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File: MyCSVAdmin/ChangeLog.txt

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File: MyCSVAdmin/ChangeLog.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Administrator Change Log
Class: TM::MyCSV
Manage CSV files like database tables
Author: By
Last change: Accessible without user login
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 2,695 bytes



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TM::MyCSVAdmin Change Log 2007-07-15 * Action handler "_onRowUpdated" added. 2005-12-18 * Added function "permanently order table by" a single column. * Action handler "_onRowDelete" added. * "_onDisplay" wasn't possible for foreign key fields. Fixed. * Support for external stylesheet file "MyCSVAdmin.css" added. 2005-09-24 * Added action handlers (simple plugin interface) _onRowLoaded, _onDisplay and _onRowValidated. * Basic MIME type detection when downloading binary data. * Improved the CSS a little bit. Added some missing htmlspecialchars(). 2005-04-11 * Large tables can be browsed page by page. * Calculation of average row size excludes head line. * Some titles (acronyms) added. * Boolean value "false" is displayed as an empty field instead of "-". 2005-04-09 * $dir can be both a string or an array. * New tables are created in the first directory specified in $dir. 2005-03-19 * Basic support for different charsets added (UTF-8 recomended). * Parameter $dir added to the constructor. * Added a lot more delimiters to the export form. * Reads also files with extensions .tsv, .dsv and so on. * CSS updated. 2004-01-01 * Excluded any robot by adding <meta name="robots" ...>. 2003-11-11 * "Go to parent Site" link added. * Added "Override" to the "Foreign Keys". 2003-11-10 * Basic foreign key support added. DOUBLE CHECK THIS AGAIN! * Basic .htaccess/.htpasswd added. * magic_quotes behavior changed, using Apeform(0, 0, false) now. * Guessed types aren't displayed when override was clicked. 2003-11-05 * Added onmouseover/hover effects. Droping/deleting links become red. * Form width is 60 instead of 40 now. * Menu is "Browse, Insert, Structure, ..." now. * Added "varchar" => override => "text". 2003-10-30 * Now, the form element for bool is checkbox instead of select. * Type detection improved, fields containing "\n" become "text" now. * Displays "Last Update" date in the structure view. 2003-10-29 * Fixed tiny bug when using "override". 2003-10-28 * Changed MIME type "text/plain" to "tab-separated-values". * Changed "Content-Disposition: inline" to "attachment". * Bugfix: Added missing table->reset() in browse(). 3003-10-27 * Added priv to grand or deny access to specific functions of the class. * Type detection is more thoughtful (e.g., id doesn't become bool). * It's possible to override the type detection for bool and blob fields. * Added dir to be able to store the tables in a different directory.