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  Classes of Tommaso DArgenio   KronoClass   CHANGELOG   Download  
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Description: Change log file
Class: KronoClass
A new way to compute time in PHP
Author: By
Last change: report all change in the class
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 3,863 bytes



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+--+ Changelog (date in format dd/mm/yy): Version 0.7 (released on September 09, 2003) -> 02.9.03: Changed the language management -> 01.9.03: Added method get_info() for extract some useful infos out of a date. -> 31.8.03: Added method to check if a time or date is valid: is_valid(), suggested by Vincenzo Visciano -> 25.8.03: Improved time_to_text() method, now support days and short or long textual format -> 23.8.03: Added support for time format too, in method that use it. Thanks for suggestion from Adrian von Muralt -> 22.8.03: Fixed a bug in get_nth_day() thanks to Tim Hodson, -> 23.7.03: Fixed a bug in year_moon_phase() method -> 23.7.03: Fixed a bug in roman_date() method -> 22.7.03: Fixed a bug in atom_date() method -> 18.7.03: Added Major Portuguese cities coordinates for geo files. Thanks to Gustavo Carreno -> 18.7.03: Added Portuguese language. Thanks to Gustavo Carreno -> 06.6.03: Fixed the name of March and May in german date. Thanks to Jurgen Schwietering -> 29.3.03: Fixed the name of wednesday in spanish. Thanks to Samuel E. Romero Version 0.6 (released on March 19, 2003) -> 19.3.03: License changed from GPL to LGPL. -> 15.3.03: Added support for Dutch language -> 14.3.03: Adjusted short format on german day -> 13.3.03: Completely added ApiDoc -> 13.3.03: Adjusted bug on how_to() method -> 05.3.03: Improved method mysql_time_easy, adding time information. -> 04.3.03: Added option to method atom_date to extract time information too. -> 18.2.03: Added option to method mysql_time_easy, to make the inverse operation. Thanks to Maurizio Marini <> -> 14.2.03: Resolved bug on get_nth_day method. Thanks to Maurizio Marini <> -> 26.1.03: Added method to conver PostgreSQL date/time to a readable format -> pg_time_easy() -> 26.1.03: Added method to calc sunrise and sunset of a date. Thanks to -> 26.1.03: Added method to get Moon Phases during Year and day. See method for royalties. -> 25.1.03: Added support for Finnish language (fi). Thanks to "Hannu Pysays" < > Version 0.5 (released on January 22, 2003) -> 22.1.03: Added support for Japanese language in Romanji code (jp) -> 19.1.03: Added method to convert a date in its Roman Empire date format.. WOW -> roman_date() -> 19.1.03: Added method to get the Nth day in a month -> get_nth_day() -> 18.1.03: Wow!! Resolved a big BUG on short name format !! -> 18.1.03: Added method to convert MySQL timestamp to a readable format -> mysql_time_easy() -> 18.1.03: Added method to calc swatch time -> swatch_time() -> 18.1.03: Added method to get time from nist server -> net_timestamp() List of avaliable NIST Server: More info on: -> 18.1.03: Added support for Indonesian (id) and Norway (no) language -> 17.1.03: Added method for disclaimer -> 17.1.03: Added help file -> 16.1.03: Removed letters with accent in day and month arrays -> 16.1.03: Some other improvements. -> 16.1.03: Added method to extract a single date component -> atom_date() -> 16.1.03: Added custom separator on date. -> 16.1.03: Added Support for some date format. Thanks to "DAVID FRANCO" <> -> 16.1.03: Added Spanish language. Thanks to "DAVID FRANCO" <> -> 16.1.03: Adjust on French Month Array. Thanks to Tony Houdayer