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File: core/lib/functions.lib.php

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File: core/lib/functions.lib.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Simple PHP Password Manager
Application to store and retrieve user password
Author: By
Last change: 2.4.0
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 16,302 bytes



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<?php /** * * Simple password manager written in PHP with Bootstrap and PDO database connections * * File name: functions.lib.php * Last Modified: 4.01.23 ?., 23:56 ?. * * @link * @since 1.0.0 * @version 2.4.0 * @author Milen Karaganski <> * * @license GPL-3.0+ * @license * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 * */ /** * \file functions.lib.php * \ingroup Password Manager * \brief File to hold global functions */ declare(strict_types=1); const PM_LOG_EMERG = 0; const PM_LOG_ALERT = 1; const PM_LOG_CRIT = 2; const PM_LOG_ERR = 3; const PM_LOG_WARNING = 4; const PM_LOG_NOTICE = 5; const PM_LOG_INFO = 6; const PM_LOG_DEBUG = 7; /** * Write log message into outputs. Possible outputs can be: * This must not use any call to other function calling pm_syslog (avoid infinite loop). * * @param string $message Line to log. ''=Show nothing * @param int $level Log level * On Windows PM_LOG_ERR=4, PM_LOG_WARNING=5, PM_LOG_NOTICE=PM_LOG_INFO=6, PM_LOG_DEBUG=6 * On Linux PM_LOG_ERR=3, PM_LOG_WARNING=4, PM_LOG_NOTICE=5, PM_LOG_INFO=6, PM_LOG_DEBUG=7 * * @return void * @throws Exception */ function pm_syslog(string $message, int $level) { global $user; if (empty($level)) { $level = PM_LOG_DEBUG; } if (!empty($message)) { // Test log level $log_levels = [ PM_LOG_EMERG => 'EMERG', PM_LOG_ALERT => 'ALERT', PM_LOG_CRIT => 'CRITICAL', PM_LOG_ERR => 'ERR', PM_LOG_WARNING => 'WARN', PM_LOG_NOTICE => 'NOTICE', PM_LOG_INFO => 'INFO', PM_LOG_DEBUG => 'DEBUG', ]; if (!array_key_exists($level, $log_levels)) { throw new Exception('Incorrect log level'); } $data = [ 'message' => $message, 'script' => (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ? basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') : false), 'level' => $level, 'user' => ((is_object($user) && isset($user->id)) ? $user->username : false), 'ip' => false, ]; $remoteip = getUserRemoteIP(); // Get ip when page run on a web server if (!empty($remoteip)) { $data['ip'] = $remoteip; // This is when server run behind a reverse proxy if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] != $remoteip) { $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . ' -> ' . $data['ip']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] != $remoteip) { $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] . ' -> ' . $data['ip']; } } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { // This is when PHP session is running inside a web server but not inside a client request (example: init code of apache) $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['COMPUTERNAME'])) { // This is when PHP session is running outside a web server, like from Windows command line (Not always defined, but useful if OS defined it). $data['ip'] = $_SERVER['COMPUTERNAME'] . (empty($_SERVER['USERNAME']) ? '' : '@' . $_SERVER['USERNAME']); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['LOGNAME'])) { // This is when PHP session is running outside a web server, like from Linux command line (Not always defined, but useful if OS defined it). $data['ip'] = '???@' . $_SERVER['LOGNAME']; } pm_export($data); unset($data); } } /** * Export the message * * @param array $content Array containing the info about the message * * @return void */ function pm_export(array $content) { $logfile = PM_MAIN_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/pm-log.log'; /* //Unlock file for writing if (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR'])) { // Host OS is Windows exec('attrib -R ' . escapeshellarg($logfile), $res); $res = $res[0]; } else { // Host OS is *nix chmod($logfile, 0755); } */ $filefd = fopen($logfile, 'a+'); if (!