CERTIFICATE, self::E_CERTIFICATE); self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['crt'] =$CERT; }else{ trigger_error('Cannot procces certificate info in '.__METHOD__.' line '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } }elseif(isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$hash])){ $key = $hash; }elseif(isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$url])){ $key = $url; }else{ trigger_error('Cannot procces certificate info in '.__METHOD__.' line '.__LINE__, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $this->setLib(1); if(!isset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['PublicKey'])){ $PublicKey = $this->getPublKeyByCRT(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['crt']); self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['PublicKey'] = $PublicKey; } $success = $this->decrypt($opt['pass'],self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]['PublicKey'],$new_pass) ; if($success === true){ $opt['pass'] = $new_pass; $opt['pwdstate'] = 'decrypted'; }else{ $opt['pwdstate'] = 'error'; // unset(self::$rtc['CERTS'][$key]); } return $success; } protected function load(&$code, Array &$config = null, &$opt = array('pass' => null, 'rot1' => 5, 'rot2' => 3), $class = null){ $p = $this->_unwrap_code(((is_string($code)) ? $code : $code['c'])); if(isset($opt['e']) && is_bool($opt['e']))$config['encrypted'] = $opt['e']; if(isset($opt['m']))$config['e_method'] = $opt['m']; if($config['encrypted'] === true && intval($config['e_method']) === 1){ trigger_error('The options encryption method is deprecated in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__,$config['ERROR']); return false; } if($config['encrypted'] === true && intval($config['e_method']) === 2){ $p = trim($this->crypt($p, 'decrypt', $opt['pass'], $opt['rot1'], $opt['rot2'])); } if($config['encrypted'] === true && intval($config['e_method']) === 3){ if($this->make_pass_3($opt) == false){ trigger_error('Cannot decrypt password properly [1] from '.self::$id_repositroy.' for '.$class.' in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__,$config['ERROR']); return false; } $p = trim($this->crypt($p, 'decrypt', $opt['pass'], $opt['rot1'], $opt['rot2'])); } if(isset($code['s']) && $code['s'] !== sha1($p)){ $errordetail = ($config['ini']['display_errors_details'] === true) ? '<pre>'.sha1($p).'</pre><pre>'.$code['s'].'</pre><pre>'.$opt['pass'].' '.$opt['rot1'].' '.$opt['rot2'].'</pre>' : ''; trigger_error('Cannot decrypt source properly [2] from '.self::$id_repositroy.' for '.$class.' in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__.$errordetail,$config['ERROR']); return false; } $p = $this->unwrap_namespace($p); $code['php'] = $p; try{ $parsed = eval($p); }catch(Exception $e){ $parsed = false; } if($parsed === false){ $errordetail = ($config['ini']['display_errors_details'] === true) ? '<pre>'.htmlentities($p).'</pre>' : ''; trigger_error('Parse Error in '.__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__.$errordetail,$config['ERROR']); return false; } else { unset($code['c']); } $error = ''; $config_source = (isset($config['source'])) ? $config['source'] : self::$config_source; $installed = $this->installSource($class,$code, $error, $config_source); usleep(75); return true; } public function loadSource(&$code, Array &$config = null, &$opt = array('pass' => null, 'rot1' => 5, 'rot2' => 3), $class = null){ return $this->load($code, $config, $opt, $class ); } public function loadSources(&$sources, &$opt = array('pass' => null, 'rot1' => 5, 'rot2' => 3), Array &$config = null){ $this->set_config($config); $this->mkp($config); foreach($sources as $class => $code){ if(class_exists($class))continue; if($this->load($code, $config, $opt, $class) === false){ return false; } } return true; } public function crypt($data, $command = 'encrypt', $Key = NULL, $offset = 5, $chiffreBlockSize = 3) { if($command === 'encrypt'){ $data = sha1(trim($data)).$data; $k = sha1($Key).$Key; $str = $data; $data = ''; for($i=1; $i<=strlen($str); $i++) { $char = substr($str, $i-1, 1); $keychar = substr($k, ($i % strlen($k))-1, 1); $char = chr(ord($char)+ord($keychar)); $data .= $char; } } if(!is_numeric($offset)||$offset<0)$offset=0;if(!isset($data)||$data==""||!isset($Key)||$Key==""){return FALSE;}$pos="0";for($i=0;$i<=(strlen($data)-1);$i++){$shift=($offset+$i)*$chiffreBlockSize;while($shift>=256){$shift-=256;}$char=substr($data,$i,1);$char=ord($char)+$shift;if($pos>=strlen($Key)){$pos="0";}$key=substr($Key,$pos,1);$key=ord($key)+$shift;if($command=="decrypt"){$key=256-$key;}$dataBlock=$char+$key;if($dataBlock>=256){$dataBlock=$dataBlock-256;}$dataBlock=chr(($dataBlock-$shift));if(!isset($crypted)){$crypted=$dataBlock;}else{$crypted.