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File: site/lib/DB/couch/doc/
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Class: PHP CouchDB Product CRUD
Manage products stored in a CouchDB database
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This section give details about the couchAdmin object. Please Read this first !! ========================= The couchAdmin class is only needed to **manage** users of a CouchDB server : add users, add admins, ... You don't need the couchAdmin class to connect to CouchDB with a login / password. You only need to add your login and password to the DSN argument when creating your CouchDB client : $client = new couchClient ("","mydatabase"); Managing CouchDB users ====================== CouchDB rights management is really complex. [This page]( can really help to understand how security is implemented in couchDB. The **couchAdmin** class contains helpful methods to create admins, users, and associate users to databases. Synopsys -------- <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; // Here my couchDB is in "admin party" mode (no user, no admin defined) // // I create an "anonymous" connector to the database $client = new couchClient ("http://localhost:5984/","mydb" ); // I then create an instance of the couchAdmin class, passing the couchClient as a parameter $anonymous_adm = new couchAdmin($client); // I create the first admin user try { $anonymous_adm->createAdmin("superAdmin","secretpass"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage()); } // // now my database is not in "admin party" anymore : to continue Administration I need to setup an authenticated connector // $admclient = new couchClient ("http://superAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/", "mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($admclient); // create a regular (no superadmin) user) try { $adm->createUser("joe","secret"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to create regular user: ".$e->getMessage()); } // set "joe" as admin of the database "mydb" try { $adm->addDatabaseAdminUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add joe to the admins list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage()); } // Oh no I missed up remove "joe" from database "mydb" admins try { $adm->removeDatabaseAdminUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove joe from the admins list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage()); } // and add it to the readers group of database "mydb" try { $adm->addDatabaseReaderUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add joe to the readers list of mydb: ".$e->getMessage()); } // well... get the list of users belonging to the "readers" group of "mydb" $users = $adm->getDatabaseReaderUsers(); // array ( "joe" ) Creating a couchAdmin instance ============================== The couchAdmin class constructor takes an only parameter : a couchClient object. You have to be careful, the couchClient object should have enough credentials to perform the administrative tasks. Example : // create a couchClient instance $client = new couchClient("http://localhost:5984/","mydb"); // now create the couchAdmin instance $adm = new couchAdmin($client); // here $adm will connect to CouchDB without any credentials : that will only work if there is no administrator created yet on the server. First time configuration of CouchDB ----------------------------------- On a fresh install, CouchDB is in **admin party** mode : that means any operation (create / delete databases, store documents and design documents) can be performed without any authentication. Below is an example to configure the first server administrator, that we will name **couchAdmin** with the password **secretpass** : // create an anonymous couchClient connection (no user/pass) $client = new couchClient("http://localhost:5984/","mydb"); // now create the couchAdmin instance $adm = new couchAdmin($client); //create the server administrator try { $adm->createAdmin("couchAdmin","secretpass"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die ("Can't create server administrator : ".$e->getMessage()); } Now that the couch server got a server administrator, it's not in "admin party" mode anymore : we can't create a second server administrator using the same, anonymous couchClient instance. We need to create a couchClient instance with the credentials of **couchAdmin**. // create a server administrator couchClient connection $client = new couchClient("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb"); // now create the couchAdmin instance $adm = new couchAdmin($client); Creating / getting users ======================== Creating a server administrator ------------------------------- The method **createAdmin ($login, $password, $roles = array() )** creates a CouchDB *server* administrator. A server administrator can do everything on a CouchDB server. Example : <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); // Create an admin user try { $adm->createAdmin("superAdmin","ommfgwtf"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Creating a normal user ---------------------- The method **createUser ($login, $password, $roles = array())** creates a CouchDB user. Example : <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); // Create a user try { $adm->createUser("joe","dalton"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to create user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Example - creating a user and adding it to some roles <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); $roles = array ("thief","jailbreaker"); try { $adm->createUser("jack","dalton",$roles); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to create user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Getting a user document ----------------------- The method **getUser ( $login )** returns the user document stored in the users database of the CouchDB server. Example : <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); // get a user try { $joe = $adm->getUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "User joe does not exist."; } else { die("unable to get user: ".