$filefd) { // Do not break usage if log fails //throw new Exception('Failed to open log file '.basename($logfile)); print 'Failed to open log file ' . basename($logfile); } else { $log_levels = [ PM_LOG_EMERG => 'EMERG', PM_LOG_ALERT => 'ALERT', PM_LOG_CRIT => 'CRIT', PM_LOG_ERR => 'ERR', PM_LOG_WARNING => 'WARNING', PM_LOG_NOTICE => 'NOTICE', PM_LOG_INFO => 'INFO', PM_LOG_DEBUG => 'DEBUG', ]; $message = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()) . ' ' . sprintf('%-7s', $log_levels[$content['level']]) . ' ' . sprintf('%-15s', $content['ip']) . ' ' . $content['message']; fwrite($filefd, $message . "\n"); fclose($filefd); /* //Lock file as read only if (isset($_SERVER['WINDIR'])) { // Host OS is Windows exec('attrib +R ' . escapeshellarg($logfile), $res); $res = $res[0]; } else { // Host OS is *nix chmod($logfile, 0444); } */ } } /** * Return the IP of remote user. * Take HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (defined when using proxy) * Then HTTP_CLIENT_IP if defined (rare) * Then REMOTE_ADDR (no way to be modified by user but may be wrong if user is using a proxy) * * @return string Ip of remote user. */ function getUserRemoteIP(): string { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) || preg_match('/[^0-9.:,\[\]]/', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) || preg_match('/[^0-9.:,\[\]]/', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $ip = (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? '' : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } else { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } } else { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } } else { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } return $ip; } /** * Return value of a param into GET or POST super variable. * * @param string $paramname Name of parameter to found * @param string $check Type of check * ''=no check (deprecated) * 'none'=no check (only for param that should have very rich content) * 'array', 'array:restricthtml' or 'array:aZ09' to check it's an array * 'int'=check it's numeric (integer or float) * 'intcomma'=check it's integer+comma ('1,2,3,4...') * 'alpha'=Same than alphanohtml since v13 * 'alphawithlgt'=alpha with lgt * 'alphanohtml'=check there is no html content and no " and no ../ * 'aZ'=check it's a-z only * 'aZ09'=check it's simple alpha string (recommended for keys) * 'san_alpha'=Use filter_var with FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING (do not use this for free text string) * 'nohtml'=check there is no html content and no " and no ../ * 'restricthtml'=check html content is restricted to some tags only * 'custom'= custom filter specify $filter and $options) * @param int $method Type of method (0 = get then post, 1 = only get, 2 = only post, 3 = post then get) * @param int|null $filter Filter to apply when $check is set to 'custom'. (See for details) * @param mixed $options Options to pass to filter_var when $check is set to 'custom' * * @return string|array Value found (string or array), or '' if check fails */ function GETPOST(string $paramname, string $check = 'alphanohtml', int $method = 0, int $filter = null, $options = null) { if (empty($paramname)) { return 'BadFirstParameterForGETPOST'; } if (empty($method)) { $out = $_GET[$paramname] ?? ($_POST[$paramname] ?? ''); } elseif ($method == 1) { $out = $_GET[$paramname] ?? ''; } elseif ($method == 2) { $out = $_POST[$paramname] ?? ''; } elseif ($method == 3) { $out = $_POST[$paramname] ?? ($_GET[$paramname] ?? ''); } else { return 'BadThirdParameterForGETPOST'; } // Check rule if (preg_match('/^array/', $check)) { // If 'array' or 'array:restricthtml' or 'array:aZ09' if (!is_array($out) || empty($out)) { $out = []; } else { $tmparray = explode(':', $check); if (!empty($tmparray[1])) { $tmpcheck = $tmparray[1]; } else { $tmpcheck = 'alphanohtml'; } foreach ($out as $outkey => $outval) { $out[$outkey] = checkVal($outval, $tmpcheck, $filter, $options); } } } else { $out = checkVal($out, $check, $filter, $options); } return $out; } /** * Return a value after checking on a rule. A sanitization may also have been done. * * @param string $out Value to check/clear. * @param string $check Type of check/sanitizing * @param int|null $filter Filter to apply when $check is set to 'custom'. (See for details) * @param mixed $options Options to pass to filter_var when $check is set to 'custom' * * @return string|array Value sanitized (string or array). It may be '' if format check fails. */ function checkVal(string $out = '', string $check = 'alphanohtml', int $filter = null, $options = null) { // Check is done after replacement switch ($check) { case 'none': break; case 'int': // Check param is a numeric value (integer but also float or hexadecimal) if (!is_numeric($out)) { $out = ''; } break; case 'intcomma': if (preg_match('/[^0-9,-]+/i', $out)) { $out = ''; } break; case 'san_alpha': $out = filter_var($out, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); break; case 'email': $out = filter_var($out, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); break; case 'aZ': if (!is_array($out)) { $out = trim($out); if (preg_match('/[^a-z]+/i', $out)) { $out = ''; } } break; case 'aZ09': if (!is_array($out)) { $out = trim($out); if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_\-.]