=$dataBlock;}$pos++;} if($command === 'decrypt'){ $decrypt = ''; $k = sha1($Key).$Key; for($i=1; $i<=strlen($crypted); $i++) { $char = substr($crypted, $i-1, 1); $keychar = substr($k, ($i % strlen($k))-1, 1); $char = chr(ord($char)-ord($keychar)); $decrypt .= $char; } $crypted = substr($decrypt,strlen(sha1("1")),strlen($decrypt)); $hash_check = substr($decrypt,0,strlen(sha1("1"))); if(trim($hash_check) !== sha1($crypted) || sha1($crypted)==='da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'){ $crypted = false; trigger_error('Broken data consistence in '.__METHOD__, E_USER_NOTICE); } } return $crypted; } public function unwrap_namespace($s){ $s = preg_replace("/^(namespace ([A-Za-z0-9\_".preg_quote('\\')."]+);){1}/", '${1}'."\n", $s); return preg_replace("/(\nuse ([A-Za-z0-9\_".preg_quote('\\')."]+);)/", '${1}'."\n", $s); } public function _unwrap_code($c){return trim(gzuncompress(gzuncompress(base64_decode(str_replace("\r\n\t","", $c))))," \r\n");} public function unpack_license($l){return gzuncompress(gzuncompress(base64_decode(str_replace("\r\n", "", $l))));} function __destruct() {foreach(array_keys(get_object_vars($this)) as $value){unset($this->$value);}} /** * PKI */ public function setLib($lib) { $this->lib = $lib; return $this; } public function save($data, $begin = "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\r\n", $end = '-----END SIGNATURE-----') { return $begin . chunk_split(base64_encode($data)) . $end; } public function loadPK($str) { $data = preg_replace('#^(?:[^-].+[\r\n]+)+|-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $str); return preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $data) ? utf8_decode (base64_decode($data) ) : false; } public function error($error, $mod = E_USER_ERROR, $info = TRUE) { trigger_error($error.(($info === TRUE) ? ' in '.__METHOD__.' line '.__LINE__ : ''), $mod); return FALSE; } public function verify($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo = 'sha256WithRSAEncryption') { switch($this->lib) { case self::OPENSSL : return $this->verify_openssl($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo); break; case self::PHPSECLIB : return $this->verify_phpseclib($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo); break; case self::DISABLED : default : return $this->error(self::E_NORSA, E_USER_ERROR); break; } } public function getPublKeyByCRT($cert) { switch($this->lib) { case self::OPENSSL : return $this->getPublKeyByCRT_openssl($cert); break; case self::PHPSECLIB : return $this->error(self::E_NOTIMPLEMENTED, E_USER_ERROR); break; case self::DISABLED : default : return $this->error(self::E_NORSA, E_USER_ERROR); break; } } public function encrypt($data,$PrivateKey,&$out) { switch($this->lib) { case self::OPENSSL : return $this->encrypt_openssl($data,$PrivateKey,$out); break; case self::PHPSECLIB : return $this->error(self::E_NOTIMPLEMENTED, E_USER_ERROR); break; case self::DISABLED : default : return $this->error(self::E_NORSA, E_USER_ERROR); break; } } public function decrypt($decrypted,$PublicKey,&$out) { switch($this->lib) { case self::OPENSSL : return $this->decrypt_openssl($decrypted,$PublicKey,$out); break; case self::PHPSECLIB : return $this->error(self::E_NOTIMPLEMENTED, E_USER_ERROR); break; case self::DISABLED : default : return $this->error(self::E_NORSA, E_USER_ERROR); break; } } protected function encrypt_openssl($data,$PrivateKey,&$out) { $PrivKeyRes = openssl_pkey_get_private($PrivateKey); return openssl_private_encrypt($data,$out,$PrivKeyRes); } protected function decrypt_openssl($decrypted,$PublicKey,&$out) { $pub_key = openssl_get_publickey($PublicKey); $keyData = openssl_pkey_get_details($pub_key); $pub = $keyData['key']; $successDecrypted = openssl_public_decrypt(base64_decode($decrypted),$out,$PublicKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING); return $successDecrypted; } protected function getPublKeyByCRT_openssl($cert) { $res = openssl_pkey_get_public($cert); $keyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); return $keyDetails['key']; } protected function verify_phpseclib($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo = 'sha256WithRSAEncryption') { $isHash = preg_match("/^([a-z]+[0-9]).