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  Classes of Ramesh Narayan Jangid   PHP Microservices Framework   Download  
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Class: PHP Microservices Framework
Setup microservices apps with configuration arrays
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Last change: Refactoring
Date: 17 hours ago
Size: 14,365 bytes


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PHP Microservices Framework

This is very light & easy Framework for Microservices. It can be used to create API's in very short time once you are done with your database.

Important Files

  • .env.example Create a copy of this file as .env
  • global.sql Import this SQL file on your MySQL global instance
  • client\_master.sql Import this SQL file on your MySQL client instance
  • cache.sql Import this SQL file for cache in MySQL cache instance if Redis is not the choice (To be configured in .env)

> Note: One can import all three sql's in a single database to start with. Just configure the same details in the .env file.


Below are the configuration settings details in .env

  • OUTPUT_PERFORMANCE_STATS=1 >Add Performance Stats in Json output: 1 = true / 0 = false
  • allowConfigRequest=1 >Allow config request (global flag): 1 = true / 0 = false
  • cronRestrictedIp='' >Crons Details
  • maxPerpage=10000 >;Maximum value of perpage (records per page)

Cache Server Details (Redis)

  • cacheType='Redis'
  • cacheHostname=''
  • cachePort=6379
  • cacheUsername='ramesh'
  • cachePassword='shames11'
  • cacheDatabase=0

Global Database details - global.sql

  • globalType='MySQL'
  • globalHostname=''
  • globalPort=3306
  • globalUsername='root'
  • globalPassword='shames11'
  • globalDatabase='global'

global Database tables details

  • groups='m002_master_groups'
  • clients='m001_master_clients'

Default application database/server for clients

  • defaultDbType='MySQL'
  • defaultDbHostname=''
  • defaultDbPort=3306
  • defaultDbUsername='root'
  • defaultDbPassword='shames11'
  • defaultDbDatabase='global'

Dedicated application database/server for client 1

  • dbHostnameClient001=''
  • dbUsernameClient001='root'
  • dbPasswordClient001='shames11'
  • dbDatabaseClient001='client_001'

Dedicated application database/server for client 2

  • dbHostnameClient002=''
  • dbUsernameClient002='root'
  • dbPasswordClient002='shames11'
  • dbDatabaseClient002='client_002'

Additional client database details

  • clientMasterDbName='client_master' >contains all entities required for a new client.
  • client_users='master_users' >Table in client database containing user details.


  • App Basic Microservices application folder
  • Config Basic Microservices configuration folder
  • Crons Contains classes for cron API's
  • Custom Contains classes for custom API's
  • Dropbox Folder for uploaded files.
  • public\_html Microservices doc root folder
  • ThirdParty Contains classes for third-party API's
  • Upload Contains classes for upload file API's
  • Validation Contains validation classes.

Route Folder

  • Config/Routes/<GroupName>


  • /GETroutes.php for all GET method routes configuration.
  • /POSTroutes.php for all POST method routes configuration.
  • /PUTroutes.php for all PUT method routes configuration.
  • /PATCHroutes.php for all PATCH method routes configuration.
  • /DELETEroutes.php for all DELETE method routes configuration.

<GroupName> assigned group to a user for accessing the API's


  • For configuring route /tableName/parts GET method
    return [
    'tableName' => [
    	'parts' => [
    		'__file__' => 'SQL file location'
  • For configuring route /tableName/{id} where id is dynamic integer value to be collected.
    return [
    'tableName' => [
    	'{id:int}' => [
    		'__file__' => 'SQL file location'
  • Same dynamic variable but with a different data type, for e.g. {id} will be treated differently for string and integer values to be collected.
    return [
    'tableName' => [
    	'{id:int}' => [
    		'__file__' => 'SQL file location for integer data type'
    	'{id:string}' => [
    		'__file__' => 'SQL file location for string data type'
  • To restrict dynamic values to a certain set of values. One can do the same by appending comma-separated values after OR key.
    return [
    '{tableName:string|admin,group,client,routes}' => [
    	'{id:int}' => [
    		'__file__' => 'SQL file location'

Queries Folder

  • Config/Queries/GlobalDB for global database.
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB for Clients (including all hosts and their databases).


  • /GET/<filenames>.php GET method SQL.
  • /POST/<filenames>;.php POST method SQL.
  • /PUT/<filenames>.php PUT method SQL.
  • /PATCH/<filenames>.php PATCH method SQL.
  • /DELETE/<filenames>.php DELETE method SQL.

> One can replace <filenames> tag with desired name as per functionality.


  • GET method.
	return [
		 'query' => "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE id = ? AND group_id = ? AND client_id = ?",
		'__WHERE__' => [//column => [uriParams|payload|function|readOnlySession|{custom}, key|{value}]
		'id' => ['uriParams', 'id'],
		'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'],
		'client_id' => ['readOnlySession', 'client_id'],
		'mode' => 'singleRowFormat',// Single row returned.
		'subQuery' => [
			'Clients' => [
				'query' => "MySQL Query here",
				'__WHERE__' => [],
				'mode' => 'multipleRowFormat'// Multiple rows returned.
		'validate' => [
			'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
			'fnArgs' => [
				'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
			'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'

