PHP Classes

File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfMergeKey.yml

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  Classes of Gavin Gordon Markowski   Helphp PHP Class Generator   vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfMergeKey.yml   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfMergeKey.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Helphp PHP Class Generator
Generate classes from configuration parameters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,662 bytes



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--- %YAML:1.0 test: Simple In Place Substitution brief: > If you want to reuse an entire alias, only overwriting what is different you can use a << in place substitution. This is not part of the official YAML spec, but a widely implemented extension. See the following URL for details: yaml: | foo: &foo a: Steve b: Clark c: Brian bar: a: before d: other <<: *foo b: new x: Oren c: foo: bar bar: foo foo2: &foo2 a: Ballmer ding: &dong [ fi, fei, fo, fam] check: <<: - *foo - *dong isit: tested head: <<: [ *foo , *dong , *foo2 ] taz: &taz a: Steve w: p: 1234 nested: <<: *taz d: Doug w: &nestedref p: 12345 z: <<: *nestedref php: | array( 'foo' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian'), 'bar' => array('a' => 'before', 'd' => 'other', 'b' => 'new', 'c' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'), 'x' => 'Oren'), 'foo2' => array('a' => 'Ballmer'), 'ding' => array('fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam'), 'check' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam', 'isit' => 'tested'), 'head' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam'), 'taz' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'w' => array('p' => 1234)), 'nested' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'w' => array('p' => 12345), 'd' => 'Doug', 'z' => array('p' => 12345)) )