PHP Classes

File: language/en_EN.interface.php

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  Classes of Fabrice Fesch   Melis CMS Page JavaScript and CSS Editor   language/en_EN.interface.php   Download  
File: language/en_EN.interface.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Melis CMS Page JavaScript and CSS Editor
Add custom assets to a site using Melis CMS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,772 bytes



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return [
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_title' => 'Scripts',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_page_edition_desc' => 'Customs scripts can be added to the page through this interface and will allow you control over a large spectrum of scripts (analytics and others). <br> Scripts can also be added for the full site in the tool site.',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_site_edition_desc' => 'Customs scripts can be added to the site through this interface and will allow you control over a large spectrum of scripts (analytics and others). <br> Scripts can also be added per page in every page edition.',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_header' => 'Header',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_content' => 'Content',

'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_head_top' => 'Head Top (after opening head tag)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_head_top tooltip' => 'Set the scripts to be inserted after the opening head tag (<head>)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_head_bottom' => 'Head Bottom (before closing head tag)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_head_bottom tooltip' => 'Set the scripts to be inserted before the closing head tag (</head>)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_body_bottom' => 'Body Bottom (before closing body tag)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_body_bottom tooltip' => 'Set the scripts to be inserted before the closing body tag (</body>)',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_exclude_site_script' => 'Do not include/inherit site?s scripts',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_page_edition_exception_title' => 'Exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_page_edition_exception_desc' => 'Choose if this page must be an exception and not include the scripts directly from the site',

/*Tool Site*/
'tr_melis_cms_sites_tool_content_edit_scripts_tab' => '',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_page_id' => 'Page ID',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_page_name' => 'Page Name',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_exception_title' => 'Current Exceptions',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_exception_desc' => 'List of pages that are exceptions and do not include the scripts directly from the site',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_delete_exception_btn_tooltip' => 'Delete exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_delete_exception_btn_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this page from the exception list?',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_common_label_yes' => 'Yes',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_common_label_no' => 'No',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_title' => 'Add an exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_desc' => 'Add a page to the exception list and do not include the scripts directly from the site for this page',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_tool_site_exception_title' => 'Site Script Exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_tool_site_no_exception_found' => 'No exception found.',

'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_error' => 'Error encountered while adding the exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_duplicate_error' => 'Page is already added in the exception list',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_wrong_site_error' => 'This identifier doesn\'t match any page of this site',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_add_exception_success' => 'Successfully added the exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_delete_exception_error' => 'Error encountered while deleting the exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_delete_exception_success' => 'Successfully deleted the exception',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_err_empty' => 'The input is required and cannot be empty',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_integer_only' => 'The input must be integer only',
'tr_meliscmspagescripteditor_greater_than_0' => 'The input must be greater than 0',
