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File: whatsplaying.conf.php

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File: whatsplaying.conf.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration file
Class: What's Playing
Shows in your webpage the song you are listening.
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 1,331 bytes



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// Whether to save or not the file whatsplaying.serialized, with te serialized data of an array containing all songs
$issaveserialized = false;
// Whether to save or not the file whatsplaying.js, wich can be easily included in any outher web page
$issavejs = true;
// Whether to show or not the list of last played songs
$isjslastplayed = true;
// Whatever HTML you want to put at the start of the list
$table_start = "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 class=whatsplaying_table>";
// Whatever HTML you want to put at the end of the list
$table_end = "</table>";
// The HTML you want to put for the song wich is playing now
    // (Use the string "{song}" (without cuotes!) to place the song name in your HTML)
$nowplaying_song = "<tr class=whatsplaying_tr_nowplaying><td class=whatsplaying_td_nowplaying>{song}</td></tr>";
// The HTML you want to put for each song that has been heared
    // As in the variable above, use "{song}" for the song name. Also, use {columncount} to obtain a columncounter wich changes between 1 and 2 alternatively. (If you want to use different styles in pair and even rows of the list (just for look&feel ...))
$lastplayed_song = "<tr class=whatsplaying_tr_lastplayed_{columncount}><td class=whatsplaying_td_lastplayed>{song}</td></tr>";
