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File: test/js/test.js

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File: test/js/test.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Regex Analyzer and Composer
Analyze and compose regular expressions
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 3,916 bytes



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// // use as: node test.js "your_regex_here" > output.txt "use strict"; var echo = console.log; var Regex = require('../../src/js/Regex.js'); echo("Regex.VERSION = " + Regex.VERSION); echo("Testing Regex.Composer"); echo("==============================================================="); var identifierSubRegex = Regex.Composer( ) .characterGroup( ) .characters( '_' ) .range( 'a', 'z' ) .end( ) .characterGroup( ) .characters( '_' ) .range( 'a', 'z' ) .range( '0', '9' ) .end( ).zeroOrMore( ) .partial( ); var outregex = Regex.Composer( ) .SOL( ) .nonCaptureGroup( ).either( ) .regexp( identifierSubRegex ) .or_( ) .namedGroup( 'token' ).literal( '**aabb**' ).end( ) .any( ) .space( ) .or_( ) .digit( false ).oneOrMore( ) .end( 2 ).zeroOrMore( false ) .backReference( 'token' ) .EOL( ) .compose( 'i' ); echo("Partial : " + identifierSubRegex); echo("Composed : " + outregex.pattern.toString()); echo("Expected : " + "/^(?:[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*|(\\*\\*aabb\\*\\*).\\s|\\D+)*?\\1$/i"); echo("Output : " + JSON.stringify(outregex, null, 4)); echo("==============================================================="); echo(); var anal, peekChars, sampleStr, minLen, maxLen, groups, regexp, inregex = "/(?P<named_group>[abcde]+)fgh(?P=named_group)(?# a comment)/i"; /*process.argv[2] || /xyz([abc0-9]){2,3}/i*/ echo("Testing Regex.Analyzer"); echo("==============================================================="); // test it anal = Regex.Analyzer( inregex ); peekChars = anal.peek( ); minLen = anal.minimum( ); maxLen = anal.maximum( ); regexp = anal.compile( {i:anal.fl.i?1:0} ); sampleStr = anal.sample( 1, 5 ); groups = anal.groups(); for(var i=0; i<5; i++) { var m = sampleStr[i].match(regexp); sampleStr[i] = {sample:sampleStr[i], match:(m ? 'yes' : 'no'), groups: {}}; if ( m ) { for(var g in groups) if (,g) ) sampleStr[i].groups[g] = m[groups[g]]; } } echo("Input : " + inregex.toString( )); echo("Regular Expression : " + anal.input()); echo("Regular Expression Flags : " + Object.keys(anal.fl).join(',')); echo("Reconstructed Regular Expression : " + anal.source()); echo("==============================================================="); echo("Regular Expression Syntax Tree : "); echo(JSON.stringify(anal.tree(true), null, 4)); echo("==============================================================="); echo("Regular Expression (Named) Matched Groups : "); echo(JSON.stringify(groups, null, 4)); echo("==============================================================="); echo("Regular Expression Peek Characters : "); echo(JSON.stringify({positive:Object.keys(peekChars.positive||{}),negative:Object.keys(peekChars.negative||{})}, null, 4)); echo("==============================================================="); echo("Regular Expression Minimum / Maximum Length : "); echo(JSON.stringify({minimum:minLen,maximum:-1===maxLen?'unlimited':maxLen}, null, 4)); echo("==============================================================="); echo("Regular Expression Sample Match Strings : "); echo(JSON.stringify(sampleStr, null, 4)); echo("===============================================================");