* IFile framework
* @category IndexingFile
* @package ifile.example
* @author Giampaolo Losito, Antonio Di Girolomo
* @copyright 2011-2013 isApp.it (www.isapp.it)
* @license GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999
* @version 1.2.1
* This script is a example how to use MySqli interface for working with index
* For MySql is important define in the configuration (IFileConfig.xml)
* Define Table name that IFile must used
* The fields: name, path, filename as "Text":
<table-name collation="utf8_general_ci">ifile_index_table</table-name>
<field name="name" type="Text" />
<field name="path" type="Text" />
<field name="filename" type="Text" />
/** require IFileFactory */
require_once '../IFileFactory.php';
// Create connection at MySql
// IFile works only with MySqli Interfaceù
// First to test, you must create "example_ifile_index" DB in the your MySql
$connection = @new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'example_ifile_index', 3306);
if (mysqli_connect_error()) {die(" - ".mysqli_connect_error()." - ");}
// try/catch
try {
// instance IFileFactory
$IFileFactory = IFileFactory::getInstance();
// define mysqli interface
$ifile = $IFileFactory->getIFileIndexing('mysqli', $connection);
// TEST: Delete a document that exist
// echo "delete (ID = 1)<br />: ";
// echo $ifile->delete(1);
// TEST: Delete a document that not exist
// echo "delete (id no range): ";
// echo $ifile->delete(100000);
// TEST: Delete all document
// echo "delete all document: ";
// echo $ifile->deleteAll(true);
// TEST: Delete fisically the index
// echo "delete index: ";
// echo $ifile->deleteAll(false);
// TEST: Optimize index (use optimize only if present deleted documents in index)
// echo "optimize: ";
// echo $ifile->optimize();
// TEST: Numero di documenti (compresi quelli marcati come cancellati)
echo "count: ";
echo $ifile->count()."<br />";
// TEST: Number of document (in this number not is present the delete document)
echo "numDocs: ";
echo $ifile->numDocs()."<br />";
// TEST: Verify if exists deleted documents
echo "hasDeletions: ";
echo $ifile->hasDeletions()."<br />";
// TEST: Verify if term is present in the fild
echo "hasTerm (Term:file, Field:body): ";
echo $ifile->hasTerm('file', 'body')."<br />";
// TEST: Verify if term is present in the index
echo "hasTerm (Term:file, Field:): ";
echo $ifile->hasTerm('file')."<br />";
// TEST: Return default field
echo "getDefaultSearchField: ";
echo $ifile->getDefaultSearchField()."<br />";
// TEST: Setting default field
echo "setDefaultSearchField (field:body): ";
echo $ifile->setDefaultSearchField('body')."<br />";
// TEST2: Return default field
echo "getDefaultSearchField after setting: ";
echo $ifile->getDefaultSearchField()."<br />";
// TEST2: Verify if term is present in the index (for only default field)
echo "hasTerm (Term:file, Field:) (setDefaultSearchField:body): ";
echo $ifile->hasTerm('file')."<br />";
// TEST3: Setting an field of default that not exist
echo "setDefaultSearchField: ";
echo $ifile->setDefaultSearchField('notexist')."<br />";
// TEST3: Verify if term is present in the index (for only default field that not exist)
echo "hasTerm (Term:file, Field:) (setDefaultSearchField:not exist): ";
echo $ifile->hasTerm('file')."<br />";
// TEST: Verify if the document is deleted
// For Mysqli interface the ID of the documents start to 0
echo "isDeleted (ID:1) : ";
echo $ifile->isDeleted(1)."<br />";
// TEST: Delete index and return all document deleted
//echo "undeletedAll: ";
//echo $ifile->undeletedAll()."<br>";
// TEST: Setting Result limit at 10
echo "setResultLimit (10): ";
echo $ifile->setResultLimit(10)."<br />";
// TEST: Setting Result limit at all
echo "getResultLimit: ";
echo $ifile->getResultLimit()."<br />";
// TEST: Return the list of Fields present in the indicx (All)
echo "getFieldNames: <pre>";
echo print_r($ifile->getFieldNames(), 1)."</pre><br />";
// TEST: Return the list of Fields in the indicx (only "indexing" fields)
echo "getFieldNames (only indexed): <pre>";
echo print_r($ifile->getFieldNames(true), 1)."</pre><br />";
// TEST: Return a single document from ID
// For Mysqli interface the ID of the documents start to 0
echo "getDocument (ID:1): <pre>";
echo print_r($ifile->getDocument(1), 1)."</pre><br />";
// TEST2: Return a single document from ID (ID not present)
//echo "getDocument (id no range): <pre>";
//echo print_r($ifile->getDocument(100), 1)."</pre><br />";
// TEST: Return all document (without the deleted documents)
echo "getAllDocument (without delete document): <pre>";
echo print_r($tot = $ifile->getAllDocument(), 1)."</pre><br />";
echo "Total document indexing: ".count($tot)."<br />";
// TEST: Return all document (with the deleted documents)
echo "getAllDocument (with delete document): <pre>";
echo print_r($tot = $ifile->getAllDocument(true), 1)."</pre><br />";
echo "Total document: ".count($tot)."<br />";
// TEST: Return terms present in the field
echo "Terms in the field (Title): <pre>";
echo print_r($ifile->getTermsForField('title'), 1)."</pre><br />";
// TEST: Return all terms present in the index
echo "Terms in the index: <pre>";
echo print_r($ifile->terms(), 1)."</pre><br />";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error: ".$e->getMessage();