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File: search.obj

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  Classes of Joe Stump   Miester Search   search.obj   Download  
File: search.obj
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Description: The actual class
Class: Miester Search
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Date: 24 years ago
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<? // Created By: Joe Stump <[email protected]> // Created On: 2000-12-09 // Notes: // This was created because I seem to be asked for this feature // on a lot of the projects I work on so it only made sense to // create some reusable code. // // This class takes care of just about everything. Just make sure // you write your table defs write in the config file and it will // create the necessary tables, make the dictionaries, build the // indexes and, finally, make SQL queries for you on the fly. // // $query_tables is a list of tables that you (or the user) wants to // search - ie. $query_tables = array('news','links','articles'); and // $query_sql is a few queries based on those tables. So $query_sql // would return: // // $query_sql = array(news => 'SELECT ...', // links => 'SELECT ...', // articles => 'SELECT ...'); // // Then you just run those (adding on any LIMIT's you might want) and // PRESTO! you have search results. I've scaled this implementation to // roughly 2M rows with search times in the .02 to .07 second range for // results LIMIT'd to 10 - so don't worry about scalability. // // As usual, this is released under the GNU License found at: // class Search { // Variables for indexing var $tables = array(); // Table definitions var $dictionary = array(); // Unique words in Table(s) var $index = array(); // Index of words for each record var $return_code = array(); // See reference for return codes var $stop_words = array(); // See Search() for a list of stop words // Variables for searching var $query = ''; // The user's query var $query_sql = array(); // The SQL built based on that query var $query_tables = array(); // The tables you wish to search function return_tables() { return $this->tables; } function return_dictionary() { return $this->dictionary; } function return_index() { return $this->index; } function return_code() { return $this->return_code; } function return_stop_words() { return $this->stop_words; } function return_query() { return $this->query; } function return_query_sql() { return $this->query_sql; } function return_query_tables() { return $this->query_tables; } function set_tables($new_tables) { $this->tables = $new_tables; } function set_dictionary($new_dictionary) { $this->dictionary = $new_dictionary; } function set_index($new_index) { $this->index = $new_index; } function set_code($new_code) { $this->return_code = $new_code; } function set_stop_words($new_stop_words) { $this->stop_words = $new_stop_words; } function set_query($new_query) { $this->query = $new_query; } function set_query_sql($new_sql) { $this->query_sql = $new_sql; } function set_query_tables($new_tables) { $this->query_tables = $new_tables; } function Search($tables) { $stop_words = array('a','about','above','across','after','against', 'all','almost','also','among','an','and','anyhow', 'apart','as','at','around','author','be','below', 'could','do','down','due','each','either','enought', 'etc','even','ever','except','from','front','further', 'given','get','go','had','have','he','her','him','here', 'herself','himself','hi','how','i','ie','if','in','inc', 'indoor','inside','instead','into','inward','is','it', 'kind','kg','km','last','latter','less','let','like', 'little','made','many','maybe','me','meantime', 'meanwhile','might','more','most','mr','ms','much', 'must','my','myself','name','need','now','nowhere', 'nope','obtain','of','off','often','ok','onto','or', 'own','per','perform','perhaps','pelnti','possible', 'present','provide','quite','rather','really','relate', 'report','require','result','round','said','shalt', 'she','should','shown','sinc','slept','slew','slung', 'slunk','so','some','somebody','somehow','sometime', 'somewhat','spake','spat','spoke','spoken','sprang', 'sprung','stage','still','such','test','than','that', 'the','thee','their','them','themselves','then', 'there','these','those','thou','though','through','thru', 'thy','too','toward','type','under','unless','until', 'up','upon','us','various','very','vs','want','we', 'week','well','were','what','when','where','what', 'which','why','while','who','whoa','whole','whom','whose', 'why','will','wilt','with','within','without','worst', 'wow','yet','yipp','you','your','yourself'); $this->Setup(); $this->set_tables($tables); $this->set_stop_words($stop_words); } // Search() function Setup() { if(!file_exists('./db.obj')) { echo 'Fatal Error: "db.obj" Not Found!'."\n"; exit; } else { $db = new DB(); $db->set_sql("SHOW TABLES"); if(!