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  Classes of Dyorg   Lean Framework PHP   Download  
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Class: Lean Framework PHP
General purpose Web application framework
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Lean Framework PHP

Lean Framework is a tiny PHP framework (~40KB), modern frameworks are powerfull but so much complicated. With Lean I can construct apps really fast, using mvc, namespaces, autoloader, routes and more.


PHP 5.3+

Basic structure

-- app
	-- main (module)
		-- controllers
			-- BasicController.php
		-- models
		-- views
			-- basic
				-- index.phtml
	-- secondary (other module)
		-- controllers
		-- models
		-- views
-- public_html
	-- css
	-- js
	-- img
	-- index.php
	-- .htaccess
-- settings
	-- Bootstrap.php
	-- Routes.php
-- vendor
	-- Lean
	-- autoloader.php

Easy configuration

create file index.php into public_html

<?php require_once '../settings/Bootstrap.php'; ?>

create file .htaccess into public_html to custom urls

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

create file autoloader.php into vendor directory, and use the Symfony Autoloader


require_once __DIR__ . '/Lean/Libs/Symfony/Component/ClassLoader/UniversalClassLoader.php';

 * add new libs in autoloader is easy, clone libs in vendor directory and add array position, see example to Zend Framework and Amazon Web Service libs
 * $loader->registerNamespaces(array(
 * 		'Lean'     => __DIR__,
 *		'Zend'     => __DIR__,
 * 		'AWS'     => __DIR__
 * ));
 * Just for now add only Lean Framework PHP lib, see below
$loader = new Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\UniversalClassLoader();
	'Lean'     => __DIR__


create file Bootstrap.php into settings

require_once '../vendor/autoloader.php';

 * errors

 * include path
	PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

 * locale e zone 
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR', 'pt_BR.iso-8859-1', 'pt_BR.utf-8', 'portuguese');

 * init lean framework

Create a controller

It's work, access in your browser http://localhost/lean_project/public_html

Remember, in your domain shows only

namespace app\main\controllers;

class IndexController extends \Lean\App
	public function index()
		echo 'HELLO WORLD';

Call non-default module, controller and method, type in your browser localhost http://localhost/lean_project/public_html/foo/product/do-something

Remember, in your domain shows only

namespace app\foo\controllers;

class ProductController extends \Lean\App
	public function do_something()
		 * your action here

Using REQUEST object into controller


namespace app\foo\controllers;

class ProductController extends \Lean\App
	public function index()
		 * get HTTP $_REQUEST
		$request = $this->request();
		$name = $request->name;
		$category = $request->category;
		$price = $request->price;
		 * get only $_POST
		$request = $this->request()->post();		

		 * get only $_GET
		$request = $this->request()->get();		

		 * get only $_FILE
		 $request = $this->request()->file();		
		 * your action here

Using Views

Create followings views index.phtml and edit.phtml into views

-- app
	-- foo (module)
		-- controllers
			-- ProductController.php
		-- models
		-- views
			-- product
				-- index.phtml
				-- edit.phtml
			-- layout
				-- header.phtml
				-- footer.phtml
				-- template.html

Create template.phtml in layout directory, you can include header and footer parts here

	<title>My new app</title>

	<? $this->app->view->render('layout.header') ?>

	<div id="container">
		-- content page setted in controller will be render here
		<? $this->app->view->make('content') ?>
	<? $this->app->view->render('layout.footer') ?>

Controllers shows yours views

namespace app\foo\controllers;

class ProductController extends \Lean\App
	public function index()
		 * set the product/index.phtml to be render
		$this->view()->set('content', 'index');
		 * render the template
	public function edit()
		 * this render file "../views/product/edit.phtml"
		$this->view()->set('content', 'edit');

Using routes

add into Bootstrap.php before launch Lean


 * routes

 * init lean framework

Basic route

create file Routes.php into settings

use Lean\Route;

Route::set('foo/bar', function() {
	echo 'Hi';

Route to method in controller

use Lean\Route;

Route::set('product/do', array(
	'module' => 'basic', 
	'controller' => 'product',
	'method' => 'do_something'

Route to method in controller, same result as above but with clousure and call controller manually

use Lean\Route;

Route::set('product/do', function() {
	new app/basic/controllers/ProductController::singleton->do_something();

Simple alias

Route::alias('do-something', 'product/do');

Multiple alias

Route::alias(array('do-something', 'do-something2', 'foo', 'bar'), 'product/do');


Lean is released under MIT public license.

Copyright (c) 2014, Dyorg Almeida <>