> Here query & mode keys are required keys

	return [
		'query' => "INSERT TableName SET SET WHERE WHERE ",
		// Fields present in below __CONFIG__ shall be supported for DB operation. Both Required and Optional
		'__CONFIG__' => [// Set your payload/uriParams fields config here.
			['payload', 'group_id', Constants::$REQUIRED], // Required field
			['payload', 'password'], // Optional field
			['payload', 'client_id'], // Optional field
		'__SET__' => [
			//column => [uriParams|payload|readOnlySession|insertIdParams|{custom}|function, key|{value}|function()],
			'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id'],
			'password' => ['function', function($input) {
				return password_hash($input['payload']['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
			'client_id' => ['readOnlySession', 'client_id']
		'__WHERE__' => [// column => [uriParams|payload|function|readOnlySession|insertIdParams|{custom}, key|{value}
			'id' => ['uriParams', 'id']
		'insertId' => 'tablename1:id',// Last insert id key name in $input['insertIdParams'][<tableName>:id];
		'subQuery' => [
			'module1' => [
				'query' => "MySQL Query here",
				'__SET__' => [
					'previous_table_id' => ['insertIdParams', '&lt;tableName&gt;:id'],
				'__WHERE__' => [],
		'validate' => [
				'fn' => 'validateGroupId',
				'fnArgs' => [
					'group_id' => ['payload', 'group_id']
				'errorMessage' => 'Invalid Group Id'

> Note: If there are modules or configurations repeated. One can reuse them by palcing them in a separate file and including as below.

'subQuery' => [
	//Here the module1 properties are reused for write operation.
	'module1' => include DOC_ROOT . 'Config/Queries/ClientDB/Common/reusefilename.php',

> Note: For POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods we can configure both INSERT as well as UPDATE queries.

HTTP Request

GET Request

> One can clean the URL by making the required changes in the web server .conf file.


  • Single
    	"key1": "value1",
    	"key2": "value2",
  • Multiple
    		"key1": "value1",
    		"key2": "value2",
    		"key1": "value1",
    		"key2": "value2",

HttpRequest Variables

  • $input\['readOnlySession'\] Session Data. > This remains same for every request and contains keys like id, group\_id, client\_id
  • $input\['uriParams'\] Data passed in URI. > Suppose our configured route is /{table:string}/{id:int} and we make an HTTP request for /tableName/1 then $input\['uriParams'\] will hold these dynamic values as below.
  • $input\['payload'\] Request data. > For GET method, the $\_GET is the payload.
  • $input\['insertIdParams'\] Insert ids Data as per configuration. >For POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE we perform both INSERT as well as UPDATE operation. The insertIdParams contains the insert ids of the executed INSERT queries.
  • $input\['hierarchyData'\] Hierarchy data. >For GET method, one can use previous query results if configured to use hierarchy.


  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/GET/Category.php
    >In this file one can confirm how previous select data is used recursively in subQuery select as indicated by useHierarchy flag.
    'parent_id' => ['hierarchyData', 'return:id'],
  • Config/Queries/ClientDB/POST/Category.php .Here a request can handle the hierarchy for write operations.
return [
	'query' => "INSERT INTO `category` SET SET",
		'__CONFIG__' => [
			['payload', 'name', Constants::$REQUIRED],
		'__SET__' => [
			'name' => ['payload', 'name'],
			'parent_id' => ['custom', 0],
		'insertId' => 'category:id',
		'subQuery' => [
			'module1' => [
				query' => "INSERT INTO `category` SET SET",
				'__CONFIG__' => [
					['payload', 'subname', Constants::$REQUIRED],
				'__SET__' => [
					'name' => ['payload', 'subname'],
					'parent_id' => ['insertIdParams', 'category:id'],
				'insertId' => 'sub:id',
	'useHierarchy' => true

Hierarchy Request

  • Request - 1: Single object.
		"module1": {

  • Request - 2: Array of module1

  • Request - 3: Array of payload and arrays of module1

Route ending with /config

  • Adding keyword config at the end of route after a slash returns the payload information that should be supplied; both required and optional with desired format.


  • r=/registration/config
  • r=/category/config

One need to configure for same in route with a flag as config => true

Only these configured routes will be supported the config feature.

>For controlling globally there is a flag in env file labled allowConfigRequest


This lists down all allowed routes for HTTP methods respectively.


Perform basic checks on Config folder.


  • Dedicated database for respective client can be configured
  • This can also handle Master / Slave implementaion respectively


  • fetchFrom is a SQL config feature where one can force the fetch from Master (Since usually it is Slave)

Javascript - HTTP request example


var handlerUrl = "http://api.client001.localhost/Microservices/public_html/index.php?r=/login";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "POST", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);
        var token = responseArr\['Output'\]\['Results'\]\['Token'\];

var params = {
	"Payload": {

xmlhttp . send( JSON.stringify(params) );

For other API's

  • GET Request
  var handlerUrl = "http://api.client001.localhost/Microservices/public_html/index.php?r=/routes";
  var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

  xmlhttp . open( "GET", handlerUrl );
  xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer &lt;Token-from-login-api&gt;');

  xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
          var responseJson = this.responseText;
          var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

  xmlhttp . send();

  • POST Request
var handlerUrl = "http://api.client001.localhost/Microservices/public_html/index.php?r=/ajax-handler-route";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "POST", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', ?Bearer &lt;Token-from-login-api&gt;');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

var params = {
	"Payload": {
		"key1": "value1",
		"key2": "value2",

xmlhttp . send( JSON.stringify(params) );

  • PUT Request
var handlerUrl = "http://api.client001.localhost/Microservices/public_html/index.php?r=/custom/password";
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

xmlhttp . open( "PUT", handlerUrl );
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain');
xmlhttp . setRequestHeader('Authorization', ?Bearer &lt;Token-from-login-api&gt;');

xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
        var responseJson = this.responseText;
        var responseArr = JSON.parse(responseJson);

var params = {
	"Payload": {
		"old_password": "shames11",
		"new_password": "ramesh",

xmlhttp . send( JSON.stringify(params) );