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File: src/vendor/webmozart/assert/.github/workflows/ci.yaml

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File: src/vendor/webmozart/assert/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: QPHP
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 3,266 bytes



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# name: "CI" on: pull_request: ~ push: branches: - "master" env: COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION: 1.99 jobs: coding-standards: name: "Coding Standards" runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "actions/checkout@v2.3.4" - name: "Install PHP" uses: "shivammathur/setup-php@2.9.0" with: coverage: "none" extensions: "mbstring" php-version: "7.4" tools: "composer-normalize" - name: "Validate composer.json" run: "composer validate --strict" - name: "Normalize composer.json" run: "composer-normalize --dry-run" - name: "PHP-CS-Fixer" uses: "docker://oskarstark/php-cs-fixer-ga:2.18.0" with: args: "--dry-run --diff-format udiff" static-code-analysis: name: "Static Code Analysis" runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "actions/checkout@v2.3.4" - name: "Install PHP" uses: "shivammathur/setup-php@2.9.0" with: coverage: "none" extensions: "mbstring" php-version: "7.4" - name: "Install dependencies with composer" run: "composer update --no-interaction --no-progress && composer i --working-dir=ci" - name: "Run vimeo/psalm" run: "ci/vendor/bin/psalm --threads=4" tests: name: "Tests" runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" strategy: matrix: php-version: - "7.2" - "7.3" - "7.4" - "8.0" steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "actions/checkout@v2.3.4" - name: "Install PHP" uses: "shivammathur/setup-php@2.9.0" with: coverage: "none" extensions: "mbstring" php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Install dependencies with composer" run: "composer update --no-interaction --no-progress" - name: "Run unit tests" run: "vendor/bin/phpunit" windows-tests: name: "Windows tests" runs-on: "windows-latest" strategy: matrix: php-version: - "7.4" steps: - name: "Checkout" uses: "actions/checkout@v2.3.4" - name: "Install PHP" uses: "shivammathur/setup-php@2.9.0" with: coverage: "none" extensions: "mbstring" php-version: "${{ matrix.php-version }}" - name: "Install dependencies with composer" run: "composer update --no-interaction --no-progress" - name: "Run unit tests" run: "vendor/bin/phpunit tests/AssertTest.php"