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File: example.php

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  Classes of Rene Kluwen   dutchclock   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example usage
Class: dutchclock
Shows current or given time as a Dutch sentence
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 3,316 bytes



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** example for PHP class: dutchclock
** That class is made is a learning aid for foreign students learning
** the Dutch language.
** Programmed and donated to the public domain
** by Rene Kluwen <>.
** Note:
** register_globals must be turned on for this example script to work properly.


// This function returns an optionlist with numbers between $min and $max included.
// If $default is given, that number will be selected by default.
function options($min, $max, $default = -1)
$res = "";
        for (
$i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
$selected = (($i == $default) ? " selected" : "");
$res .= sprintf("<option value=\"%02d\"$selected>%02d</option>\n", $i, $i);

switch (
$cmd) {
// show analog clock
$clock = new dutchclock($time);
// set variables $hours, $minutes & $ampm when not given by GET or POST
if (empty($hours)) {
$hours = date("h");
        if (empty(
$minutes)) {
$minutes = date("i");
        if (empty(
$ampm)) {
$ampm = date("a");

// recalculate $hours to military time (24 hour clock)
if ($ampm == "pm") {
$hours = ($hours % 12) + 12;
        else {
                if (
$hours == 12) {
$hours = "00";

// $time will be the string passed to the class constructor
$time = "$hours:$minutes";
// $utime will be $time, but usable as url parameter
$utime = urlencode($time);
// $tmphours is $hours, calculated back to a 12 hour clock
$tmphours = $hours % 12;
        if (
$tmphours == 0) $tmphours = 12;
$allhours = options(1, 12, $tmphours);
$allminutes = options(0, 59, $minutes);
$amselected = (($ampm == "am") ? " selected" : "");
$pmselected = (($ampm == "pm") ? " selected" : "");

// the following two lines are the core of this script
$clock = new dutchclock($time);
$dutchtime = $clock->dutchtime();

// and output the data in a page
echo <<<EOH
<title>Dutch Clock</title>
Dutch Clock
&nbsp;Military time: <b>
<embed src="example.php?cmd=show&time=
$utime" quality=high loop=false pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width=150 height=150></embed>
In Dutch: <i>
<form action="example.php" method="get">
Enter new time:
<select name="hours">
<select name="minutes">
<select name="ampm">
<option value="am"
<option value="pm"
<input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