+/", $algo, $hashinfo); $hash = ($isHash) ? $hashinfo[1] : 'sha256'; $rsa = new Crypt_RSA(); $rsa->setHash($hash); $rsa->setSignatureMode(CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1); $rsa->setEncryptionMode(CRYPT_RSA_ENCRYPTION_PKCS1); $rsa->loadKey($publickey); return (($rsa->verify($data, $sigBin) === TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE); } protected function verify_openssl($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo = 'sha256WithRSAEncryption') { return ((openssl_verify($data, $sigBin, $publickey, $algo) == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE); } /** * Streaming Methods */ public function init(){$args = func_get_args(); /** todo ... */ return $this;} public function DEFRAG(){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_open($url, $mode, $options = STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS, &$opened_path = null){ $u = parse_url($url); $c = explode('.',$u['host']); $c = array_reverse($c); $this->mode = $mode; if($c[0]==='code')$tld = array_shift($c); /** * ToDo: APICLient * $this->Client = new \frdl\Client\RESTapi(); * * URL Pattern / e.g. this Class: * * */ if(class_exists('\webdof\wHTTP') && class_exists('\webdof\Http\Client') && class_exists('\webdof\Webfan\APIClient')){ $this->Client = new \webdof\Webfan\APIClient(); $this->Client->prepare( 'http', '', 'GET', self::$id_interface, // i1234 'software', array(), //post array(), //cookie self::$api_user, self::$api_pass, 'class', 'php', //format ->hier: "php" 'source', array(self::$id_repositroy,implode(".",array_reverse($c))), array(), //get 1, E_USER_WARNING); $this->eof = false; $this->pos = 0; try{ $r = $this->Client->request(); if(intval($r['status']) !== 200)return false; $this->data = $r['body']; }catch(Exception $e){ trigger_error('Cannot process the request to '.$url, E_USER_WARNING); return false; } }else{ $url = ''.self::$id_interface.'/software/class/'.self::$id_repositroy.'/'.implode(".",array_reverse($c)).'/source.php'; $data = file_get_contents($url); if(false === $data){ return false; }else{ $this->data = $data; } } return true; } public function dir_closedir(){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function dir_opendir($path , $options){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function dir_readdir(){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function dir_rewinddir(){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function mkdir($path , $mode , $options){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function rename($path_from , $path_to){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function rmdir($path , $options){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_cast($cast_as){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_close(){ $this->Client = null; } public function stream_eof(){ $this->eof = ($this->pos >= strlen($this->data)); return $this->eof; } public function stream_flush(){ //echo $this->data; $this->pos = strlen($this->data); return $this->data; } public function stream_lock($operation){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_set_option($option , $arg1 , $arg2){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_stat(){ return array( 'mode' => $this->mode, 'size' => strlen($this->data) * 8, ); } public function unlink($path){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function url_stat($path , $flags){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_read($count){ if($this->stream_eof())return ''; $maxReadLength = strlen($this->data) - $this->pos; $readLength = min($count, $maxReadLength); $p=&$this->pos; $ret = substr($this->data, $p, $readLength); $p += $readLength; return (!empty($ret)) ? $ret : ''; } public function stream_write($data){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} public function stream_tell(){return $this->pos;} public function stream_seek($offset, $whence){ $l=strlen($this->data); $p=&$this->pos; switch ($whence) { case SEEK_SET: $newPos = $offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: $newPos = $p + $offset; break; case SEEK_END: $newPos = $l + $offset; break; default: return false; } $ret = ($newPos >=0 && $newPos <=$l); if ($ret) $p=$newPos; return $ret; } public function stream_metadata($path, $option, $var){trigger_error('Not implemented yet: '.get_class($this).' '.__METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR);} }