+/i', $out)) { $out = ''; } } break; case 'aZ09comma': // great to sanitize sortfield or sortorder params that can be,t.def_gh if (!is_array($out)) { $out = trim($out); if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_\-.,]+/i', $out)) { $out = ''; } } break; case 'nohtml': // No html $out = string_nohtmltag($out, 0); break; case 'alpha': // No html and no ../ and " case 'alphanohtml': // Recommended for most scalar parameters and search parameters if (!is_array($out)) { $out = trim($out); do { $oldstringtoclean = $out; // Remove html tags $out = string_nohtmltag($out, 0); $out = str_ireplace(['&#38', '&#0000038', '&#x26', '&quot', '&#34', '&#0000034', '&#x22', '"', '&#47', '&#0000047', '&#92', '&#0000092', '&#x2F', '../', '..\\'], '', $out); } while ($oldstringtoclean != $out); } break; case 'custom': if (empty($filter)) { return 'BadFourthParameterForGETPOST'; } $out = filter_var($out, $filter, $options); break; } return $out; } /** * Clean a string from all HTML tags and entities. * This function differs from strip_tags because: * - <br> are replaced with \n if removelinefeed=0 or 1 * - if entities are found, they are decoded BEFORE the strip * - you can decide to convert line feed into a space * * @param string $stringtoclean String to clean * @param int $removelinefeed 1=Replace all new lines by 1 space, 0=Only ending new lines are removed others are replaced with \n, 2=Ending new lines are removed but * others are kept with a same number of \n than nb of <br> when there is both "...<br>\n..." * @param int $strip_tags 0=Use internal strip, 1=Use strip_tags() php function (bugged when text contains a < char that is not for a html tag or when tags are not * closed like '<img onload=aaa') * @param int $removedoublespaces Replace double space into one space * * @return string String cleaned * */ function string_nohtmltag(string $stringtoclean, int $removelinefeed = 1, int $strip_tags = 0, int $removedoublespaces = 1): string { if ($removelinefeed == 2) { $stringtoclean = preg_replace('/<br[^>]*>([\n\r])+/im', '<br>', $stringtoclean); } $temp = preg_replace('/<br[^>]*>/i', "\n", $stringtoclean); $temp = str_replace('< ', '__ltspace__', $temp); if ($strip_tags) { $temp = strip_tags($temp); } else { $temp = str_replace('<>', '', $temp); // No reason to have this into a text, except if value is to try bypass the next html cleaning $pattern = '/<[^<>]+>/'; // Example of $temp: <a href="/myurl" title="<u>A title</u>">0000-021</a> $temp = preg_replace($pattern, '', $temp); // pass 1 - $temp after pass 1: <a href="/myurl" title="A title">0000-021 $temp = preg_replace($pattern, '', $temp); // pass 2 - $temp after pass 2: 0000-021 // Remove '<' into remainging, so remove non closing html tags like '<abc' or '<<abc'. Note: '<123abc' is not a html tag (can be kept), but '<abc123' is (must be removed). $temp = preg_replace('/<+([a-z]+)/i', '\1', $temp); } // Remove also carriage returns if ($removelinefeed == 1) { $temp = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n"], ' ', $temp); } // And double quotes if ($removedoublespaces) { while (strpos($temp, ' ')) { $temp = str_replace(' ', ' ', $temp); } } $temp = str_replace('__ltspace__', '< ', $temp); return trim($temp); } /** * Return a string encoded into OS filesystem encoding. This function is used to define * value to pass to filesystem PHP functions. * * @param string $str String to encode (UTF-8) * * @return string Encoded string (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1) */ function get_osencode(string $str): string { $tmp = ini_get('unicode.filesystem_encoding'); if (empty($tmp) && !empty($_SERVER['WINDIR'])) { $tmp = 'iso-8859-1'; } if (empty($tmp)) { $tmp = 'utf-8'; } if ($tmp == 'iso-8859-1') { return utf8_decode($str); } return $str; } /** * Global block to redirect on logout * * @return void */ function pm_logout_block() { global $action; if ($action == 'logout') { session_unset(); // Destroy the session. session_destroy(); header('Location: ' . PM_MAIN_URL_ROOT); } }