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File: example/IFile_Mysql_Ex07_SearchMultiTerm.php

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  Classes of Giampaolo Losito   IFile   example/IFile_Mysql_Ex07_SearchMultiTerm.php   Download  
File: example/IFile_Mysql_Ex07_SearchMultiTerm.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: IFile
Index and search documents using Lucene or MySQL
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 * IFile framework
 * @category IndexingFile
 * @package ifile.example
 * @author Giampaolo Losito, Antonio Di Girolomo
 * @copyright 2011-2013 (
 * @license GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999
 * @version 1.2.1

 * This script is a example how to search terms in the index with "multi-terms" method with MiSqli Interface
 * IFile can setting multi search
 * For MySql is important define in the configuration (IFileConfig.xml)
 * Define Table name that IFile must used
 * The fields: name, path, filename as "Text":
   <table-name collation="utf8_general_ci">ifile_index_table</table-name>
            <field name="name" type="Text" />
            <field name="path" type="Text" />
            <field name="filename" type="Text" />

/** require IFileFactory */
require_once '../IFileFactory.php';

// Create connection at MySql
// IFile works only with MySqli Interfaceù
// First to test, you must create "example_ifile_index" DB in the your MySql
$connection = @new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'example_ifile_index', 3306);
if (
mysqli_connect_error()) {die(" - ".mysqli_connect_error()." - ");}

// try/catch
try {
// instance IFileFactory
$IFileFactory = IFileFactory::getInstance();
// define mysqli interface
$ifile = $IFileFactory->getIFileIndexing('mysqli', $connection);
// TEST Query Multi-termine
    // 1. Search sigle term
    // For multi-terms IFile use IFileQueryRegistry
$ifileQueryRegistry = new IFileQueryRegistry();
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('ifile', 'body', IFileQuery::MATCH_REQUIRED);
// define order
$ifile->setSort('key', SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC);
// call Multi-terms method
$result = $ifile->query($ifileQueryRegistry);
// print result
printResult("Search single term (body:ifile)", $result);
// 2. Search multi terms in AND.
$ifileQueryRegistry = new IFileQueryRegistry();
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('ifile', 'body', IFileQuery::MATCH_REQUIRED);
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('prova', 'body', IFileQuery::MATCH_PROHIBITEN);
// define order
$ifile->setSort('key', SORT_STRING, SORT_DESC);
// call Multi-terms method
$result = $ifile->query($ifileQueryRegistry);
// print result
printResult("Search multi terms in AND (body:ifile, body:prova)", $result);
// 3. Search multi terms in OR.
$ifileQueryRegistry = new IFileQueryRegistry();
// id not set thirt paramter IFile set the terms as Optional
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('zend', 'body');
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('doc', 'body');
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('txt', 'body');
$ifileQueryRegistry->setQuery('ifile', 'body');
// call Multi-terms method
$result = $ifile->query($ifileQueryRegistry);
// print result
printResult("Ricerca di piu' termini in OR (body:zend, body:doc, body:txt, body:ifile)", $result);
} catch (
Exception $e) {
"Error: ".$e->getMessage();

 * Function of utility. Used only for this example.
 * Print result of search
 * @param strint $type
 * @param array $result_T
 * @return
function printResult($type, $result) {
"Type of search: ".$type;
$result) && is_array($result)) {
"<br>Result Search:<br>";
        foreach (
$result as $hit) {
$doc = $hit->getDocument();
"File: ".$doc->name." - Chiave: ".$doc->key." - Score: ".$hit->score."<br>";
    } else {
"<br>Not result returned<br>";
"End print for: ($type)<br><br>";