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File: example.php

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  Classes of Rafael Martin Soto   CLI Math ML PHP Table Formatting   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: CLI Math ML PHP Table Formatting
Show structured datasets as tables in a terminal
Author: By
Last change: Add files via upload
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 5,754 bytes



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/** cli-math-ml-table example
 * @author Rafael Martin Soto
 * @author {@link Inatica}
 * @blog {@link Blog Rafael Martin Soto}
 * @since September 2021
 * @version 1.0.2
 * @license GNU General Public License v3.0

require_once 'cli-math-ml-table.class.php';

// Table Values.
// * First row is 'Col Names'
// * First Col is 'Row Names'
$Values = [
'Field Name', 'Numeric Col', 'String Col', 'Yes No Col', 'True False Col', 'Ok Ko Col', 'Boolean Col', 'size5'],
'[0]Test Name1 ', '10', 'Test 1', 'yes', 'true', 'ok', '1', '12345678'],
'[1]Test Name2', '-110', 'test 2', 'no', 'false', 'ko', '1', '-12345678'],
'[2]Test Name3', '-11023.2', 'null', 'y', 't', 'KO', '0', '12345'],
'[3]Test Name4', '-', '-', 'n', 'f', 'OK', '1', '-12345'],
'[4]Test Name5', '', '', '', '', '', '', '99999'],
'[5]Test Name6', '11023.2', 'null', '-', '0', 'oK', '1', '-9999'],
'[6]Test Name7', 'na', 'na', '-', '-', 'kO', '0', 'na'],
'[7]Test Name8', 'nan', 'nan', '-', '1', '-', '-', '-'],
'[8]Test Name9', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null'],
'[9]Test Name10 ', '10 ', 'Test 1 ', 'yes ', 'true ', 'ok ', '1 ', 'nan'],
'[10]Test Name11', null, null, null, null, null, null, null],

// Cols with special format
$col_special_format = [
'col_name' => 'Boolean Col', 'text_color' => 'lightwhite', 'text_decoration' => 'bold' , 'background_color' => 'blue'],
'col_name' => 'size5', 'max_chars' => 5]

// rows with special format
$row_special_format = [
'row_name' => '[7]Test Name8', 'text_color' => 'lightyellow', 'text_decoration' => 'double_underline', 'background_color' => 'red']

// Fields with Special Format
$fields_special_format = [
'row_name' => '[2]Test Name3', 'col_name' => 'Numeric Col', 'text_color' => 'orange', 'text_decoration' => 'bold' ],
'row_name' => '[1]Test Name2', 'col_name' => 'String Col', 'text_color' => 'lightwhite', 'text_decoration' => 'bold' ],
'row_name' => '[2]Test Name3', 'col_name' => 'True False Col', 'text_color' => 'blue',
'text_decoration' => 'strikethrough', 'background_color' => 'yellow']

// Table format with all possibilities example
// In this example we change:
// - 'indiv_formats'
// - 'col_formats'
// - 'row_formats'
// - 'padding_cells_left'
// - 'padding_cells_right'
// - 'margin_left'
// - 'margin_right'
// - 'margin_top'
// - 'margin_bottom'
// - 'reverse_headers'
$default_table_format = [
'indiv_formats' => $fields_special_format,
'col_formats' => $col_special_format,
'row_formats' => $row_special_format,
'draw_betw_line_separator' => true,
'padding_cells_left' => 2,
'padding_cells_right' => 2,
'margin_left' => 10,
'margin_right' => 2,
'margin_top' => 2,
'margin_bottom' => 2,
'reverse_headers' => true,
'border_style' => 'simple', // Style of borders ['simple'|'single'|'double'|'dobule_single'] ! NOT working for now. Use only 'simple'
'negative_numeric_in_red' => true,
'yes_no_col' =>[
'bold' => false,
'colored' =>[
'color_positive' => 'green',
'color_negative' => 'red'
'output_format' => 'short' // ['boolean'|'short'|'long'|'raw'|null] will transform in ['1', 'y', 'yes', 'orinal_value_without_formatting']
'true_false_col' =>[
'bold' => false,
'colored' =>[
'color_positive' => 'green',
'color_negative' => 'red'
'output_format' => 'short' // ['boolean'|'short'|'long'|'raw'|null] will transform in ['1', 't', 'true', 'orinal_value_without_formatting']
'booelan_col' =>[
'bold' => false,
'colored' =>[
'color_positive' => 'green',
'color_negative' => 'red'
'output_format' => 'raw' // ['raw'|null]
'ok_ko_col' =>[
'bold' => true,
'colored' =>[
'color_positive' => 'lightgreen',
'color_negative' => 'lightred'
'output_format' => 'raw' // ['raw'|null]

// simple table
echo "Default simple table:".PHP_EOL;
$cli_table = new cli_math_ml_table( $Values );

// simple table with raw values
$table_format['yes_no_col']['output_format'] = 'raw';
$table_format['ok_ko_col']['output_format'] = 'raw';
$table_format['true_false_col']['output_format'] = 'raw';

"Default simple table with RAW values:".PHP_EOL;
$cli_table->set_table_format( $table_format, $Values );

// Customized table
echo "Customized table:".PHP_EOL;
$cli_table->set_table_format( $default_table_format, $Values );

// Free mem()
unset( $cli_table );
$Values );
$default_table_format );
$table_format );
$fields_special_format );
$col_special_format );
$row_special_format );