$e->getMessage()); } } Getting all users documents --------------------------- The method **getAllUsers ()** returns the list of all users registered in the users database of the CouchDB server. This method calls a view, so you can use the view query options ! Example : <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); // get all users try { $all = $adm->getAllUsers(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to get users: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($all); /** will print something like Array ( stdClass ( "id" => "_design/_auth", "key" => "_design/_auth", "value" => stdClass ( "rev" => "1-54a591939c91922a35efee07eb2c3a72" ) ), stdClass ( "id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", "key" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", "value" => stdClass ( "rev" => "1-3e4dd4a7c5a9d422f8379f059fcfce98" ) ), stdClass ( "id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", "key" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", "value" => stdClass ( "rev" => "1-9456a56f060799567ec4560fccf34534" ) ) ) **/ Example - including user documents and not showing the design documents <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $all = $adm->include_docs(true)->startkey("org.couchdb.user:")->getAllUsers(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to get users: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($all); /** will print something like Array ( stdClass ( "id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", "key" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", "value" => stdClass ( "rev" => "1-3e4dd4a7c5a9d422f8379f059fcfce98" ), "doc" => stdClass ( "_id" => "org.couchdb.user:jack", ... ) ), stdClass ( "id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", "key" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", "value" => stdClass ( "rev" => "1-9456a56f060799567ec4560fccf34534" ), "doc" => stdClass ( "_id" => "org.couchdb.user:joe", ... ) ) ) **/ Removing users ============== Warning : this only works with CouchDB starting at version 1.0.1 Removing a server administrator ------------------------------- The method **deleteAdmin($login)** permanently removes the admin $login. Example : creating and immediately removing a server administrator <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); $adminLogin = "butterfly"; $adminPass = "wing"; try { $ok = $adm->createAdmin($adminLogin, $adminPass); } catch (Exception $e) { die("unable to create admin user: ".$e->getMessage()); } // here "butterfly" admin exists and can login to couchDB to manage the server // now we remove it try { $ok = $adm->deleteAdmin($adminLogin); } catch (Exception $e) { die("unable to delete admin user: ".$e->getMessage()); } // here "butterfly" admin does not exist anymore Note : the response of deleteAdmin() method is a string : it's the hash of the password this admin had before been removed. Example : -hashed-0c796d26c439bec7445663c2c2a18933858a8fbb,f3ada55b560c7ca77e5a5cdf61d40e1a Removing a user --------------- The method **deleteUser($login)** permanently removes the user $login. Example : removing a server user <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $ok = $adm->deleteUser("joe"); } catch (Exception $e) { die("unable to delete user: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($ok); /** will print something like : stdClass Object ( [ok] => 1 [id] => org.couchdb.user:joe [rev] => 6-415784680cff486e2d0144ed39da2431 ) */ Assigning roles to users ======================== Assigning a role to a user ----------------------- The method **addRoleToUser($user, $role)** adds the role *$role* to the list of roles user *$user* belongs to. **$user** can be a PHP stdClass representing a CouchDB user object (as returned by getUser() method), or a user login. Example : adding the role *cowboy* to user *joe* <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->addRoleToUser("joe","cowboy"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add a role to user: ".$e->getMessage()); } echo "Joe now got role cowboy"; Removing a role from the list of roles a user belongs to -------------------------------------------------------- The method **removeRoleFromUser($user, $role)** removes the role *$role* from the list of roles user *$user* belongs to. **$user** can be a PHP stdClass representing a CouchDB user object (as returned by getUser() method), or a user login. Example : removing the role *cowboy* of user *joe* <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->removeRoleFromUser("joe","cowboy"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove a role of a user: ".$e->getMessage()); } echo "Joe don't belongs to the cowboy role anymore"; Assigning users to databases ============================ CouchDB databases got two types of privileged users : the *readers*, that can read all documents, and only write normal (non-design) documents. The *admins* got all privileges of the *readers*, and they also can write design documents, use temporary views, add and remove *readers* and *admins* of the database. [The CouchDB wiki gives all details regarding rights management.]( Adding a user to the "readers" ------------------------------ The method **addDatabaseReaderUser ($login)** adds a user in the readers list of the database. Example - adding joe to the readers of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->addDatabaseReaderUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Adding a user to the "admins" ------------------------------ The method **addDatabaseAdminUser ($login)** adds a user in the admins list of the database. Example - adding joe to the admins of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->addDatabaseAdminUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Getting the list of "readers" of the database --------------------------------------------- The method **getDatabaseReaderUsers ()** returns the list of users belonging to the *readers* of the database. Example - getting all users beeing *readers* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $users = $adm->getDatabaseReaderUsers(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to list users: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($users); // will echo something like: Array ( "joe" , "jack" ) Getting the list of "admins" of the database --------------------------------------------- The method **getDatabaseAdminUsers ()** returns