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  Classes of Mario Carrocera   OnTime PHP Multi Language trait   Download  
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Class: OnTime PHP Multi Language trait
Store and retrieve each user application language
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Date: 3 years ago
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Trait Tablefor ontime

The OnTime framework is designed to be modular, scalable and comprehensive, so that each new feature integrates without difficulty and maintains a unique class definition (OnTime) and all "additional classes" are "trait" that enrich it, in such a way that an integrated system is obtained, not separate programs which do not necessarily have to behave correctly together. This trait will be need if you wan have tables

Installation in test environment:

1.- Copy all the files in the directory where was instaled ontrime core

2.- With the browser of your preference, locate the directory and enter it

3.- Execute the OntimeInstallerDyR.php file

4.- When executing the file, the files where moved and the required environment was created


If you know how to create a subdomain that points to the "demo" directory, it is more comfortable and realistic.

After install

When installing, the necessary environment is defined to define access security, I create a User called "Admin" and that his password is "OT2021Free", this environment left the class prepared for definitions of the data dictionary and records.

In this trait, can create tables in any feature, a table is defined like a record that have an unique Key id, when you create a table must especify the record, but more than one table can have the same record, in a record must include at least all the fields that don't is not specy like emty = TRUE, neither can include a fields not included on the record.

In the validation include since this feature

lookin, check that the content of the field exist in defined basic content feature (.bas) lookfrom, check that the content of the field exist in defined table feature (.tas) bringin, check that the content of the field exist in defined basic content feature (.bas), and bring the relate data like %%Field bringfrom, check that the content of the field exist in defined table feature (.tas), , and bring the relate data like %%Field isin, check that the content of the field exist is defined container in basic content feature (.bas) isfrom, check that the content of the field exist is defined container in defined table feature (.tas) +++++++++++ Basic Multilenguage Demo +++++++++++

Create Class

basic content exist +++++++++++ Conecting like admin +++++++++++

Connect('admin','OT2021Free') Connected!!!

Defining Data dictyonary for General Porpuse

Defining Lenguages in main

Defining Lenguages

Activating tables in main & cresating lenguage

CrtFtrTbl('main')CrtTblIn('Lenguages', 'Lenguages avaible on sisitem', 'Lenguages' , 'main') Inserting English like lenguage

InsTblIn('Lenguages' , 'En', array('Name'=>'English', 'Img'=> 'usa flag'),'main') Inserting Spanish like lenguage

InsTblIn('Lenguages' , 'Es', array('Name'=>'Español', 'Img'=> 'bandera española'),'main') Inserting Spanish mexico like lenguage

InsTblIn('Lenguages' , 'Mx', array('Name'=>'Español (México)', 'Img'=> 'bandera mexicana'),'main') Set english to default lenguage

LngDflSys('En') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngFllSys('yes') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngRad('Es') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngRadMsr('Es') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngWrtMsr('Es') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngWrtSys('Es') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngRadUsr('Es','Admin') Set read mode like full (if something is not en the leguage read default)

LngWrtUsr('Es','Admin')+++++++++++ Demo Finish +++++++++++

DddAddFld('Dscr', array('FldTpe'=>'S','FldDsc'=>'Store the Description')) Created!!!

Create field DscPrm in data dictionary

DddAddFld('DscPrm', array('FldTpe'=>'S','FldDsc'=>'Description of parameters')) Created!!!

Create field FlDName in data dictionary

DddAddFld('DscErr', array('FldTpe'=>'A','FldDsc'=>'Errors tat can present')) Created!!!

Show Data Dictionary

ShwDdd() 1.- FldNme : __________1D.- FldTpe=>K __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field name 1.- FldDsc : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field description 1.- FldTpe : __________1D.- FldTpe=>R __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field type ----------2.- FldVld : ____________________2D.- Name=>lookin ____________________2D.- content=>type ____________________2D.- in=>ddd 1.- FldVld : __________1D.- FldTpe=>A __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field validation 1.- FldLen : __________1D.- FldTpe=>I __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field length 1.- FldEmp : __________1D.- FldTpe=>B __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field bool 1.- FldFmt : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field format 1.- FldCap : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field caption 1.- FldTtt : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Field tool tip text 1.- FldDfl : __________1D.- FldTpe=>V __________1D.- FldDsc=>Default Value __________1D.- FldEmp=> 1.- RecId : __________1D.- FldTpe=>K __________1D.- FldDsc=>Record Identifier 1.- Name : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Store the name 1.- in : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Store Trait where is instales 1.- parameters : __________1D.- FldTpe=>I __________1D.- FldDsc=>Number of Parameters 1.- Dscr : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Store the Description 1.- DscPrm : __________1D.- FldTpe=>S __________1D.- FldDsc=>Description of parameters 1.- DscErr : __________1D.- FldTpe=>A __________1D.- FldDsc=>Errors tat can present Defining Record for sample

Create Record sample in data dictionary

CrtRcd(sample,'sample of ontime') Created!!!

Add field RecId Name to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'RecId', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Add field Name to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'Name', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Add field in to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'in', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Add field parameters to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'parameters', array('FldEmp'=>FALSE)) Created!!!

Add field Dscr to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'Dscr', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Add field DscPrm to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'DscPrm', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Add field DscErr to record

RcdAddIn(sample,'DscErr', array('FldEmp'=>TRUE)) Created!!!

Show record list

ShwRecLst() 0D.- ddd=>Data Dictionary 0D.- sample=>sample of ontime Show record

ShwRec('sample') 1.- definition : __________1D.- key=>RecId ----------2.- RecId : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>K ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Record Identifier --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=> ----------2.- Name : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>S ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Store the name --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=>1 ----------2.- in : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>S ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Store Trait where is instales --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=> ----------2.- parameters : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>I ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Number of Parameters --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=> ----------2.- Dscr : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>S ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Store the Description --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=>1 ----------2.- DscPrm : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>S ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Description of parameters --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=>1 ----------2.- DscErr : --------------------3.- ByField : ______________________________3D.- FldTpe=>A ______________________________3D.- FldDsc=>Errors tat can present --------------------3.- ByRecord : ______________________________3D.- FldEmp=>1 1.- in : Activate Table feature

ShwRec('sample') C0010M007.-Error not defined

Creating tables

CrtTblIn('My sample', 'My Sample', 'sample' Created!!!

CrtTblIn('Sample 2', 'My Sample', 'sample' Created!!!

Show featrures with tables

ShwFtrTbl() 0D.- table=>(table) Table Feature Show features with tables

ShwFtrTbl() 0D.- index=>Main index 0D.- My sample=>My Sample 0D.- Sample 2=>Other sample same record Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') Insert Records in My Sample

InsTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 1', array('Name'=>'Just a description','in'=>'Mexico City','parameters'=>8)) Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') Insert Records in My Sample

InsTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 2', array('Name'=>'another description','in'=>'Mexico City','parameters'=>8,'DscPrm'=>'explain what do')) Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') Insert Records in My Sample

InsTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 3', array('Name'=>'another description','in'=>'Mexico City','parameters'=>8)) Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') Update and Mix in My Sample

UpmTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 3', array('Name'=>'refresh again description','DscPrm'=>'who cares')) Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') Update with replace in My Sample

UpdTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 2', array('Name'=>'another description','in'=>'Mexico ','parameters'=>2)) Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') delete in My Sample

dltTblIn('My sample' , 'rec 1') Show tables

ShwTbl('My sample') +++++++++++ Demo Finish +++++++++++