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File: src/python/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Contemplate
Template engine that provides programming controls
Author: By
Last change: v.1.6.0

* local keyword to define literal local vars, some names are reserved
* literal code can communicate to and fro template code
* better variable parsing, any valid expression can be inside variable bracket notation
* update tests
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 92,232 bytes



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## # Contemplate # Light-weight Object-Oriented Template Engine for PHP, Python, JavaScript # # @version 1.6.0 # # # @inspired by : Simple JavaScript Templating, John Resig - - MIT Licensed # # ## # needed imports import os, sys, re, time, datetime, calendar, math, codecs, json try: # Python 3.x import urllib.parse # def rawurlencode(s): return urllib.parse.quote(s) def rawurldecode(s): return urllib.parse.unquote(s) def urlencode(s): return urllib.parse.quote_plus(s) def urldecode(s): return urllib.parse.unquote_plus(s) except ImportError: # Python 2.x import urllib # def rawurlencode(s): return urllib.quote(s) def rawurldecode(s): return urllib.unquote(s) def urlencode(s): return urllib.quote_plus(s) def urldecode(s): return urllib.unquote_plus(s) try: from importlib import reload except ImportError: pass # (protected) global properties class _G: isInited = False leftTplSep = "<%" rightTplSep = "%>" tplStart = '' tplEnd = '' preserveLinesDefault = "' + \"\\n\" + '" preserveLines = '' EOL = "\n" TEOL = "\n" #os.linesep pad = " " escape = True level = 0 loops = 0 ifs = 0 loopifs = 0 allblocks = None allblockscnt = None openblocks = None startblock = None endblock = None blockptr = -1 locals = None variables = None strings = None currentblock = None extends = None uses = None id = 0 funcId = 0 uuid = 0 ctx = None glob = None context = None NEWLINE = re.compile(r'\n\r|\r\n|\r|\n') SQUOTE = re.compile(r"'") NL = re.compile(r'\n') DS_RE = re.compile(r'[/\\]') TAG_RE = re.compile(r'</?[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]+[^<>]*>',re.S|re.M) AMP_RE = re.compile(r'&+') UNDERL = re.compile(r'[\W]+') ALPHA = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_]') NUM = re.compile(r'^[0-9]') ALPHANUM = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]') SPACE = re.compile(r'^\s') ALL_SPACE = re.compile(r'^\s+$') INDENT = re.compile(r'^(postdent|predent)\((-?\d+)\):') T_OR = re.compile(r'(.)(\|\|)(.)') T_AND = re.compile(r'(.)(&&)(.)') T_NOT = re.compile(r'(.)(!)([^=])') TT_ClassCode = None TT_BlockCode = None TT_BLOCK = None TT_FUNC = None TT_RCODE = None re_controls = re.compile(r'(\t|\s?)\s*((#ID_(continue|endblock|elsefor|endfor|endif|break|else|fi)#(\s*\(\s*\))?)|(#ID_([^#]+)#\s*(\()))(.*)$') reserved_var_names = [ 'Contemplate', 'self', 'self_', 'data', '__p__', '__i__', '__ctx' ] directives = [ 'set', 'unset', 'isset', 'if', 'elseif', 'else', 'endif', 'for', 'elsefor', 'endfor', 'extends', 'block', 'endblock', 'include', 'super', 'getblock', 'iif', 'empty', 'continue', 'break', 'local_set', 'get', 'local' ] directive_aliases = { 'elif' : 'elseif' ,'fi' : 'endif' } aliases = { 'l' : 'locale' ,'xl' : 'xlocale' ,'nl' : 'nlocale' ,'nxl' : 'nxlocale' ,'cc' : 'concat' ,'j' : 'join' ,'dq' : 'qq' ,'now' : 'time' ,'template' : 'tpl' } T_REGEXP = type(_G.NEWLINE) # # Auxilliary methods # (mostly methods to simulate php-like functionality needed by the engine) # def array_keys(o): if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)): return list(map(str, range(0, len(o)))) if isinstance(o, dict): return list(o.keys()) return [] def array_values(o): if isinstance(o, list): return o if isinstance(o, tuple): return list(o) if isinstance(o, dict): if is_numeric_array(o): # get values in list-order by ascending index v = [] l = len(o) i = 0 while i < l: v.append(o[str(i)]) i += 1 return v else: return list(o.values()) return [] def is_numeric_array(o): if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)): return True if isinstance(o, dict): k = array_keys(o) i = 0 l = len(k) while i < l: if str(i) not in k: return False i += 1 return True return False default_date_locale = { 'meridian': {'am':'am', 'pm':'pm', 'AM':'AM', 'PM':'PM'} ,'ordinal': {'ord':{1:'st',2:'nd',3:'rd'}, 'nth':'th'} ,'timezone': ['UTC','EST','MDT'] ,'timezone_short': ['UTC','EST','MDT'] ,'day': ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'] ,'day_short': ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'] ,'month': ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'] ,'month_short': ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] } def wait_ms(ms): time.sleep(ms / 1000) def open_file(file, op, encoding): return open(file, op, -1, encoding) def read_file(file, encoding): buffer = '' f = open_file(file, 'r', encoding) buffer = f.close() return buffer # # def write_file(file, text, encoding): f = open_file(file, 'w', encoding) f.write(text) f.close() def parse_str(s): # global _G strArr = s.strip('&').split('&') array = {} possibleLists = [] for tmp in strArr: tmp = tmp.split('=') key = rawurldecode(tmp[0].strip()) if len(tmp) < 2: value = '' else: value = rawurldecode(tmp[1].strip()) j = key.find('\x00') if j > -1: key = key[0:j] if key and '[' != key[0]: keys = [] postLeftBracketPos = 0 lk = len(key) for j in range(lk): if '[' == key[j] and 0 == postLeftBracketPos: postLeftBracketPos = j + 1 elif ']' == key[j]: if postLeftBracketPos: if 0 == len(keys): keys.append(key[0:postLeftBracketPos - 1]) keys.append(key[postLeftBracketPos:j]) postLeftBracketPos = 0 if j < lk-1 and '[' != key[j + 1]: break if 0 == len(keys): keys = [key] for j in range(len(key[0])): chr = keys[0][j] if ' ' == chr or '.' == chr or '[' == chr: keys[0] = keys[0][0:j] + '_' + keys[0][j + 1:] if '[' == chr: break obj = array key = None lastObj = obj lastkey = keys[len(keys)-1].strip("'\"").strip() if len(keys) else None for j in range(len(keys)): prevkey = key key = keys[j].strip("'\"") prevobj = lastObj lastObj = obj if '' != key.strip() or 0 == j: if key not in obj: obj[key] = [] if (j+1 == len(keys)-1) and (''==lastkey) else {} obj = obj[key] else: # To insert new dimension #ct = -1 #for p in obj: # if _G.digit.match(p) and int(p) > ct: ct = int(p) #key = str(ct + 1) key = True if key is True: lastObj.append(value) else: try: ikey = int(key, 10) except BaseException as exc: ikey = -1 if 0 <= ikey: possibleLists.append({'key':prevkey,'obj':prevobj}) lastObj[ key ] = value i = len(possibleLists)-1 while i >= 0: # safe to pass multiple times same obj, it is possible obj = possibleLists[i]['obj'][possibleLists[i]['key']] if possibleLists[i]['key'] else possibleLists[i]['obj'] if is_numeric_array(obj): obj = array_values(obj) if possibleLists[i]['key']: possibleLists[i]['obj'][possibleLists[i]['key']] = obj else: array = obj i -= 1 return array def http_build_query_helper(key, val, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): encode = rawurlencode if PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 else urlencode if True == val: val = "1" elif False == val: val = "0" if val is not None: key = str(key) data = None if isinstance(val, dict): data = val.items() elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): data = enumerate(val) if data: tmp = [] for k,v in data: if v is not None: tmp.append(http_build_query_helper(key + "[" + str(k) + "]", v, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986)) return arg_separator.join(tmp) else: return encode(key) + "=" + encode(str(val)) else: return '' def http_build_query(data, arg_separator = '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 = False): tmp = [] for key,value in data.items(): query = http_build_query_helper(key, value, arg_separator, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) if '' != query: tmp.append(query) return arg_separator.join(tmp) def php_time(): return int(time.time()) def php_date(format, timestamp = None): global default_date_locale locale = default_date_locale # # # # adapted from if timestamp is None: timestamp = php_time() utime = timestamp dtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) D = {} w = dtime.weekday() W = dtime.isocalendar()[1] d = dmod10 = d % 10 n = dtime.month Y = dtime.year g = int(dtime.strftime("%I")) G = int(dtime.strftime("%H")) meridian = dtime.strftime("%p") tzo = int(time.timezone / 60) atzo = abs(tzo) # Calculate and return Swatch Internet Time # lh, lm, ls = time.localtime()[3:6] beats = ((lh * 3600) + (lm * 60) + ls + time.timezone) / 86.4 if beats > 1000: beats -= 1000 elif beats < 0: beats += 1000 # Day -- D['d'] = str(d).zfill(2) D['D'] = locale['day_short'][0 if 6 == w else w+1] D['j'] = str(d) D['l'] = locale['day'][0 if 6 == w else w+1] D['N'] = str(w+1 if 6 > w else 7) D['S'] = locale['ordinal']['ord'][d] if d in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else (locale['ordinal']['ord'][dmod10] if dmod10 in locale['ordinal']['ord'] else locale['ordinal']['nth']) D['w'] = str(1 if 6 == w else w+2) D['z'] = str(dtime.timetuple().tm_yday) # Week -- D['W'] = str(W) # Month -- D['F'] = locale['month'][n-1] D['m'] = str(n).zfill(2) D['M'] = locale['month_short'][n-1] D['n'] = str(n) D['t'] = str(calendar.monthrange(Y, n)[1]) # Year -- D['L'] = str(int(calendar.isleap(Y))) D['o'] = str(Y + (1 if n == 12 and W < 9 else (-1 if n == 1 and W > 9 else 0))) D['Y'] = str(Y) D['y'] = str(Y)[2:] # Time -- D['a'] = locale['meridian'][meridian.lower()] if meridian.lower() in locale['meridian'] else meridian.lower() D['A'] = locale['meridian'][meridian] if meridian in locale['meridian'] else meridian D['B'] = str(int(beats)).zfill(3) D['g'] = str(g) D['G'] = str(G) D['h'] = str(g).zfill(2) D['H'] = str(G).zfill(2) D['i'] = str(dtime.minute).zfill(2) D['s'] = str(dtime.second).zfill(2) D['u'] = str(dtime.microsecond).zfill(6) # Timezone -- D['e'] = '' # TODO, missing D['I'] = str(dtime.dst()) D['O'] = ('-' if tzo > 0 else '+')+str(int(atzo / 60) * 100 + atzo % 60).zfill(4) D['P'] = D['O'][:3]+':'+D['O'][3:] D['T'] = 'UTC' D['Z'] = str(-tzo*60) # Full Date/Time -- D['c'] = D['Y']+'-'+D['m']+'-'+D['d']+'\\'+D['T']+D['H']+':'+D['i']+':'+D['s']+D['P'] D['r'] = D['D']+', '+D['d']+' '+D['M']+' '+D['Y']+' '+D['H']+':'+D['i']+':'+D['s']+' '+D['O'] D['U'] = str(utime) formatted_datetime = '' for f in format: formatted_datetime += D[f] if f in D else f return formatted_datetime sprintf_format_re = re.compile(r'%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+\'#0 ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([scboxXuideEfFgG])', re.S) def sprintf_(fmt, args): global sprintf_format_re class nonlocal_: index = 0 def do_format(m): match = if '%%' == match: return match valueIndex = flags = minWidth = precision = #precision = type = if valueIndex: repl = '%(arg_'+str(int(valueIndex[0:-1])-1)+')' else: repl = '%(arg_'+str(nonlocal_.index)+')' nonlocal_.index += 1 if flags: repl += flags if minWidth: repl += minWidth if precision: repl += precision if type: repl += type return repl fmt = re.sub(sprintf_format_re, do_format, fmt) arguments = {} index = 0 for arg in args: arguments['arg_'+str(index)] = arg index += 1 return fmt % arguments def sprintf(format, *args): #if len(args) and isinstance(args[0],(list,tuple)): args = args[0] #return format % tuple(args) return sprintf_(format, args) def vsprintf(format, args): #return format % tuple(args) return sprintf_(format, args) # static def import_tpl(filename, classname, cacheDir, doReload = False): # # # #_locals_ = {'Contemplate': Contemplate} #_globals_ = {'Contemplate': Contemplate} #if 'execfile' in globals(): # # Python 2.x # execfile(filename, _globals_, _locals_) # return _locals_[classname] #else: # # Python 3.x # exec(read_file(filename), _globals_, _locals_) # return _locals_[classname] # # # # # # also: # using import instead of execfile, usually takes advantage of Python cached compiled code global _G getTplClass = None # add the dynamic import path to sys basename = os.path.basename(filename) directory = os.path.dirname(filename) os.sys.path.append(cacheDir) os.sys.path.append(directory) #currentcwd = os.getcwd() #os.chdir(directory) # change working directory so we know import will work if os.path.exists(filename): modname = basename[:-3] # remove .py extension max_tries = 3 tries = 0 found = False # try to recover from module not found if created just before importing # retry a specified amount of times untill succeeded # TO FIND and FIX: still fails sometimes even with delay added and multiple retries while tries < max_tries and not found: tries += 1 try: mod = __import__(modname) found = True except ModuleNotFoundError: found = False if not found: wait_ms(100) # delay 100 ms if found: if doReload: reload(mod) # Might be out of date # a trick in-order to pass the Contemplate super-class in a cross-module way getTplClass = getattr(mod, '__getTplClass__') # restore current dir #os.chdir(currentcwd) # remove the dynamic import path from sys del os.sys.path[-1] del os.sys.path[-1] # return the tplClass if found return getTplClass(Contemplate) if getTplClass else None # static def create_function(funcName, args, sourceCode, additional_symbols = dict()): # # The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated # function's environment SAFE_SYMBOLS = [ "list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object", "bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir", "frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex", "divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars", "hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len", "map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range", "reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None", "Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt" ] # Also add the standard exceptions __bi = __builtins__ if type(__bi) is not dict: __bi = __bi.__dict__ for k in __bi: if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"): SAFE_SYMBOLS.append(k) del __bi # Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName: s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded # Byte-compilation (optional) byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec') # Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution # environment for __TheFunction__ bis = dict() # builtins globs = dict() locs = dict() # Setup a standard-compatible python environment bis["locals"] = lambda: locs bis["globals"] = lambda: globs globs["__builtins__"] = bis globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV" globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode # Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed if type(__builtins__) is dict: bi_dict = __builtins__ else: bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__ # Include the safe symbols for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS: # try from current locals try: locs[k] = locals()[k] continue except KeyError: pass # Try from globals try: globs[k] = globals()[k] continue except KeyError: pass # Try from builtins try: bis[k] = bi_dict[k] except KeyError: # Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored pass # Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary globs.update(additional_symbols) # Finally execute the Function statement: eval(byteCode, globs, locs) # As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName # in the locals dictionary fct = locs[funcName] # Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive del locs[funcName] globs[funcName] = fct # Attach the actual source code to the docstring fct.