the list of users belonging to the *admins* of the database. Example - getting all users beeing *admins* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $users = $adm->getDatabaseAdminUsers(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to list users: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($users); // will echo something like: Array ( "william" ) Removing a user from the "readers" ------------------------------ The method **removeDatabaseReaderUser ($login)** removes a user from the readers list of the database. Example - removing joe from the readers of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->removeDatabaseReaderUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Removing a user from the "admins" ------------------------------ The method **removeDatabaseAdminUser ($login)** removes a user from the admins list of the database. Example - removing joe from the admins of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->removeDatabaseAdminUser("joe"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove user: ".$e->getMessage()); } Assigning roles to databases ============================ Just like users, roles can be assigned as admins or readers in a CouchDB database. [The CouchDB wiki gives all details regarding rights management.]( Adding a role to the "readers" ------------------------------ The method **addDatabaseReaderrole ($role)** adds a role in the readers list of the database. Example - adding cowboy to the readers of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->addDatabaseReaderRole("cowboy"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add role: ".$e->getMessage()); } Adding a role to the "admins" ------------------------------ The method **addDatabaseAdminRole ($role)** adds a role in the admins list of the database. Example - adding *cowboy* role to the *admins* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->addDatabaseAdminrole("cowboy"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to add role: ".$e->getMessage()); } Getting the list of "readers" of the database --------------------------------------------- The method **getDatabaseReaderRoles ()** returns the list of roles belonging to the *readers* of the database. Example - getting all roles beeing *readers* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $roles = $adm->getDatabaseReaderRoles(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to list roles: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($roles); // will echo something like: Array ( "cowboy" , "indians" ) Getting the list of "admins" of the database --------------------------------------------- The method **getDatabaseAdminRoles ()** returns the list of roles belonging to the *admins* of the database. Example - getting all roles beeing *admins* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $roles = $adm->getDatabaseAdminRoles(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to list roles: ".$e->getMessage()); } print_r($roles); // will echo something like: Array ( "martians" ) Removing a role from the "readers" ------------------------------ The method **removeDatabaseReaderRole ($role)** removes a role from the readers list of the database. Example - removing *cowboy* from the *readers* of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->removeDatabaseReaderRole("cowboy"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove role: ".$e->getMessage()); } Removing a role from the "admins" ------------------------------ The method **removeDatabaseAdminRole ($role)** removes a role from the admins list of the database. Example - removing *martians* from the admins of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->removeDatabaseAdminRole("martians"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to remove role: ".$e->getMessage()); } Accessing the database security object ====================================== Each Couch database got a security object. The security object is made like : { "admins" : { "names" : ["joe", "phil"], "roles" : ["boss"] }, "readers" : { "names" : ["dave"], "roles" : ["producer", "consumer"] } } PHP on Couch provides methods to directly get and set the security object. Getting the security object --------------------------- The method **getSecurity ()** returns the security object of a CouchDB database. Example - getting the security object of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $security = $adm->getSecurity(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to get security object: ".$e->getMessage()); } Setting the security object --------------------------- The method **setSecurity($security)** set the security object of a Couch database Example - setting the security object of the database mydb <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client); try { $adm->setSecurity($security); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die("unable to set security object: ".$e->getMessage()); } Setting the name of the CouchDB users database ============================================== CouchDB got a special database used to store users. By default this database is called **_users**, but this can be changed. Setting the users database name on couchAdmin creation ------------------------------------------------------ To create a couchAdmin instance and specify the name of the users database, use the constructor second parameter $options, setting the option **users_database**: Example - setting the couchdb users database name on couchAdmin object creation <?PHP require_once "lib/couch.php"; require_once "lib/couchClient.php"; require_once "lib/couchAdmin.php"; $client = new couchClient ("http://couchAdmin:secretpass@localhost:5984/","mydb" ); $adm = new couchAdmin($client, array ("users_database"=> "theUsers") ); Changing the users database name of an existing couchAdmin instance ------------------------------------------------------------------- The **setUsersDatabase($name)** method allows to specify an alternate name for the users database on an already created couchAdmin instance. Getting the users database name currently set in an existing couchAdmin instance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The **getUsersDatabase($name)** method return the name that is used actually to connect to the users database.