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File: example-return.php

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  Classes of Kristo Vaher   Estonian e-payments solution   example-return.php   Download  
File: example-return.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: This is example return page, which receives returned information from bank.
Class: Estonian e-payments solution
Submit payments to Estonian and Finnish banks
Author: By
Last change: Version number update
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 1,544 bytes



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// Estonian e-payments system 1.4
    // Kristo Vaher 2011
    // Licensed under LGPL
    // Published
    //This is an example return page. It uses $_POST to validate if data is being returned, but custom array can be also used
    //Please note that this e-payment system assumes that website is modern and characters are encoded in UTF-8
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="et">
        <title>Example Return Page</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
'config.epay.php'); //while configuration file is not needed for initial submit page, it is needed for return page
$banklink=new Payment($config);
//The data returned from e-payment system is different for each profile
                    //Only constants across all profiles is 'result' (either 'success' or 'failed') and 'order-code'
echo '<pre>';
                } else {
//This means that internal security hash has failed and data has been edited
                    //It is recommended to log these attemtps, since it can be sign of malicious behavior
echo '<br/>hash failed!';