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File: public/assets/bower_components/bootstrap-slider/bootstrap-slider.js

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  Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra   PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner   public/assets/bower_components/bootstrap-slider/bootstrap-slider.js   Download  
File: public/assets/bower_components/bootstrap-slider/bootstrap-slider.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner
Manage inventory stock using scanner application
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 12,038 bytes



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/* ========================================================= * bootstrap-slider.js v2.0.0 * * ========================================================= * Copyright 2012 Stefan Petre * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ========================================================= */ !function( $ ) { var Slider = function(element, options) { this.dragLocked = false; this.limit = 100000; this.element = $(element).hide(); this.picker = $('<div class="slider">'+ '<div class="slider-track">'+ '<div class="slider-selection"></div>'+ '<div class="slider-handle"></div>'+ '<div class="slider-handle"></div>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="tooltip"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>'+ '</div>') .insertBefore(this.element) .append(this.element); ='slider-id')||; if ( { this.picker[0].id =; } if (typeof Modernizr !== 'undefined' && Modernizr.touch) { this.touchCapable = true; } var tooltip ='slider-tooltip')||options.tooltip; this.tooltip = this.picker.find('.tooltip'); this.tooltipInner = this.tooltip.find('div.tooltip-inner'); this.orientation ='slider-orientation')||options.orientation; switch(this.orientation) { case 'vertical': this.picker.addClass('slider-vertical'); this.stylePos = 'top'; this.mousePos = 'pageY'; this.sizePos = 'offsetHeight'; this.tooltip.addClass('right')[0].style.left = '100%'; break; default: this.picker .addClass('slider-horizontal') .css('width', this.element.outerWidth()); this.orientation = 'horizontal'; this.stylePos = 'left'; this.mousePos = 'pageX'; this.sizePos = 'offsetWidth'; this.tooltip.addClass('top')[0] = -this.tooltip.outerHeight() - 14 + 'px'; break; } this.min ='slider-min')||options.min; this.max ='slider-max')||options.max; this.step ='slider-step')||options.step; this.value ='slider-value')||options.value; if (this.value[1]) { this.range = true; } this.selection ='slider-selection')||options.selection; this.selectionEl = this.picker.find('.slider-selection'); if (this.selection === 'none') { this.selectionEl.addClass('hide'); } this.selectionElStyle = this.selectionEl[0].style; this.handle1 = this.picker.find('.slider-handle:first'); this.handle1Stype = this.handle1[0].style; this.handle2 = this.picker.find('.slider-handle:last'); this.handle2Stype = this.handle2[0].style; var handle ='slider-handle')||options.handle; switch(handle) { case 'round': this.handle1.addClass('round'); this.handle2.addClass('round'); break case 'triangle': this.handle1.addClass('triangle'); this.handle2.addClass('triangle'); break } if (this.range) { this.value[0] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[0])); this.value[1] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[1])); } else { this.value = [ Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value))]; this.handle2.addClass('hide'); if (this.selection == 'after') { this.value[1] = this.max; } else { this.value[1] = this.min; } } this.diff = this.max - this.min; this.percentage = [ (this.value[0]-this.min)*100/this.diff, (this.value[1]-this.min)*100/this.diff, this.step*100/this.diff ]; this.offset = this.picker.offset(); this.size = this.picker[0][this.sizePos]; this.formater = options.formater; this.reversed ='slider-reversed')||options.reversed; this.layout(); if (this.touchCapable) { // Touch: Bind touch events: this.picker.on({ touchstart: $.proxy(this.mousedown, this) }); } else { this.picker.on({ mousedown: $.proxy(this.mousedown, this) }); } if (tooltip === 'show') { this.picker.on({ mouseenter: $.proxy(this.showTooltip, this), mouseleave: $.proxy(this.hideTooltip, this) }); } else { this.tooltip.addClass('hide'); } }; Slider.prototype = { constructor: Slider, over: false, inDrag: false, showTooltip: function(){ this.tooltip.addClass('in'); //var left = Math.round(this.percent*this.width); //this.tooltip.css('left', left - this.tooltip.outerWidth()/2); this.over = true; }, hideTooltip: function(){ if (this.inDrag === false) { this.tooltip.removeClass('in'); } this.over = false; }, layout: function(){ var positionPercentages; if(this.reversed) { positionPercentages = [ this.percentage[1] - this.percentage[0], this.percentage[1] ]; } else { positionPercentages = [ this.percentage[0], this.percentage[1] ]; } this.handle1Stype[this.stylePos] = positionPercentages[0]+'%'; this.handle2Stype[this.stylePos] = positionPercentages[1]+'%'; if (this.orientation == 'vertical') { = Math.min(positionPercentages[0], positionPercentages[1]) +'%'; this.selectionElStyle.height = Math.abs(positionPercentages[0] - positionPercentages[1]) +'%'; } else { this.selectionElStyle.left = Math.min(positionPercentages[0], positionPercentages[1]) +'%'; this.selectionElStyle.width = Math.abs(positionPercentages[0] - positionPercentages[1]) +'%'; } if (this.range) { this.tooltipInner.text( this.formater(this.value[0]) + ' : ' + this.formater(this.value[1]) ); this.tooltip[0].style[this.stylePos] = this.size * (positionPercentages[0] + (positionPercentages[1] - positionPercentages[0])/2)/100 - (this.orientation === 'vertical' ? this.tooltip.outerHeight()/2 : this.tooltip.outerWidth()/2) +'px'; } else { this.tooltipInner.text( this.formater(this.value[0]) ); this.tooltip[0].style[this.stylePos] = this.size * positionPercentages[0]/100 - (this.orientation === 'vertical' ? this.tooltip.outerHeight()/2 : this.tooltip.outerWidth()/2) +'px'; } }, mousedown: function(ev) { if (!this.dragLocked){ // Touch: Get the original event: if (this.touchCapable && ev.type === 'touchstart') { ev = ev.originalEvent; } this.offset = this.picker.offset(); this.size = this.picker[0][this.sizePos]; var percentage = this.getPercentage(ev); if (this.range) { var diff1 = Math.abs(this.percentage[0] - percentage); var diff2 = Math.abs(this.percentage[1] - percentage); this.dragged = (diff1 < diff2) ? 0 : 1; } else { this.dragged = 0; } this.percentage[this.dragged] = this.reversed ? this.percentage[1] - percentage : percentage; this.layout(); if (this.touchCapable) { // Touch: Bind touch events: $(document).on({ touchmove: $.proxy(this.mousemove, this), touchend: $.proxy(this.mouseup, this) }); } else { $(document).on({ mousemove: $.proxy(this.mousemove, this), mouseup: $.proxy(this.mouseup, this) }); } this.inDrag = true; var val = this.calculateValue(); this.setValue(val); this.element.trigger({ type: 'slideStart', value: val }).trigger({ type: 'slide', value: val }); return false; } }, mousemove: function(ev) { // Touch: Get the original event: if (!this.dragLocked){ if (this.touchCapable && ev.type === 'touchmove') { ev = ev.originalEvent; } var percentage = this.getPercentage(ev); if (this.range) { if (this.dragged === 0 && this.percentage[1] < percentage) { this.percentage[0] = this.percentage[1]; this.dragged = 1; } else if (this.dragged === 1 && this.percentage[0] > percentage) { this.percentage[1] = this.percentage[0]; this.dragged = 0; } } x = this.reversed ? this.percentage[1] - percentage : percentage; if (x > this.limit) { return ; } this.percentage[this.dragged] = x; this.layout(); var val = this.calculateValue(); this.setValue(val); this.element .trigger({ type: 'slide', value: val }) .data('value', val) .prop('value', val); return false; } }, mouseup: function(ev) { if (this.touchCapable) { // Touch: Bind touch events: $(document).off({ touchmove: this.mousemove, touchend: this.mouseup }); } else { $(document).off({ mousemove: this.mousemove, mouseup: this.mouseup }); } this.inDrag = false; if (this.over == false) { this.hideTooltip(); } this.element; var val = this.calculateValue(); this.layout(); this.element .trigger({ type: 'slideStop', value: val }) .data('value', val) .prop('value', val); return false; }, calculateValue: function() { var val; if (this.range) { val = [ (this.min + Math.round((this.diff * this.percentage[0]/100)/this.step)*this.step), (this.min + Math.round((this.diff * this.percentage[1]/100)/this.step)*this.step) ]; this.value = val; } else { val = (this.min + Math.round((this.diff * this.percentage[0]/100)/this.step)*this.step); this.value = [val, this.value[1]]; } return val; }, getPercentage: function(ev) { if (this.touchCapable) { ev = ev.touches[0]; } var percentage = (ev[this.mousePos] - this.offset[this.stylePos])*100/this.size; percentage = Math.round(percentage/this.percentage[2])*this.percentage[2]; return Math.max(0, Math.min(100, percentage)); }, getValue: function() { if (this.range) { return this.value; } return this.value[0]; }, setLimit: function(val) { this.limit = val; }, setDragLocked: function(val) { this.dragLocked = val; }, getDragLocked: function(val) { return this.dragLocked; }, setValue: function(val) { this.value = val; if (this.range) { this.value[0] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[0])); this.value[1] = Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value[1])); } else { this.value = [ Math.max(this.min, Math.min(this.max, this.value))]; this.handle2.addClass('hide'); if (this.selection == 'after') { this.value[1] = this.max; } else { this.value[1] = this.min; } } this.diff = this.max - this.min; this.percentage = [ (this.value[0]-this.min)*100/this.diff, (this.value[1]-this.min)*100/this.diff, this.step*100/this.diff ]; this.layout(); }, destroy: function(){; this.picker.remove(); }, }; $.fn.slider = function ( option, val ) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $'slider'), options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) { $'slider', (data = new Slider(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.slider.defaults,options)))); } if (typeof option == 'string') { data[option](val); } }) }; $.fn.slider.defaults = { min: 0, max: 10, step: 1, orientation: 'horizontal', value: 5, selection: 'before', tooltip: 'show', handle: 'round', reversed : false, limit: 100000, dragLocked: false, formater: function(value) { return value; } }; $.fn.slider.Constructor = Slider; }( window.jQuery );