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File: bash/githubwiki

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  Classes of Stefan Kientzler   PHPDoc 2 Github Wiki   bash/githubwiki   Download  
File: bash/githubwiki
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHPDoc 2 Github Wiki
Generate documentation for packages in GitHub
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,765 bytes



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#!/bin/bash # The command to call phpDocumentor 3 (see / wiki for more information) phpdoccmd='[Name of the phpDocumentor command]' # the path to the git wiki repository wikidir='[path to the local git wiki repository]' show_usage() { echo Usage: echo -e '\tgithubwiki -s' echo -e '\tgithubwiki -sync:' echo -e '\t\tsync local repo with remote bofore build' echo echo -e '\tgithubwiki -b' echo -e '\tgithubwiki -build:' echo -e '\t\tbuild the wiki markdown using phpDocumentor' echo echo -e '\tgithubwiki -p' echo -e '\tgithubwiki -publish:' echo -e '\t\tpublish the wiki using git commandline' echo echo -e '\tgithubwiki -a' echo -e '\tgithubwiki -all:' echo -e '\t\tperform the sync, build and publish steps in one call' } build_wiki() { echo Build github wiki $phpdoccmd run -c phpdoc.xml } sync_wiki() { check_repo echo Sync github wiki with remote curdir=$PWD cd $wikidir git pull origin master cd $curdir } publish_wiki() { check_repo echo commit all changes and push to wiki master curdir=$PWD cd $wikidir git add --all git commit -a -m "phpDoc build $(date)" git push origin master cd $curdir } check_repo() { if [ ! -d $wikidir ]; then echo "Can not find Directory ${wikidir}!" exit elif [ ! -d "${wikidir}/.git" ]; then echo "Directory ${wikidir} does not contain a repository!" exit fi } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then show_usage elif [ $1 = '-b' ] || [ $1 = '-build' ]; then build_wiki elif [ $1 = '-s' ] || [ $1 = '-sync' ]; then sync_wiki elif [ $1 = '-p' ] || [ $1 = '-publish' ]; then publish_wiki elif [ $1 = '-a' ] || [ $1 = '-all' ]; then sync_wiki build_wiki publish_wiki else echo unknown argument: $1 fi