__doc__ = sourceCode # return the compiled function object return fct def reset_state(): global _G _G.loops = 0 _G.ifs = 0 _G.loopifs = 0 _G.allblocks = [] _G.allblockscnt = {} _G.openblocks = [[None, -1]] _G.extends = None _G.uses = [] _G.level = 0 = 0 _G.locals = {} _G.variables = {} _G.currentblock = '_' if _G.currentblock not in _G.locals: _G.locals[_G.currentblock] = {} if _G.currentblock not in _G.variables: _G.variables[_G.currentblock] = {} #_G.funcId = 0 def clear_state(): global _G _G.loops = 0 _G.ifs = 0 _G.loopifs = 0 _G.allblocks = [] _G.allblockscnt = {} _G.openblocks = [[None, -1]] #_G.extends = None #_G.uses = [] _G.level = 0 _G.locals = None _G.variables = None _G.currentblock = None = 0 _G.strings = None #_G.funcId = 0 def push_state(): global _G return [_G.loops, _G.ifs, _G.loopifs, _G.level, _G.allblocks, _G.allblockscnt, _G.openblocks, _G.extends, _G.locals, _G.variables, _G.currentblock, _G.uses] def pop_state(state): global _G _G.loops = state[0] _G.ifs = state[1] _G.loopifs = state[2] _G.level = state[3] _G.allblocks = state[4] _G.allblockscnt = state[5] _G.openblocks = state[6] _G.extends = state[7] _G.locals = state[8] _G.variables = state[9] _G.currentblock = state[10] _G.uses = state[11] def remove_initial_space(s): l = len(s) if l: initial_space = '' for c in s: if ' ' == c or "\t" == c: initial_space += c else: break sl = len(initial_space) if sl: s = s[sl:] pos = s.find("\n", 0); while -1 < pos: if initial_space == s[pos+1:pos+1+sl]: s = s[0:pos+1] + s[pos+1+sl:] pos = s.find("\n", pos + 1) return s def remove_blank_lines(s): global _G lines = s.split("\n") n = len(lines) start = 0 end = n-1 for i in range(n): l = lines[i] if len(l) and not _G.ALL_SPACE.match(l): start = i break for i in range(n-1, start-1, -1): l = lines[i] if len(l) and not _G.ALL_SPACE.match(l): end = i break return "\n".join(lines[start:end+1]) def align(s, level = None): global _G if level is None: level = _G.level s = remove_initial_space(s) l = len(s) if l and (0 < level): alignment = _G.pad * level aligned = alignment is_line_start = True for c in s: if "\n" == c: aligned += "\n" + alignment is_line_start = True elif is_line_start: # consistently replace tabs with our tabbed spaces if _G.SPACE.match(c): aligned += _G.pad if "\t" == c else c else: aligned += c is_line_start = False else: aligned += c else: aligned = s return aligned def get_separators(text, separators = None): global _G if separators: seps = separators.strip().split(" ") _G.leftTplSep = seps[0].strip() _G.rightTplSep = seps[1].strip() else: # tpl separators are defined on 1st (non-empty) line of tpl content l = len(text) i = 0 pos = 0 line = "" while i < l and -1 < pos and not len(line): pos = text.find("\n", i) line = text[i:pos+1].strip() if -1 < pos else "" i = pos+1 if len(line): seps = line.split(" ") _G.leftTplSep = seps[0].strip() _G.rightTplSep = seps[1].strip() text = text[pos+1:] return text def split_arguments(args, delim = ','): args = args.strip() l = len(args) if not l: return [''] i = 0 a = [] paren = [] s = '' while i < l: c = args[i] i += 1 if delim == c and not len(paren): a.append(s.strip()) s = '' continue s += c if '(' == c: paren.insert(0, ')') elif '{' == c: paren.insert(0, '}') elif '[' == c: paren.insert(0, ']') elif ')' == c or '}' == c or ']' == c: if (not len(paren)) or (paren[0] != c): break paren.pop(0) if len(s): a.append(s.strip()) if i < l: a.append(args[i:].strip()) return a def local_variable(variable = None, block = None, literal = False): global _G if variable is None: += 1 return '_loc_' + str( else: if block is None: block = _G.currentblock if not (_G.variables[block][variable] in _G.locals[block]): _G.locals[block][_G.variables[block][variable]] = 2 if literal else 1 return variable def is_local_variable(variable, block = None): if block is None: block = _G.currentblock #if variable.startswith('_loc_'): return 1 return _G.locals[block][_G.variables[block][variable]] if _G.variables[block][variable] in _G.locals[block] else 0 # # Control structures # def t_include(id): global _G contx = _G.context id = id.strip() if _G.strings and (id in _G.strings): id = _G.strings[id] ch = id[0] if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == id[-1]): id = id[1:-1] # quoted id # cache it if id not in contx.partials: #and (id not in _G.glob.partials): tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx) tpl = get_separators(tpl) state = push_state() reset_state() contx.partials[id] = ["" + parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep, False) + "'" + _G.TEOL, _G.uses[:] if _G.uses else []] pop_state(state) # add usedTpls used inside include tpl to current usedTpls for usedTpl in contx.partials[id][1]: if usedTpl not in _G.uses: _G.uses.append(usedTpl) return align(contx.partials[id][0]) # if id in contx.partials else _G.glob.partials[id][0] def t_block(block): global _G block = block.split(',') echoed = not(("False"==block[1].strip()) if len(block)>1 else False) block = block[0].strip() if _G.strings and (block in _G.strings): block = _G.strings[block] ch = block[0] if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == block[-1]): block = block[1:-1] # quoted block _G.allblocks.append([block, -1, -1, 0, _G.openblocks[0][1], echoed]) if block in _G.allblockscnt: _G.allblockscnt[block] += 1 else: _G.allblockscnt[block] = 1 _G.blockptr = len(_G.allblocks) _G.openblocks[:0] = [[block, _G.blockptr-1]] _G.startblock = block _G.endblock = None return "' + #BLOCK_" + block + "#" def t_endblock(args = ''): global _G if 1 < len(_G.openblocks): block = _G.openblocks.pop(0) _G.endblock = block[0] _G.blockptr = block[1]+1 _G.startblock = None return "#/BLOCK_" + block[0] + "#" return '' # # auxilliary parsing methods # def merge(m, *args): numargs = len(args) if numargs < 1: return m merged = m for arg in args: # merged = dict(merged) merged.update(arg) return merged def parse_constructs(match): global _G re_controls = _G.re_controls prefix = if else '' ctrl = if else ( if else '') rest = if else '' startParen = if else False args = '' out = '' # parse parentheses and arguments, accurately if startParen and len(startParen): paren = 1 l = len(rest) i = 0 while i < l and paren > 0: ch = rest[i] i += 1 if '(' == ch: paren += 1 elif ')' == ch: paren -= 1 if paren > 0: args += ch rest = rest[len(args)+1:] args = args.strip() if ctrl in _G.directive_aliases: ctrl = _G.directive_aliases[ctrl] try: m = _G.directives.index(ctrl) except: m = -1 if m > -1: if 22==m: # local varname = args.strip() tplvarname = _G.variables[_G.currentblock][varname] if tplvarname in _G.reserved_var_names: # should be different from 'self', 'data', .. as these are used internally raise Contemplate.Exception('Contemplate Parse: Use of reserved name as local variable name "'+tplvarname+'"') local_variable(varname, None, True) # make it a literal local variable variable out = "'" + _G.TEOL elif 0==m or 20==m: # set, local_set args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) args = split_arguments(args, ',') varname = args.pop(0).strip() expr = ','.join(args).strip() if 20 == m and not is_local_variable(varname): local_variable(varname) # make it a local variable out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align(varname + ' = ('+ expr +')') + _G.TEOL elif 21==m: # get args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) out = prefix + 'Contemplate.get(' + args + ')' elif 1==m: # unset args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) varname = args if varname: varname = str(varname).strip() out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align('if ("'+varname+'__RAW__" in data): del ' + varname) + _G.TEOL else: out = "'" + _G.TEOL elif 2==m: # isset args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) varname = args is_local_var = is_local_variable(varname) out = '(("'+('' if 2 == is_local_var else '_loc_') + varname + '__RAW__" in locals()) and (' + varname + ' is not None))' if is_local_var else '(("' + varname + '__RAW__" in data) and (' + varname + ' is not None))' elif 3==m: # if args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"if ("+args+"):" ,"" ])) _G.ifs += 1 _G.level += 1 elif 4==m: # elseif args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) _G.level -= 1 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"elif ("+args+"):" ,"" ])) _G.level += 1 elif 5==m: # else _G.level -= 1 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"else:" ,"" ])) _G.level += 1 elif 6==m: # endif _G.ifs -= 1 _G.level -= 1 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "","" ])) elif 7==m: # for args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) for_expr = args is_php_style = for_expr.find(' as ') is_python_style = for_expr.find(' in ') if -1 < is_python_style: for_expr = [for_expr[0:is_python_style], for_expr[is_python_style+4:]] o = for_expr[1].strip() kv = for_expr[0].split(',') else: #if -1 < is_php_style for_expr = [for_expr[0:is_php_style], for_expr[is_php_style+4:]] o = for_expr[0].strip() kv = for_expr[1].split('=>') _o = local_variable() isAssoc = (len(kv) >= 2) if isAssoc: k = kv[0].strip() v = kv[1].strip() _oI = local_variable() if not is_local_variable(k): local_variable(k) if not is_local_variable(v): local_variable(v) # a = [51,27,13,56] dict(enumerate(a)) out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,""+_o+" = "+o+"" ,""+_oI+" = (enumerate("+_o+") if isinstance("+_o+",(list,tuple)) else "+_o+".items()) if "+_o+" else None" ,"if ("+_oI+"):" ," for "+k+","+v+" in "+_oI+":" ,"" ])) _G.level += 2 else: v = kv[0].strip() _oV = local_variable() if not is_local_variable(v): local_variable(v) out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,""+_o+" = "+o+"" ,""+_oV+" = ("+_o+" if isinstance("+_o+",(list,tuple)) else "+_o+".values()) if "+_o+" else None" ,"if ("+_oV+"):" ," for "+v+" in "+_oV+":" ,"" ])) _G.level += 2 _G.loops += 1 _G.loopifs += 1 elif 8==m: # elsefor _G.loopifs -= 1 _G.level += -2 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"else:" ,"" ])) _G.level += 1 elif 9==m: # endfor if _G.loopifs == _G.loops: _G.loops -= 1 _G.loopifs -= 1 _G.level += -2 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "","" ])) else: _G.loops -= 1 _G.level += -1 out = "'" + align(_G.TEOL.join([ "","" ])) elif 10==m: # extends id = args.strip() if _G.strings and (id in _G.strings): id = _G.strings[id] ch = id[0] if ('"' == ch or "'" == ch) and (ch == id[-1]): id = id[1:-1] # quoted id _G.extends = id out = "'" + _G.TEOL elif 11==m: # block out = t_block(args) elif 12==m: # endblock out = t_endblock() elif 13==m: # import_tpl out = t_include(args) elif 14==m: # super args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) out = prefix + 'self_.sprblock(' + args + ', data)' elif 15==m: # getblock args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) out = prefix + '__i__.block(' + args + ', data)' elif 16==m: # iif args = split_arguments(re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args),',') out = prefix + "(("+args[1]+") if ("+args[0]+") else ("+args[2]+"))" elif 17==m: #empty args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) varname = args is_local_var = is_local_variable(varname) out = prefix + ('(("' + ('' if 2 == is_local_var else '_loc_') + varname + '__RAW__" not in locals()) or ('+varname+' is None) or Contemplate.empty('+varname+'))' if is_local_var else '(("' + varname + '__RAW__" not in data) or ('+varname+' is None) or Contemplate.empty('+varname+'))') elif 18==m or 19==m: #'continue','break' out = "'" + _G.TEOL + align('continue' if 18==m else 'break') + _G.TEOL return out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest) if (ctrl in _G.context.plugins) or (ctrl in _G.glob.plugins): pl = _G.context.plugins[ctrl] if ctrl in _G.context.plugins else _G.glob.plugins[ctrl] args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) out = pl.render([args]+split_arguments(args,',')) if isinstance(pl,Contemplate.InlineTemplate) else 'Contemplate.plg_("' + ctrl + '"' + ('' if not len(args) else ','+args) + ')' return prefix + out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest) if ctrl in _G.aliases: ctrl = _G.aliases[ctrl] args = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, args) # aliases and builtin functions if 's'==ctrl: out = 'str(' + args + ')' elif 'n'==ctrl: out = 'int(' + args + ')' elif 'f'==ctrl: out = 'float(' + args + ')' elif 'q'==ctrl: out = '"\'"+str(' + args + ')+"\'"' elif 'qq'==ctrl: out = '\'"\'+str(' + args + ')+\'"\'' elif 'concat'==ctrl: out = 'str('+')+str('.join(split_arguments(args, ','))+')' elif 'is_array'==ctrl: args = split_arguments(args, ',') if len(args) > 1: out = "(isinstance("+args[0]+",list) if ("+args[1]+") else isinstance("+args[0]+",(list,tuple,dict)))" else: out = "isinstance("+args[0]+",(list,tuple,dict))" elif 'in_array'==ctrl: args = split_arguments(args, ',') out = "(("+args[0]+") in ("+args[1]+"))" else: if 'tpl'==ctrl: args2 = split_arguments(args, ',') usedTpl = args2[0] if usedTpl.startswith('#STR_') and usedTpl in _G.strings: # only literal string support here usedTpl = _G.strings[usedTpl][1:-1] # without quotes if usedTpl not in _G.uses: _G.uses.append(usedTpl) if hasattr(Contemplate, ctrl) and callable(getattr(Contemplate, ctrl)): out = 'Contemplate.' + ctrl + '(' + args + ')' else: out = ctrl + ('('+args+')' if startParen else '') return prefix + out + re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, rest) def parse_blocks(s): global _G blocks = [] bl = len(_G.allblocks) EOL = _G.TEOL while bl: bl -= 1 delims = _G.allblocks[bl] block = delims[0] pos1 = delims[1] pos2 = delims[2] off = delims[3] containerblock = delims[4] echoed = delims[5] tag = "#BLOCK_" + block + "#" rep = "__i__.block('" + block + "', data)" if echoed else "''" tl = len(tag) rl = len(rep) if -1 < containerblock: # adjust the ending position of the container block (if nested) # to compensate for the replacements in this (nested) block _G.allblocks[containerblock][3] += rl - (pos2-pos1+1) # adjust the ending position of this block (if nested) # to compensate for the replacements of any (nested) block(s) pos2 += off if 1 == _G.allblockscnt[block]: # 1st occurance, block definition blocks.append([block, _G.TT_BLOCK.render({ 'BLOCKCODE' : s[pos1+tl:pos2-tl-1] + "'" })]) s = s[0:pos1] + rep + s[pos2+1:] if 1 <= _G.allblockscnt[block]: _G.allblockscnt[block] -= 1 #_G.allblocks = None #_G.allblockscnt = None #_G.openblocks = None return [s, blocks] def parse_variable(s, i, l): global _G if _G.ALPHA.match(s[i]): strings = {} variables = [] space = 0 hasStrings = False # main variable variable = s[i] i += 1 while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]): variable += s[i] i += 1 variable_raw = variable # transform into tpl variable variable_main = "data['" + variable_raw + "']" variable_rest = "" += 1 id = "#VAR_"+str("#" _len = len(variable_raw) _G.variables[_G.currentblock][id] = variable_raw # extra space space = 0 while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]): space += 1 i += 1 # optional properties while i < l and ('.' == s[i] or '[' == s[i] or '->' == s[i:i+2]): delim = s[i] i += 1 # -> (php) object notation property if '-' == delim: delim += s[i] i += 1 # extra space while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]): space += 1 i += 1 # alpha-numeric dot property if '.' == delim: # property property = '' while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]): property += s[i] i += 1 lp = len(property) if lp: # transform into tpl variable bracketed property variable_rest += "['" + property + "']" _len += space + 1 + lp space = 0 else: break # alpha-numeric (php) object notation property elif '->' == delim: # property property = '' while i < l and _G.ALPHANUM.match(s[i]): property += s[i] i += 1 lp = len(property) if lp: # transform into tpl variable object property variable_rest += "." + property + "" _len += space + 2 + lp space = 0 else: break # bracketed property elif '[' == delim: bracket = '' while i < l: ch = s[i] # spaces if _G.SPACE.match(ch): space += 1 i += 1 # literal string property elif '"' == ch or "'" == ch: #property = parse_string( s, ch, i+1, l ) q = ch str_ = q escaped = False si = i+1 while si < l: ch = s[si] si += 1 str_ += ch if ( q == ch and not escaped ): break escaped = (not escaped and '\\' == ch) property = str_ += 1 strid = "#STR_"+str("#" strings[strid] = property lp = len(property) i += lp _len += space + lp space = 0 hasStrings = True bracket += strid # numeric array property elif _G.NUM.match(ch): property = s[i] i += 1 while i < l and _G.NUM.match(s[i]): property += s[i] i += 1 lp = len(property) _len += space + lp space = 0 bracket += property # sub-variable as property elif '$' == ch: sub = s[i+1:] subvariables = parse_variable(sub, 0, len(sub)) if subvariables: # transform into tpl variable property property = subvariables[-1] lp = property[4] i += lp + 1 _len += space + 1 + lp space = 0 variables = variables + subvariables hasStrings = hasStrings or property[5] bracket += property[0] else: bracket += ch _len += 1 i += 1 # identifiers elif _G.ALPHA.match(ch): _len += space + 1 i += 1 if space > 0: bracket += " " space = 0 is_prop_access = (2<i and '-'==s[i-3] and '>'==s[i-2]) tok = ch while i < l: ch = s[i] if _G.ALPHANUM.match(ch): i += 1 _len += 1 tok += ch else: break if 'null' == tok: tok = 'None' elif 'false' == tok: tok = 'False' elif 'true' == tok: tok = 'True' elif 'as' != tok and 'in' != tok and not is_prop_access: tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#' bracket += tok # close bracket elif ']' == ch: variable_rest += delim + re.sub(_G.re_controls, parse_constructs, bracket) + ch _len += space + 2 space = 0 i += 1 break # rest else: bracket += ch _len += 1 i += 1 # extra space while i < l and _G.SPACE.match(s[i]): space += 1 i += 1 variables.append([id, variable_raw, variable_main, variable_rest, _len, hasStrings, strings]) return variables return None str_re = re.compile(r'#STR_\d+#', re.M|re.S) def parse(tpl, leftTplSep, rightTplSep, withblocks = True): global _G global str_re re_controls = _G.re_controls ALPHA = _G.ALPHA ALPHANUM = _G.ALPHANUM compatibility_mode = False non_compatibility_mode = True t1 = leftTplSep l1 = len(t1) t2 = rightTplSep l2 = len(t2) parsed = '' while tpl and len(tpl): p1 = tpl.find(t1) if -1 == p1: s = tpl if _G.escape: s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape escapes s = s.replace("'", "\\'") # escape single quotes accurately (used by parse function) s = s.replace("\n", _G.preserveLines) # preserve lines #s = re.sub(_G.NL, _G.preserveLines, s) # preserve lines parsed += s break p2 = tpl.find(t2, p1+l1) if -1 == p2: p2 = len(tpl) if p1 > 0: s = tpl[0:p1] if _G.escape: s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape escapes s = s.replace("'", "\\'") # escape single quotes accurately (used by parse function) s = s.replace("\n", _G.preserveLines) # preserve lines #s = re.sub(_G.NL, _G.preserveLines, s) # preserve lines parsed += s # php literal code block isphp = 'php:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+4] # js literal code block isjs = 'js:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+3] # py literal code block ispy = 'py:' == tpl[p1+l1:p1+l1+3] if isphp or isjs or ispy: # include if in same language else ignore if ispy: if '=' == tpl[p1+l1+3:p1+l1+4]: parsed += "'" + align("\n# py code start") + align("\n__p__ += str(" + tpl[p1+l1+4:p2].strip() + ")") + align("\n# py code end\n__p__ += '") else: indent = 0 l3 = 0 indenttype = 'none' m = _G.INDENT.match(tpl[p1+l1+3:]) if m: indenttype = indent = int( l3 = len( code = remove_blank_lines(tpl[p1+l1+3+l3:p2]) if 'predent' == indenttype: _G.level = max(0, _G.level + indent) parsed += "' " + align("\n# py code start") if len(code.strip()): parsed += "\n" + align(code) if 'postdent' == indenttype: _G.level = max(0, _G.level + indent) parsed += align("\n# py code end\n__p__ += '") tpl = tpl[p2+l2:] continue # template TAG s = tpl[p1+l1:p2] tpl = tpl[p2+l2:] # parse each template tag section accurately # refined parsing count = len(s) index = 0 ch = '' out = '' variables = [] strings = {} hasVariables = False hasStrings = False hasBlock = False space = 0 while index < count: ch = s[index] index += 1 # variable if '$' == ch: if space > 0: out += " " space = 0 tok = parse_variable(s, index, count) if tok: for tokv in tok: id = tokv[0] #_G.variables[_G.currentblock][id] = tokv[1] if tokv[6]: strings.update(tokv[6]) out += id index += tokv[4] variables = variables + tok hasVariables = True hasStrings = hasStrings or tokv[6] else: out += '$' # literal string elif '"' == ch or "'" == ch: if space > 0: out += " " space = 0 #tok = parse_string(s, ch, index, count) q = ch str_ = q escaped = False si = index while si < count: ch = s[si] si += 1 str_ += ch if q == ch and not escaped: break escaped = (not escaped and '\\' == ch) tok = str_ += 1 id = "#STR_"+str("#" strings[id] = tok out += id index += len(tok)-1 hasStrings = True # spaces elif "\n" == ch or "\r" == ch or "\t" == ch or "\v" == ch or "\0" == ch: space += 1 # directive or identifier or atom in compatibility mode elif '%' == ch: if space > 0: out += " " space = 0 q = ch if non_compatibility_mode or index >= count: out += q continue ch = s[index] if ALPHA.match(ch): index += 1 tok = ch while index < count: ch = s[index] if ALPHANUM.match(ch): index += 1 tok += ch else: break tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#' out += tok else: out += q # directive or identifier or atom elif non_compatibility_mode and ALPHA.match(ch): if space > 0: out += " " space = 0 is_prop_access = (2<index and '-'==s[index-3] and '>'==s[index-2]) tok = ch while index < count: ch = s[index] if ALPHANUM.match(ch): index += 1 tok += ch else: break if 'null' == tok: tok = 'None' elif 'false' == tok: tok = 'False' elif 'true' == tok: tok = 'True' elif 'as' != tok and 'in' != tok and not is_prop_access: tok = '#ID_'+tok+'#' out += tok # rest, bypass else: if space > 0: out += " " space = 0 out += ch # fix literal data notation python-style if compatibility_mode: out = out.replace('true', 'True').replace('false', 'False').replace('null', 'None') # fix literal data notation, not needed here #out = str_replace(array('{', '}', '[', ']', ':'), array('array(', ')','array(', ')', '=>'), out); # fix pending "->" arrow notation for variable object out = out.replace('->', '.') out = re.sub(_G.T_NOT, r'\1 not \3', re.sub(_G.T_OR, r'\1 or \3', re.sub(_G.T_AND, r'\1 and \3', out))) tag = "\t" + out + "\v" _G.startblock = None _G.endblock = None _G.blockptr = -1 _G.strings = strings # replace constructs, functions, etc.. tag = re.sub(re_controls, parse_constructs, tag) # check for blocks if _G.startblock: _G.startblock = "#BLOCK_"+_G.startblock+"#" hasBlock = True elif _G.endblock: _G.endblock = "#/BLOCK_"+_G.endblock+"#" hasBlock = True notFoundBlock = hasBlock # replacements if "\t" == tag[0] and "\v" == tag[-1]: tag = "' + str("+tag[1:-1].strip()+") + '" if hasVariables: # replace variables for v in reversed(variables): id = v[0] varname = v[1] tag = tag.replace(id+'__RAW__', varname) if varname in _G.locals[_G.currentblock]: # local (loop) variable tag = tag.replace(id, ('' if 2 == _G.locals[_G.currentblock][varname] else '_loc_')+varname+v[3]) else: # default (data) variable tag = tag.replace(id, v[2]+v[3]) if hasStrings: # replace strings (accurately) tagTpl = InlineTemplate.multisplit_re(tag, str_re) tag = '' for v in tagTpl: if v[0]: # and replace blocks (accurately) if notFoundBlock: if _G.startblock: blockTag = v[1].find(_G.startblock) if -1 != blockTag: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] = blockTag + len(parsed) + len(tag) notFoundBlock = False else: #if _G.endblock: blockTag = v[1].find(_G.endblock) if -1 != blockTag: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] = blockTag + len(parsed) + len(tag) + len(_G.endblock) notFoundBlock = False tag += v[1] else: tag += strings[v[1]] elif hasBlock: # replace blocks (accurately) if _G.startblock: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] = len(parsed) + tag.find(_G.startblock) else: #if _G.endblock: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] = len(parsed) + tag.find(_G.endblock) + len(_G.endblock) # replace tpl separators if "\v" == tag[-1]: tag = tag[0:-1] + align(_G.tplEnd) if "\t" == tag[0]: tag = _G.tplStart + tag[1:] if hasBlock: # update blocks (accurately) blockTag = len(_G.tplStart)-1 if _G.startblock: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][1] += blockTag else: #if _G.endblock: _G.allblocks[_G.blockptr-1][2] += blockTag parsed += tag return (parse_blocks(parsed) if len(_G.allblocks)>0 else [parsed, []]) if False != withblocks else parsed def get_cached_template_name(id, ctx, cacheDir): global _G if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'): filename = os.path.basename(id) path = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\') if len(path): path += '/' else: filename = id path = '' return os.path.join(cacheDir, path + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', filename) + '_tpl__' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', ctx) + '.py') def get_cached_template_class(id, ctx): global _G if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'): filename = os.path.basename(id) else: filename = id return 'Contemplate_' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', filename) + '__' + re.sub(_G.UNDERL, '_', ctx) def get_template_contents(id, contx): global _G if not Contemplate.hasTpl(id, found = Contemplate.findTpl(id, if not found: return '' tpldef = {} tpldef[id] = found Contemplate.add(tpldef, if id in contx.templates: template = contx.templates[id] elif id in _G.glob.templates: template = _G.glob.templates[id] else: return '' if template[1]: return template[0] # inline tpl elif os.path.exists(template[0]): return read_file(template[0], contx.encoding) return '' def create_template_render_function(id, contx, seps = None): global _G tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx) tpl = get_separators(tpl, seps) reset_state() blocks = parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep) clear_state() renderf = blocks[0] blocks = blocks[1] EOL = _G.TEOL func = _G.TT_FUNC.render({ 'FCODE' : "" if _G.extends else "__p__ += '" + renderf + "'" }) _G.funcId += 1 funcName = '_contemplateFn' + str(_G.funcId) fn = create_function(funcName, 'data,self_,__i__', align(func, 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate}) blockfns = {} for b in blocks: funcName = '_contemplateBlockFn_' + b[0] + '_' + str(_G.funcId) blockfns[b] = create_function(funcName, 'data,self_,__i__', align(b[1], 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate}) return [fn, blockfns] def create_cached_template(id, contx, filename, classname, seps = None): global _G tpl = get_template_contents(id, contx) tpl = get_separators(tpl, seps) reset_state() blocks = parse(tpl, _G.leftTplSep, _G.rightTplSep) clear_state() renderf = blocks[0] blocks = blocks[1] EOL = _G.TEOL # tpl-defined blocks sblocks = '' for b in blocks: sblocks += EOL + _G.TT_BlockCode.render({ 'BLOCKNAME' : b[0] ,'BLOCKMETHODNAME' : "_blockfn_"+b[0] ,'BLOCKMETHODCODE' : align(b[1], 1) }) renderCode = _G.TT_RCODE.render({ 'RCODE' : "__p__ = ''" if _G.extends else "__p__ += '" + renderf + "'" }) extendCode = "self_.extend('"+_G.extends+"')" if _G.extends else '' extendCode += EOL + "self_._usesTpl = ["+("'"+"','".join(_G.uses)+"'" if len(_G.uses) else '')+"]" prefixCode = contx.prefix if contx.prefix else '' # generate tpl class classCode = _G.TT_ClassCode.render({ 'PREFIXCODE' : prefixCode ,'TPLID' : id ,'CLASSNAME' : classname ,'EXTENDCODE' : align(extendCode, 3) ,'BLOCKS' : align(sblocks, 2) ,'RENDERCODE' : align(renderCode, 4) }) return write_file(filename, classCode, contx.encoding) def get_cached_template(id, contx, options = dict()): global _G # inline templates saved only in-memory if id in contx.templates: template = contx.templates[id] elif id in _G.glob.templates: template = _G.glob.templates[id] else: template = None if not options: options = {'context','autoUpdate':False} parsed = options['parsed'] if 'parsed' in options else None if 'parsed' in options: del options['parsed'] if template: # inline templates saved only in-memory if template[1]: # dynamic in-memory caching during page-request tpl = Contemplate.Template() tpl.setId(id).ctx(contx) if parsed: _G.funcId += 1 tpl.setRenderFunction(create_function('_contemplateFn' + str(_G.funcId), 'data,self_,__i__', align(parsed, 1), {'Contemplate': Contemplate})) else: fns = create_template_render_function(id, contx, options['separators']) tpl.setRenderFunction(fns[0]).setBlocks(fns[1]).usesTpl(_G.uses) sprTpl = _G.extends if sprTpl: tpl.extend(Contemplate.tpl(sprTpl, None, options)) return tpl CM = contx.cacheMode if True != options['autoUpdate'] and CM == Contemplate.CACHE_TO_DISK_NOUPDATE: cachedTplFile = get_cached_template_name(id,, contx.cacheDir) cachedTplClass = get_cached_template_class(id, exists = os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile) if not exists: # if not exist, create it if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'): fname = os.path.basename(id) fpath = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\') else: fname = id fpath = '' if len(fpath): create_path(fpath, contx.cacheDir) create_cached_template(id, contx, cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, options['separators']) if os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile): tpl = import_tpl(cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, contx.cacheDir)() tpl.setId(id).ctx(contx) return tpl return None elif True == options['autoUpdate'] or CM == Contemplate.CACHE_TO_DISK_AUTOUPDATE: cachedTplFile = get_cached_template_name(id,, contx.cacheDir) cachedTplClass = get_cached_template_class(id, exists = os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile) if not exists or (os.path.getmtime( cachedTplFile ) <= os.path.getmtime(template[0])): # if tpl not exist or is out-of-sync (re-)create it if not exists: if -1 != id.find('/') or -1 != id.find('\\'): fname = os.path.basename(id) fpath = os.path.dirname(id.rstrip(os.pathsep).rstrip('/\\')).strip('/\\') else: fname = id fpath = '' if len(fpath): create_path(fpath, contx.cacheDir) create_cached_template(id, contx, cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, options['separators']) if os.path.isfile(cachedTplFile): tpl = import_tpl(cachedTplFile, cachedTplClass, contx.cacheDir)() tpl.setId(id).ctx(contx) return tpl return None else: # dynamic in-memory caching during page-request fns = create_template_render_function(id, contx, options['separators']) tpl = Contemplate.Template(id) tpl.ctx(contx).setRenderFunction(fns[0]).setBlocks(fns[1]).usesTpl(_G.uses) sprTpl = _G.extends if sprTpl: tpl.extend(Contemplate.tpl(sprTpl, None, options)) return tpl return None def split_and_filter(r, s, regex = True): return list(filter(lambda x: 0<len(x), map(lambda x: x.strip(), re.split(r, s) if regex else s.split(r)))) def create_path(path, root = '', mode = 0o755): global _G path = path.strip() if not len(path): return parts = split_and_filter(_G.DS_RE, path) current = root.rstrip('/\\') for part in parts: current += '/' + part if not os.path.exists(current): os.mkdir(current, mode) class ContemplateException(Exception): pass class InlineTemplate: def multisplit(tpl, reps = dict(), as_array = False): #as_array = isinstance(reps, (list,tuple)) a = [[1, tpl]] items = enumerate(reps) if as_array else reps.items() for r,s in items: c = [] sr = s if as_array else r s = [0, s] for ai in a: if 1 == ai[0]: b = ai[1].split(sr) bl = len(b) c.append([1, b[0]]) if bl > 1: for j in range(bl-1): c.append(s) c.append([1, b[j+1]]) else: c.append(ai) a = c return a def multisplit_re(tpl, rex): a = [ ] i = 0 m =, i) while m: a.append([1, tpl[i:m.start()]]) try: mg = except: mg = is_numeric = False try: mn = int(mg,10) is_numeric = False if math.isnan(mn) else True except ValueError: is_numeric = False a.append([0, mn if is_numeric else mg]) i = m.end() m =, i) a.append([1, tpl[i:]]) return a def compile(tpl): global _G l = len(tpl) out = 'return (' for s in tpl: notIsSub = s[0] s = s[ 1 ] if notIsSub: out += "'" + re.sub(_G.NEWLINE, "' + \"\\\\n\" + '", re.sub(_G.SQUOTE, "\\'", s)) + "'" else: out += " + str(args['" + s + "']) + " out += ')' _G.funcId += 1 funcName = '_contemplateInlineFn' + str(_G.funcId) return create_function(funcName, 'args', ' ' + out, {}) def __init__(self, tpl = '', replacements = None, compiled = False): if not replacements: replacements = {} = None self._renderer = None self._parsed = False # lazy init, only if needed, as and when needed self._args = [tpl, replacements, compiled] self.tpl = None def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose(self): = None self.tpl = None self._renderer = None self._parsed = None self._args = None return self def render(self, args = None): if not args: args = [] if not self._parsed: # lazy init, only if needed, as and when needed tpl = self._args[0] replacements = self._args[1] compiled = self._args[2] self.tpl = InlineTemplate.multisplit_re(tpl, replacements) if isinstance(replacements, T_REGEXP) else InlineTemplate.multisplit(tpl, replacements) if compiled is True: self._renderer = InlineTemplate.compile(self.tpl) self._args = None self._parsed = True if callable(self._renderer): return self._renderer(args) tpl = self.tpl out = '' for s in tpl: notIsSub = s[0] s = s[1] out += str(s) if notIsSub else str(args[s]) return out class Template: def __init__(self, id = None): self._renderer = None self._blocks = None self._extends = None self._usesTpl = None self._ctx = None self._autonomus = False = None if id is not None: = id def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose(self): self._renderer = None self._blocks = None self._extends = None self._usesTpl = None self._ctx = None self._autonomus = None = None return self def setId(self, id = None): if id is not None: = id return self def ctx(self, ctx): self._ctx = ctx return self def autonomus(self, enable = True): self._autonomus = bool(enable) return self def extend(self, tpl): self._extends = Contemplate.tpl(tpl) if tpl and isinstance(tpl, str) else (tpl if isinstance(tpl, Template) else None) return self def usesTpl(self, usesTpls): self._usesTpl = [usesTpls] if isinstance(usesTpls,str) else usesTpls return self def setBlocks(self, blocks): if not self._blocks: self._blocks = {} self._blocks = Contemplate.merge(self._blocks, blocks) return self def setRenderFunction(self, renderFunc = None): self._renderer = renderFunc if callable(renderFunc) else None return self def sprblock(self, block, data): #if not __i__: __i__ = self if self._extends: return self._extends.block(block, data, self._extends) return '' def block(self, block, data, __i__ = None): __ctx = False r = '' if not __i__: __i__ = self if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx) if (self._blocks) and (block in self._blocks) and callable(self._blocks[block]): blockfunc = self._blocks[block] r = blockfunc(data, self, __i__) elif self._extends: r = self._extends.block(block, data, __i__) if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx) return r def render(self, data, __i__ = None): __ctx = False __p__ = '' if not __i__: __i__ = self if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self._ctx) if self._extends: __p__ = self._extends.render(data, __i__) elif callable(self._renderer): # dynamic function __p__ = self._renderer(data, self, __i__) if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx) return __p__ # aliases def renderBlock(self, block, data, __i__ = None): return self.block(self, block, data, __i__) def renderSuperBlock(self, block, data): return self.sprblock(self, block, data) class Ctx: def __init__(self, id): = id self.cacheDir = './' self.cacheMode = 0 self.cache = {} self.templateDirs = [] self.templateFinder = None self.templates = {} self.partials = {} self.plugins = {} self.prefix = '' self.encoding = 'utf-8' def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose(self): = None self.cacheDir = None self.cacheMode = None self.templateDirs = None self.templateFinder = None self.templates = None self.partials = None self.plugins = None self.prefix = None self.encoding = None if self.cache: for tpl in self.cache: self.cache[tpl].dispose() self.cache = None # # The Contemplate Engine Main Python Class # class Contemplate: """ Contemplate Template Engine for Python, """ # constants (not real constants in Python) VERSION = "1.6.0" CACHE_TO_DISK_NONE = 0 CACHE_TO_DISK_AUTOUPDATE = 2 CACHE_TO_DISK_NOUPDATE = 4 Exception = ContemplateException InlineTemplate = InlineTemplate Template = Template Ctx = Ctx # # def init(): global _G if _G.isInited: return # a default global context _G.glob = Ctx('global') _G.ctx = { 'global' : _G.glob } _G.context = _G.glob # pre-compute the needed regular expressions _G.preserveLines = _G.preserveLinesDefault _G.tplStart = "'" + _G.TEOL _G.tplEnd = _G.TEOL + "__p__ += '" # make compilation templates _G.TT_ClassCode = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([ "# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-" ,"#PREFIXCODE#" ,"# Contemplate cached template '#TPLID#'" ,"def __getTplClass__(Contemplate):" ," # extends the main Contemplate.Template class" ," class #CLASSNAME#(Contemplate.Template):" ," 'Contemplate cached template #TPLID#'" ," # constructor" ," def __init__(self, id = None):" ," self_ = self" ," super(#CLASSNAME#, self).__init__(id)" ," # extend tpl assign code starts here" ,"#EXTENDCODE#" ," # extend tpl assign code ends here" ," # tpl-defined blocks render code starts here" ,"#BLOCKS#" ," # tpl-defined blocks render code ends here" ," # render a tpl block method" ," def block(self, block, data, __i__ = None):" ," self_ = self" ," __ctx = False" ," r = ''" ," if not __i__:" ," __i__ = self_" ," if not self_._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)" ," method = '_blockfn_' + block" ," if (hasattr(self_, method) and callable(getattr(self_, method))):" ," r = getattr(self_, method)(data, self_, __i__)" ," elif self_._extends:" ," r = self_._extends.block(block, data, __i__)" ," if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)" ," return r" ," # render method" ," def render(self, data, __i__ = None):" ," self_ = self" ," __ctx = False" ," __p__ = ''" ," if not __i__:" ," __i__ = self_" ," if not self._autonomus: __ctx = Contemplate._set_ctx(self_._ctx)" ," if self_._extends:" ," __p__ = self_._extends.render(data, __i__)" ,"" ," else:" ," # tpl main render code starts here" ,"#RENDERCODE#" ," # tpl main render code ends here" ,"" ," if __ctx: Contemplate._set_ctx(__ctx)" ," return __p__" ," return #CLASSNAME#" ,"# allow to 'import *' from this file as a module" ,"__all__ = ['__getTplClass__']" ,"" ]), { "#PREFIXCODE#" : "PREFIXCODE" ,"#CLASSNAME#" : "CLASSNAME" ,"#TPLID#" : "TPLID" ,"#BLOCKS#" : "BLOCKS" ,"#EXTENDCODE#" : "EXTENDCODE" ,"#RENDERCODE#" : "RENDERCODE" }, False) _G.TT_BlockCode = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"# tpl block render method for block '#BLOCKNAME#'" ,"def #BLOCKMETHODNAME#(self, data, self_, __i__):" ,"#BLOCKMETHODCODE#" ,"" ]), { "#BLOCKNAME#" : "BLOCKNAME" ,"#BLOCKMETHODNAME#" : "BLOCKMETHODNAME" ,"#BLOCKMETHODCODE#" : "BLOCKMETHODCODE" }, False) _G.TT_BLOCK = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"__p__ = ''" ,"#BLOCKCODE#" ,"return __p__" ,"" ]), { "#BLOCKCODE#" : "BLOCKCODE" }, False) _G.TT_FUNC = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"__p__ = ''" ,"#FCODE#" ,"return __p__" ,"" ]), { "#FCODE#" : "FCODE" }, False) _G.TT_RCODE = InlineTemplate(_G.TEOL.join([ "" ,"#RCODE#" ,"" ]), { "#RCODE#" : "RCODE" }, False) clear_state() _G.isInited = True def _set_ctx(ctx): global _G contx = _G.context #if isinstance(ctx, Ctx): _G.context = ctx #elif ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx): _G.context = _G.ctx[ctx] #else: _G.context = _G.glob _G.context = ctx if ctx else _G.glob return contx # # Main API methods # def createCtx(ctx): global _G if ctx and ('global' != ctx) and (ctx not in _G.ctx): _G.ctx[ctx] = Ctx(ctx) def disposeCtx(ctx): global _G if ctx and ('global' != ctx) and (ctx in _G.ctx): _G.ctx[ctx].dispose() del _G.ctx[ctx] def setTemplateSeparators(seps = None): global _G if seps: if 'left' in seps: _G.leftTplSep = str(seps['left']) if 'right' in seps: _G.rightTplSep = str(seps['right']) def setPreserveLines(enable = True): global _G _G.preserveLines = _G.preserveLinesDefault if enable else '' def hasPlugin(name, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context return name and ((name in contx.plugins) or (name in _G.glob.plugins)) def addPlugin(name, pluginCode, ctx = 'global'): global _G if name and pluginCode: contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.plugins[str(name)] = pluginCode def plg_(plg, *args): global _G if plg in _G.context.plugins and callable(_G.context.plugins[plg]): return _G.context.plugins[plg](*args) elif plg in _G.glob.plugins and callable(_G.glob.plugins[plg]): return _G.glob.plugins[plg](*args) return '' def setPrefixCode(preCode = None, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context if preCode: contx.prefix = str(preCode) def setEncoding(encoding, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.encoding = encoding def setCacheDir(dir, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context _self = Contemplate _dir = contx.cacheDir = os.path.abspath(dir) initPyFile = os.path.join(_dir, '') if not os.path.exists(initPyFile): _initPy_ = """\ # added by Engine # dummy Python file # used with Contemplate 'import' # to import_tpl cached templates as modules, for optimization """ write_file(initPyFile, _initPy_, contx.encoding) #if _dir not in os.sys.path: # # allow to use 'import' in order to import_tpl cached templates # os.sys.path.append(_dir) def setCacheMode(mode, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.cacheMode = mode def setTemplateDirs(dirs, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.templateDirs = [dirs] if isinstance(dirs,str) else dirs def getTemplateDirs(ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context return contx.templateDirs def setTemplateFinder(finder, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.templateFinder = finder if callable(finder) else None def clearCache(all = False, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context contx.cache = {} if all: contx.partials = {} def hasTpl(tpl, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context return tpl and ((tpl in contx.templates) or (tpl in _G.glob.templates)) def add(tpls, ctx = 'global'): global _G if tpls and isinstance(tpls, dict): contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context for tplID in tpls: if isinstance(tpls[tplID], (list, tuple)): # unified way to add tpls both as reference and inline # inline tpl, passed as array if len(tpls[tplID][0]): contx.templates[tplID] = [tpls[tplID][0], True] else: contx.templates[tplID] = [tpls[tplID], False] def