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File: ade-woo-api-auth.php

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  Classes of Adeleye Ayodeji   Ade PHP WooCommerce API Authentication   ade-woo-api-auth.php   Download  
File: ade-woo-api-auth.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Plugin functions
Class: Ade PHP WooCommerce API Authentication
Plugin to authenticate API calls with WooCommerce
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,305 bytes



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 * Plugin Name: Ade Woo API Auth
 * Plugin URI:
 * Author: Adeleye Ayodeji
 * Author URI:
 * Description: This plugin allow you to authenticate your woocommerce API request
 * Version: 0.1.0
 * License: GPL-2.0+
 * License URL:
 * text-domain: ade-woo-api-auth
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {

//define plugin version
define('ADE_WOO_API_AUTH_VERSION', '0.1.0');
//plugin file
define('ADE_WOO_API_AUTH_FILE', __FILE__);
//plugin folder path
define('ADE_WOO_API_AUTH_PATH', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__));
//plugin folder url
define('ADE_WOO_API_AUTH_URL', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__));

ADE_WOO_API_AUTH_PATH . 'inc/core.php';

//initialize the class
$ADE_WOO_API_Authentication = new ADE_WOO_API_Authentication();
//decalre global variables
$GLOBALS['ADE_WOO_API_Authentication'] = $ADE_WOO_API_Authentication;

//check if fucntion exist
if (!function_exists('ade_woo_auth')) {
     * Function ade_woo_auth()
     * @description: This function is used to authenticate rest api request with query string authentication method on ssl
     * @return mixed
function ade_woo_auth()
$adewooauth = new ADE_WOO_API_Authentication();

if (!function_exists('ade_woo_auth_no_ssl')) {
     * Function ade_woo_auth_no_ssl()
     * @description: This function is used to authenticate rest api request with query string authentication method on non ssl
     * @return mixed
function ade_woo_auth_no_ssl()
$adewooauth = new ADE_WOO_API_Authentication();

if (!function_exists('ade_oauth_authentication')) {
     * Function ade_oauth_authentication()
     * @description: This function is used to authenticate rest api request with oauth authentication method both ssl and non ssl
     * @return mixed
function ade_oauth_authentication()
$adewooauth = new ADE_WOO_API_Authentication();