$db->select_query()) { echo 'Fatal Error: Unable to access SQL server!'."\n"; exit; } } } // Setup() function SetUpTables() { $tables = $this->return_tables(); while(list(,$table) = each($tables)) { $dictionary = $table['table_name'].'_dictionary'; $index = $table['table_name'].'_index'; $key_def = $table['key_def']; $db1 = new DB(); $db1->set_sql("DESC $dictionary"); if(!$db1->select_query()) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE ${dictionary}( wordID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AUTO_INCREMENT, word char(15) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (wordID), UNIQUE ID (wordID), KEY (word), UNIQUE WD (word))"; $db2 = new DB(); $db2->set_sql($sql); $db2->alter_query(); unset($db2); } $db3 = new DB(); $db3->set_sql("DESC $index"); if(!$db3->select_query()) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE ${index}( wordID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, docID ${key_def}, hits TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY (wordID), KEY (docID), KEY (hits))"; $db4 = new DB(); $db4->set_sql($sql); $db4->alter_query(); unset($db4); } unset($db1); unset($db3); } } // SetUpTables() function BuildDictionary() { $tables = $this->return_tables(); while(list(,$table) = each($tables)) { extract($table); $db0 = new DB(); $db0->set_sql("DELETE FROM ${table_name}_dictionary"); $db0->alter_query(); $sql = "SELECT ".implode(',',$fields)." FROM $table_name"; $db = new DB(); $db->set_sql($sql); if($db->select_query()) { while(list(,$row) = each($db->rows)) { $string = ''; for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($fields) ; ++$i) { $string .= ' '.$this->FormatString($row[$fields[$i]]); } $words = explode(' ',$string); for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($words) ; ++$i) { $insert_word = $words[$i]; $sql = "INSERT INTO ${table_name}_dictionary (word) VALUES ('$insert_word')"; $db1 = new DB(); $db1->set_sql($sql); $db1->alter_query(); unset($db1); } unset($words); } } $db2 = new DB(); $db2->set_sql("DELETE FROM ${table_name}_dictionary WHERE word=''"); $db2->alter_query(); unset($db); unset($db2); } } // BuildDictionary() function CreateIndex() { $tables = $this->return_tables(); while(list(,$table) = each($tables)) { extract($table); $db0 = new DB(); $db0->set_sql("DELETE FROM ${table_name}_index"); $db0->alter_query(); $sql = "SELECT ${table_key},".implode(',',$fields)." FROM $table_name"; $db = new DB(); $db->set_sql($sql); if($db->select_query()) { while(list(,$row) = each($db->rows)) { $string = ''; $key = $row[$table_key]; for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($fields) ; ++$i) { $string .= $this->FormatString(strip_tags(stripslashes($row[$fields[$i]]))); } $words = explode(' ',$string); for($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($words) ; ++$i) { $index[$words[$i]] += 1; } while(list($word,$hits) = each($index)) { $db1 = new DB(); $db1->set_sql("SELECT wordID FROM ${table_name}_dictionary WHERE word='$word'"); if($db1->select_query()) { $wordID = $db1->rows[0]['wordID']; $sql = "INSERT INTO ${table_name}_index (wordID,docID,hits) VALUES ('$wordID','$key','$hits')"; $db2 = new DB(); $db2->set_sql($sql); $db2->alter_query(); } unset($db1); unset($db2); } unset($index); } } unset($db); } } // CreateIndex() function GetWordIDs($table) { $strings = explode(' ',$this->return_query()); for($i = 0 ; $i <= 3 ; ++$i) { $word = $this->FormatString($strings[$i]); if(!in_array($word,$this->stop_words)) { $sql = "SELECT wordID FROM ${table}_dictionary WHERE word='$word'"; $db = new DB(); $db->set_sql($sql); if($db->select_query()) { $ret[] = $db->rows[0]['wordID']; } unset($db); } } return $ret; } // GetWordIDs() function BuildSQL($search_tables) { $hits = array(); $dict = array(); $indx = array(); $ands = array(); $tables = $this->return_tables(); while(list(,$table) = each($tables)) { extract($table); if(in_array($table_name,$search_tables)) { $wordIDs = $this->GetWordIDs($table_name); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($wordIDs) ; ++$i) { $hits[] = "I".$i.".hits"; $dict[] = " ${table_name}_dictionary as D".$i." "; $indx[] = " ${table_name}_index as I".$i." "; $ands[] = "C.".$table_key."=I".$i.".docID && I".$i.".wordID=D".$i.".wordID && D".$i.".wordID=".$wordIDs[$i]." "; } if(is_array($hits) && is_array($dict) && is_array($indx) && is_array($ands)) { $sql = "SELECT C.*,"; $sql .= "(".implode('+',$hits).") as hits "; $sql .= "from ".$table_name." as C,".implode(',',$dict).",".implode(',',$indx); $sql .= " WHERE ".implode(' && ',$ands); $sql .= " ORDER BY hits DESC"; } $ret[$table_name] = $sql; } unset($sql); unset($hits); unset($indx); unset($dict); unset($ands); unset($wordIDs); } $this->set_query_sql($ret); } // BuildSQL() function FormatString($string) { $string = strtolower(strip_tags($string)); $string = ereg_replace("[0-9,.!_/\:#$)(*&^%-+=?;]",' ',$string); return $string; } // FormatString() } // EOF ?>