getTemplateContents(id, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context return get_template_contents(id, contx) def findTpl(tpl, ctx = 'global'): global _G contx = _G.ctx[ctx] if ctx and (ctx in _G.ctx) else _G.context if callable(contx.templateFinder): return contx.templateFinder(tpl) if len(contx.templateDirs): filename = tpl.lstrip('/\\') for dir in contx.templateDirs: path = dir.rstrip('/\\') + '/' + filename if os.path.exists(path): return path return None if contx != _G.glob: contx = _G.glob if callable(contx.templateFinder): return contx.templateFinder(tpl) if len(contx.templateDirs): filename = tpl.lstrip('/\\') for dir in contx.templateDirs: path = dir.rstrip('/\\') + '/' + filename if os.path.exists(path): return path return None return None def parseTpl(tpl, options = dict()): global _G # see what context this template may use contx = None if isinstance(options, str): if options in _G.ctx: contx = _G.ctx[options] # preset context else: contx = _G.glob # global context options = {} options = merge({ 'separators': None }, {} if not options else options) if 'context' in options: if options['context'] in _G.ctx: contx = _G.ctx[options['context']] # preset context elif not contx: contx = _G.glob # global context del options['context'] if not contx: contx = _G.glob # global context leftSep = _G.leftTplSep rightSep = _G.rightTplSep separators = options['separators'] if options and ('separators' in options) else None if separators: leftSep = separators[0] rightSep = separators[1] _ctx = _G.context _G.context = contx reset_state() parsed = parse(tpl, leftSep, rightSep) clear_state() _G.context = _ctx return parsed # # Main Template functions # def tpl(tpl, data = None, options = None): global _G if isinstance(tpl, Contemplate.Template): tmpl = tpl else: if options is None: options = {} # see what context this template may use contx = None if isinstance(options, str): if options in _G.ctx: contx = _G.ctx[options] # preset context else: contx = _G.context # current context options = {} options = merge({ 'separators': None ,'autoUpdate': False ,'refresh': False ,'escape': False ,'standalone': False }, {} if not options else options) if 'context' in options: if options['context'] in _G.ctx: contx = _G.ctx[options['context']] # preset context elif not contx: contx = _G.context # current context del options['context'] if not contx: contx = _G.context # current context _G.escape = False if False == options['escape'] else True if 'parsed' not in options and not Contemplate.hasTpl(tpl, path = Contemplate.findTpl(tpl, if not path: return '' if isinstance(data, dict) else None tpldef = {} tpldef[tpl] = path Contemplate.add(tpldef, # Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to # load the template - and be sure to cache the result. if options['refresh'] or ((tpl not in contx.cache) and (tpl not in _G.glob.cache)): _ctx = _G.context _G.context = contx contx.cache[tpl] = get_cached_template(tpl, contx, options) _G.context = _ctx tmpl = contx.cache[tpl] if tpl in contx.cache else _G.glob.cache[tpl] tmpl.autonomus(options['standalone']) # Provide some basic currying to the user return str(tmpl.render(data)) if isinstance(data, dict) else tmpl def inline(tpl, reps = None, compiled = False): if isinstance(tpl, Contemplate.InlineTemplate): return str(tpl.render(reps)) return Contemplate.InlineTemplate(tpl, reps, compiled) def concat(*args): return ''.join(map(str, args)) def join(sep, args, skip_empty = False): if args is None: return '' skip_empty = skip_empty is True if not isinstance(args, (list,tuple)): return '' if skip_empty and not len(str(args)) else str(args) if sep is None: sep = '' if not isinstance(sep, str): sep = str(sep) l = len(args) out = (Contemplate.join(sep, args[0], skip_empty) if isinstance(args[0], (list,tuple)) else ('' if skip_empty and (args[0] is None or not len(str(args[0]))) else str(args[0]))) if l > 0 else '' for i in range(1, l): s = Contemplate.join(sep, args[i], skip_empty) if isinstance(args[i], (list,tuple)) else ('' if skip_empty and (args[i] is None or not len(str(args[i]))) else str(args[i])) if (not skip_empty) or len(s) > 0: out += sep + s return out def keys(o): return array_keys(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple,dict)) else [] def values(o): return array_values(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple,dict)) else [] def items(o): return enumerate(o) if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)) else (o.items() if isinstance(o, dict) else []) def count(a): # return 0 if a is None else len(a) def is_array(v, strict = False): return isinstance(v, list) if strict else isinstance(v, (tuple,list,dict)) def in_array(v, a): return (v in a) def is_list(v): return isinstance(v, list) def haskey(v, *args): if not v or not isinstance(v, (list,tuple,dict)): return False tmp = v for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(tmp, (list,tuple)): k = int(args[i]) if k < 0 or k >= len(tmp): return False tmp = tmp[k] elif isinstance(tmp, dict): k = str(args[i]) if k not in tmp: return False tmp = tmp[k] else: return False return True def time(): return php_time() def date(format, timestamp = None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = php_time() return php_date(format, timestamp) def lowercase(s): return str(s).lower() def uppercase(s): return str(s).upper() def striptags(s): global _G return re.sub(_G.TAG_RE, '', s) def e(s, entities = True): f = '' if entities: for c in s: if '&' == c: f += '&amp;' elif '<' == c: f += '&lt;' elif '>' == c: f += '&gt;' elif '"' == c: f += '&quot;' elif '\'' == c: f += '&apos;' else: f += c else: for c in s: if '&' == c: f += '&#38;' elif '<' == c: f += '&#60;' elif '>' == c: f += '&#62;' elif '"' == c: f += '&#34;' elif '\'' == c: f += '&#39;' else: f += c return f def json_encode(v): return json.dumps(v) def json_decode(v): return json.loads(v) def urlencode(s): return urlencode(s) def urldecode(s): return urldecode(s) def buildquery(data): return http_build_query(data, '&') def parsequery(s): return parse_str(s) def queryvar(url, add_keys, remove_keys = None): global _G if remove_keys is not None and not isinstance(remove_keys, list): remove_keys = [remove_keys] if remove_keys and len(remove_keys): # keys = remove_keys for key in keys: url = re.sub(r'(\?|&)' + re.escape(urlencode(str(key))) + r'(\[[^\[\]]*\])*(=[^&]+)?', '\\1', url) url = re.sub(_G.AMP_RE, '&', url).replace('?&', '?') last = url[-1] if '?' == last or '&' == last: url = url[0:-1] if add_keys and len(add_keys): keys = add_keys q = '?' if -1 == url.find('?') else '&' for key in keys: value = keys[key] key = urlencode(str(key)) if isinstance(value, (list,tuple,dict)): if isinstance(value, (list,tuple)): for v in value: url += q + key + '[]=' + urlencode(str(v)) q = '&' else: for k in value: url += q + key + '[' + urlencode(k) + ']=' + urlencode(str(value[k])) q = '&' else: url += q + key + '=' + urlencode(str(value)) q = '&' return url def get(v, keys, default_value = None): if not Contemplate.is_array(keys, True): keys = [keys] o = v found = 1 for key in keys: if isinstance(o, (list,tuple)): key = int(key) if 0 <= key and key < len(o): o = o[key] else: found = 0 break elif isinstance(o, dict): key = str(key) if key in o: o = o[key] else: found = 0 break else: key = str(key) if hasattr(o, key): o = getattr(o, key) else: keyGetter = 'get' + key[0].upper() + key[1:] if hasattr(o, keyGetter) and callable(getattr(o, keyGetter)): o = getattr(o, keyGetter)() else: found = 0 break return o if found else default_value def uuid(namespace = 'UUID'): global _G _G.uuid += 1 return '_'.join([str(namespace), str(_G.uuid), str(php_time())]) def merge(m, *args): numargs = len(args) if numargs < 1: return m merged = m for arg in args: # merged = dict(merged) merged.update(arg) return merged #local_variable = local_variable #is_local_variable = is_local_variable # extra for py version def empty(v): # exactly like php's function return (isinstance(v, str) and "0" == v) or not bool(v) def trim(s, charlist = None): return s.strip(charlist) if charlist else s.strip() def ltrim(s, charlist = None): return s.lstrip(charlist) if charlist else s.lstrip() def rtrim(s, charlist = None): return s.rstrip(charlist) if charlist else s.rstrip() sprintf = sprintf vsprintf = vsprintf # init the engine on load Contemplate.init() # if used with 'import *' __all__ = ['Contemplate']